
时间:2014-06-08 15:34:08

标签: arrays algorithm multidimensional-array 3d


enter image description here

等等...但是出于可视化目的,我已经在2D中显示但实际上它是3D,所以当我们离开时,我们将在每个偶数迭代创建一个立方体并在每个奇数迭代上创建一个球体。但 enter image description here

它看起来像3D一样 enter image description here

希望我以最好的方式提出我的问题...请帮我构建一个算法,我已经尝试了很多但没有找到正确的路径......我熟悉C, C ++,C#,JAVA所以如果我能用这些语言得到答案,我将不胜感激,否则只需分享我将实现它的算法......



enter image description here

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


BFT需要使用名为Queue的数据结构,这是一个先进先出列表。首先,我们向队列提供起始点,并将其标记为已访问,这意味着它已进入队列,并且不允许在遍历中的任何时间进入。然后我们将应用一个程序,该程序将轮询头节点,将其标记为已访问,并提供其未访问的邻居。一次又一次地执行相同的过程,直到访问所有节点,因此队列为空。我们在这里使用队列的原因是允许以平衡的方式遍历节点。在这个多维数据集遍历程序中,提供中间节点将跟随从队列中轮询并提供其6个邻居(在> = 3x3x3多维数据集的情况下)。然后,每个邻居节点将按入口顺序轮询,并且它们的邻居将在队列的末尾提供。处方继续运行,直到没有未访问的邻居为止。

首先,我们需要知道立方体的大小。 3x3x3的立方体意味着我们应该创建27个节点。我创建了一个名为generateCubeGraph()的方法,它将生成输入字符串以通知程序有关邻居节点之间的关系。此方法返回输出的示例:

27 54
0 1
0 3
0 9
1 2
1 4
1 10

存储链接后,我们需要做的就是使用BFT算法遍历立方体图。检查以上有关其工作原理的说明并阅读实施内容,以便更好地了解其工作原理 打印方法是可选的,它们有助于实现和描述代码的工作方式。


enter image description here

以下是JAVA中3 x 3 x 3节点的多维数据集的代码:(您可以通过修改sideNode变量来更改每边的节点数)

import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.Scanner;

 * Driver class: Build, traverse, print linkage
public class CubeDriver {
    public static void main(String[] args) {

        // How many nodes per side
        int sideNodes = 3;

        Cube cube = new Cube();

        System.out.println("Node execution order: ");

        System.out.println("Nodes links:");

        System.out.println("Nodes on Layers:");

 * Cube creator
class Cube{

    // Adjacency list (Hold node's neighbors)
    int al[][];

    // Degree array (Count how many neighbor per node)
    int dl[];

    int NODES;
    int EDGES;
    int MAX_LINKS = 6; // No node can have more than 6 links in all case

     * Create the links between nodes based on the input generated by generateCubeGraph() mehtod
    public void build(String input){
        Scanner scan = new Scanner(input);

        // Get #Nodes and #Edges
        NODES = scan.nextInt();
        EDGES = scan.nextInt();

        // Initialize 2D Array and Degree array
        al = new int[NODES][MAX_LINKS];
        dl = new int[NODES];

        // Store the link between nodes
        for(int i=0; i<EDGES; i++){
            int node1, node2;

            node1  = scan.nextInt();
            node2 = scan.nextInt();

            int node1Neighbors = dl[node1]++;
            int node2Neighbors = dl[node2]++;

            al[node1][node1Neighbors] = node2;
            al[node2][node2Neighbors] = node1;


     * Traverse using Breadth first traversal method
     * Plug the middle node in a queue, then poll it and put it's neighbor, then poll each neighbor and put their neighbors if not visited already
    public void BFT(){
        int visited[] = new int[NODES];
        Queue<Integer> q = new LinkedList<Integer>();
        int VISITED = 1;

        // Plug the center node
        int middle = NODES/2;
        visited[middle] = VISITED;

            int polledNode = q.poll();
            System.out.print(polledNode + " ");

            for(int i=0; i < dl[polledNode]; i++){
                int neighbor = al[polledNode][i];

                if(visited[neighbor] != VISITED){
                    visited[neighbor] = VISITED;

     * Input generator for a cube
    public String generateCubeGraph(int n){
        int SIDE = n; // Number of nodes in one side of the cube
        String links = ""; // Holds the final output
        int link = 0; // Counts the number of links

        for(int row=0; row<SIDE; row++){
            for(int col=0; col<SIDE; col++){
                for(int depth=0; depth<SIDE; depth++){
                    int current = depth + (col * SIDE) + (row * SIDE * SIDE);

                    // If not last depth
                    if(depth != SIDE-1){
                        links += String.format("%d %d\n", current, current+1);

                    // If not last col
                    if(col != SIDE-1){
                        links += String.format("%d %d\n", current, current+SIDE);

                    // If not last row
                    if(row != SIDE-1){
                        links += String.format("%d %d\n", current, current+(SIDE*SIDE));

        // return #Nodes, #Edges, links ...
        return String.format("%d %d\n%s", SIDE*SIDE*SIDE, link, links);

     * Prints the links between each nodes. Used for debugging only
    public void printAL(){
        for(int node = 0; node < NODES; node++){
            System.out.print(String.format("Node %3d linked to nodes: ", node));
            for(int neighbor = 0; neighbor < dl[node]; neighbor++){
                System.out.print(String.format("%3d ", al[node][neighbor]));

     * Print 3D layers nodes number
     * */
    public void printLayers(int sideNode){
        for(int layer=0; layer<sideNode; layer++){
            System.out.println("Layer: " + layer);
            for(int row = 0; row < sideNode; row++){
                for(int col = 0; col < sideNode; col++){
                    int current = layer + (col * sideNode) + (row * sideNode * sideNode);
                    System.out.print(String.format("%3d ", current));


Node execution order: 
13 4 10 12 14 16 22 1 3 5 7 9 11 19 15 21 17 23 25 0 2 6 8 18 20 24 26 

Nodes links:
Node   0 linked to nodes:   1   3   9 
Node   1 linked to nodes:   0   2   4  10 
Node   2 linked to nodes:   1   5  11 
Node   3 linked to nodes:   0   4   6  12 
Node   4 linked to nodes:   1   3   5   7  13 
Node   5 linked to nodes:   2   4   8  14 
Node   6 linked to nodes:   3   7  15 
Node   7 linked to nodes:   4   6   8  16 
Node   8 linked to nodes:   5   7  17 
Node   9 linked to nodes:   0  10  12  18 
Node  10 linked to nodes:   1   9  11  13  19 
Node  11 linked to nodes:   2  10  14  20 
Node  12 linked to nodes:   3   9  13  15  21 
Node  13 linked to nodes:   4  10  12  14  16  22 
Node  14 linked to nodes:   5  11  13  17  23 
Node  15 linked to nodes:   6  12  16  24 
Node  16 linked to nodes:   7  13  15  17  25 
Node  17 linked to nodes:   8  14  16  26 
Node  18 linked to nodes:   9  19  21 
Node  19 linked to nodes:  10  18  20  22 
Node  20 linked to nodes:  11  19  23 
Node  21 linked to nodes:  12  18  22  24 
Node  22 linked to nodes:  13  19  21  23  25 
Node  23 linked to nodes:  14  20  22  26 
Node  24 linked to nodes:  15  21  25 
Node  25 linked to nodes:  16  22  24  26 
Node  26 linked to nodes:  17  23  25 

Nodes on Layers: // Check the picture above to know what the below layers are.
Layer: 0
  0   3   6 
  9  12  15 
 18  21  24 

Layer: 1
  1   4   7 
 10  13  16 
 19  22  25 

Layer: 2
  2   5   8 
 11  14  17 
 20  23  26 


3D Model for a 5 x 5 x 5 Cube

答案 1 :(得分:0)



