- (void)drawRect:(NSRect)dirtyRect {
* Observant readers will notice that I update the whole view here. If
* there is a perceived performance problem, then I'll switch to just
* updating the dirty rect.
NSRect boundsRect = self.bounds;
const CGFloat monthHeight = 0.25 * boundsRect.size.height;
NSRect monthRect = NSMakeRect(boundsRect.origin.x,
boundsRect.origin.y + boundsRect.size.height
- monthHeight,
[monthCell drawWithFrame: monthRect inView: self];
NSRect dayRect = NSMakeRect(boundsRect.origin.x,
boundsRect.size.height - monthHeight);
[dayCell drawWithFrame: dayRect inView: self];
[[NSColor blackColor] set];
[NSBezierPath strokeRect: boundsRect];
答案 0 :(得分:5)
#define kMaxFontSize 10000
- (CGFloat)fontSizeForAreaSize:(NSSize)areaSize withString:(NSString *)stringToSize usingFont:(NSString *)fontName;
NSFont * displayFont = nil;
NSSize stringSize = NSZeroSize;
NSMutableDictionary * fontAttributes = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
if (areaSize.width == 0.0 || areaSize.height == 0.0) {
return 0.0;
NSUInteger fontLoop = 0;
for (fontLoop = 1; fontLoop <= kMaxFontSize; fontLoop++) {
displayFont = [[NSFontManager sharedFontManager] convertWeight:YES ofFont:[NSFont fontWithName:fontName size:fontLoop]];
[fontAttributes setObject:displayFont forKey:NSFontAttributeName];
stringSize = [stringToSize sizeWithAttributes:fontAttributes];
if (stringSize.width > areaSize.width)
if (stringSize.height > areaSize.height)
[fontAttributes release], fontAttributes = nil;
return (CGFloat)fontLoop - 1.0;
答案 1 :(得分:2)
- (NSFont *)labelFontForText: (NSString *)text inRect: (NSRect)rect {
CGFloat prevSize = 0.0, guessSize = 16.0, tempSize;
NSFont *guessFont = nil;
while (fabs(guessSize - prevSize) > 0.125) {
guessFont = [NSFont labelFontOfSize: guessSize];
NSSize textSize = [text sizeWithAttributes:
[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject: guessFont
forKey: NSFontAttributeName]];
if (textSize.width > rect.size.width ||
textSize.height > rect.size.height) {
tempSize = guessSize - (guessSize - prevSize) / 2.0;
else {
tempSize = guessSize + (guessSize - prevSize) / 2.0;
prevSize = guessSize;
guessSize = tempSize;
return [[guessFont retain] autorelease];
限制(你最好不需要32pt或更大的字体,或任何不是Lucida Grande的东西)对我的需求并不重要,但肯定会让一些人不使用这种方法。我会把问题保持开放,接受更强大的方法。
答案 2 :(得分:1)
-(float)scaleToAspectFit:(CGSize)source into:(CGSize)into padding:(float)padding
return MIN((into.width-padding) / source.width, (into.height-padding) / source.height);
-(NSFont*)fontSizedForAreaSize:(NSSize)size withString:(NSString*)string usingFont:(NSFont*)font;
NSFont* sampleFont = [NSFont fontWithDescriptor:font.fontDescriptor size:12.];//use standard size to prevent error accrual
CGSize sampleSize = [string sizeWithAttributes:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:sampleFont, NSFontAttributeName, nil]];
float scale = [self scaleToAspectFit:sampleSize into:size padding:10];
return [NSFont fontWithDescriptor:font.fontDescriptor size:scale * sampleFont.pointSize];
答案 3 :(得分:0)
1)在这个问题中做:How to truncate an NSString based on the graphical width?,即尝试不同尺寸,直到它不再适合
答案 4 :(得分:0)
- (void)drawInteriorWithFrame:(NSRect)cellFrame inView:(NSView *)controlView
//Create attributes
NSColor *text_color = nil;
NSFont *font = [self font];
NSString *fontName = [font fontName];
double fontSize = [font pointSize];
NSInteger text_size = (int) fontSize;
if([self isHighlighted])
text_color = [NSColor colorWithCalibratedRed:1 green:1 blue:1 alpha:1];
text_color = [NSColor colorWithCalibratedRed:0 green:0 blue:0 alpha:1];
NSDictionary *attributes = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
[NSFont fontWithName:fontName size:fontSize], NSFontAttributeName,
text_color, NSForegroundColorAttributeName,
NSAttributedString * currentText=[[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString:[self title] attributes: attributes];
NSSize attrSize = [currentText size];
while (attrSize.width > cellFrame.size.width && --text_size > 0) {
attributes = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
[NSFont fontWithName:fontName size:text_size], NSFontAttributeName,
text_color, NSForegroundColorAttributeName,
currentText=[[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString:[self title] attributes: attributes];
attrSize = [currentText size];
switch ([self alignment]) {
case NSLeftTextAlignment:
[currentText drawAtPoint:NSMakePoint( cellFrame.origin.x,
cellFrame.origin.y + (cellFrame.size.height/2) - (attrSize.height/2))];
case NSRightTextAlignment:
[currentText drawAtPoint:NSMakePoint( cellFrame.origin.x + (cellFrame.size.width) - (attrSize.width),
cellFrame.origin.y + (cellFrame.size.height/2) - (attrSize.height/2))];
case NSCenterTextAlignment:
[currentText drawAtPoint:NSMakePoint( cellFrame.origin.x + (cellFrame.size.width /2) - (attrSize.width/2),
cellFrame.origin.y + (cellFrame.size.height/2) - (attrSize.height/2))];
答案 5 :(得分:0)
精确文本宽度大小的关键关键(这也适用于文本高度)是要意识到渲染文本的宽度当然会有所不同 - 但是线性! - 设置font-size属性。当具有线性函数时,不需要二进制搜索,或者挑选并测试所有可能的font-size属性值;一个人只需要确定图表上的两个点。
我发现这种方法可以统一产生良好和快速的结果。当然,对于字体的变化,有时您可能会获得在边界框边缘悬挂两到三个像素的字符 - 但这是字体设计的人工制品。精心设计的字体效果很好,即使使用疯狂的字体,通常也只能提供几个像素的边界余地。
// text.m
@interface drawtext : NSObject {
// name of the font to be used
NSString *fontname;
// instantiations of that font, at size 20 and at size 40, and at the currently-best size
NSFont *font20, *font40, *font;
// first sizing function: rendered string height as a function of the font-size attribute
CGFloat mh, bh;
// second sizing function: rendered string width as a function of the font-size attribute
CGFloat mw, bw;
@implementation drawtext
// The caller specifies the text string (all capitals! no descenders!) to be drawn, the
// name of the font to use, the box in which to draw the text, and a border if desired.
// The routine returns the fontsize to be used, and the origin to be used for the
// "drawAtPoint" message. This will result in the largest rendition of the text string
// which meets the constraints.
+ (void) sizeText: (NSString *) captext // the string of text to evaluate for font size
usingFontName: (NSString *) fontname // the string name of the font to be employed
inBox: (NSRect) box // the containing box on the screen
withBorder: (NSSize) border // the # of pixels to leave blank as X & Y borders
usingFontSize: (CGFloat *) fontsize // (returned) what font-size to use
atOrigin: (NSPoint *) origin // (returned) where to execute the drawAtPoint
// let's start by redefining the containing box to presume the borders
NSRect newBox;
newBox.origin.x = box.origin.x + border.width;
newBox.origin.y = box.origin.y + border.height;
newBox.size.width = box.size.width - 2.0 * border.width;
newBox.size.height = box.size.height - 2.0 * border.height;
// find out dimensions at font size = 20, then at font size = 40, to use for extrapolation
NSSize s20, s40;
NSFont *f20 = [NSFont fontWithName:fontname size:20];
NSMutableAttributedString *mtext20 = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithString:captext];
[mtext20 addAttribute:NSFontAttributeName value:f20 range:NSMakeRange(0,[mtext20 length])];
s20.width = mtext20.size.width;
s20.height = f20.capHeight;
NSFont *f40 = [NSFont fontWithName:fontname size:40];
NSMutableAttributedString *mtext40 = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithString:captext];
[mtext40 addAttribute:NSFontAttributeName value:f40 range:NSMakeRange(0,[mtext40 length])];
s40.width = mtext40.size.width;
s40.height = f40.capHeight;
// hsize is "font size to cause height of rendered string to match box height"
// wsize is "font size to cause width of rendered string to match box width"
CGFloat x1, x2, y1, y2, m, b, hsize, wsize;
// cap height as function of text size, in y = mx + b format
x1 = 20;
y1 = s20.height;
x2 = 40;
y2 = s40.height;
m = ( y2 - y1 ) / ( x2 - x1 );
b = y1 - ( m * x1 );
hsize = ( newBox.size.height - b ) / m;
// string len as function of text size, y = mx + b format
x1 = 20;
y1 = s20.width;
x2 = 40;
y2 = s40.width;
m = ( y2 - y1 ) / ( x2 - x1 );
b = y1 - ( m * x1 );
wsize = ( newBox.size.width - b ) / m;
// choose the lesser of the two extrapolated font-sizes to fit the string into the box,
// and at the same time, find the origin point at which to render the string
// if ( hsize < wsize ) { // there will be east-west spaces
// else { // there will be north-south spaces
*fontsize = fmin( hsize, wsize );
NSSize textSize;
NSMutableAttributedString *mtext = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithString:captext];
NSFont *f = [NSFont fontWithName:fontname size:*fontsize];
[mtext addAttribute:NSFontAttributeName value:f range:NSMakeRange(0,[mtext length])];
textSize.width = mtext.size.width;
textSize.height = f.capHeight;
// don't forget "descender", as this is an all-caps string (strings with descenders are
// left as an extra credit exercise for the reader :)
origin->y = newBox.origin.y + f.descender + ( ( newBox.size.height / 2.0 ) - ( textSize.height / 2.0 ) );
origin->x = ( newBox.origin.x + ( newBox.size.width / 2.0 ) ) - ( textSize.width / 2.0 );
// Like the previous routine, except the font size is specified by the caller (this is
// employed in the case it is desired that various text strings, in different containing
// boxes, are to be drawn in the same font size).
+ (void) placeText: (NSString *) captext // the string of text to evaluate for positioning
usingFontName: (NSString *) fontname // the string name of the font to be employed
inBox: (NSRect) box // the containing box on the screen
withBorder: (NSSize) border // the # of pixels to leave blank as X & Y borders
usingFontSize: (CGFloat) fontsize // (passed) what font-size to use
atOrigin: (NSPoint *) origin // (returned) where to execute the drawAtPoint
NSRect newBox;
newBox.origin.x = box.origin.x + border.width;
newBox.origin.y = box.origin.y + border.height;
newBox.size.width = box.size.width - 2.0 * border.width;
newBox.size.height = box.size.height - 2.0 * border.height;
NSSize textSize;
NSMutableAttributedString *mtext = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithString:captext];
NSFont *f = [NSFont fontWithName:fontname size:fontsize];
[mtext addAttribute:NSFontAttributeName value:f range:NSMakeRange(0,[mtext length])];
textSize.width = mtext.size.width;
textSize.height = f.capHeight;
// don't forget "descender", as this is an all-caps string
origin->y = newBox.origin.y + f.descender + ( ( newBox.size.height / 2.0 ) - ( textSize.height / 2.0 ) );
origin->x = ( newBox.origin.x + ( newBox.size.width / 2.0 ) ) - ( textSize.width / 2.0 );
// This routine actually draws the text (the previous routines only determine how it
// should be drawn).
// The second routine can be used to draw a string with attributes such as color (i.e.,
// attributes which don't affect the size of the rendered string).
+ (void) drawText: (NSString *) captext // the string of text to be drawn
usingFontName: (NSString *) fontname // the string name of the font to be employed
andFontSize: (CGFloat) fontsize // what font-size to use
atOrigin: (NSPoint) origin // where to execute the drawAtPoint
NSMutableAttributedString *mtext = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithString:captext];
NSFont *f = [NSFont fontWithName:fontname size:fontsize];
[mtext addAttribute:NSFontAttributeName value:f range:NSMakeRange(0,[mtext length])];
[mtext drawAtPoint:origin];
+ (void) drawMText: (NSMutableAttributedString *) captext // the string of Mtext to be drawn
usingFontName: (NSString *) fontname // the string name of the font to be employed
andFontSize: (CGFloat) fontsize // what font-size to use
atOrigin: (NSPoint) origin // where to execute the drawAtPoint
NSFont *f = [NSFont fontWithName:fontname size:fontsize];
[captext addAttribute:NSFontAttributeName value:f range:NSMakeRange(0,[captext length])];
[captext drawAtPoint:origin];
// When you instantiate the object, you set the font; from this, you can elucidate the
// first of the two sizing functions: rendered string height as a function of the
// font-size attribute. The function is stored in the instance variables of the object,
// in the variables { mh, bh }, to be used with the classic "y(x) = mx + b" format, where:
// y is rendered string height
// m is mh
// x is font size attribute
// b is bh
- (id) initUsingFontName: (NSString *) fname // string name of font to be employed
if ( !self ) self = [super init];
fontname = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:fname];
font20 = [NSFont fontWithName:fontname size:20];
font40 = [NSFont fontWithName:fontname size:40];
// "cap height as function of text size", in y = mx + b format (mh is m, bh is b)
CGFloat x1, x2, y1, y2;
x1 = 20;
y1 = font20.capHeight;
x2 = 40;
y2 = font40.capHeight;
mh = ( y2 - y1 ) / ( x2 - x1 );
bh = y1 - ( mh * x1 );
return self;
// After initializing the object, you size a text string; this stores a second sizing
// function: rendered string width as a function of the font-size attribute, in { mw, bw }.
- (void) sizeString: (NSString *) captext // one string of text to evaluate for font size
CGFloat x1, x2, y1, y2;
NSMutableAttributedString *mtext =
[[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithString:captext];
[mtext addAttribute:NSFontAttributeName
range:NSMakeRange(0,[mtext length])];
x1 = 20;
y1 = mtext.size.width;
[mtext addAttribute:NSFontAttributeName
range:NSMakeRange(0,[mtext length])];
x2 = 40;
y2 = mtext.size.width;
// "string width as function of text size", in y = mx + b format (mw is m, bw is b)
mw = ( y2 - y1 ) / ( x2 - x1 );
bw = y1 - ( mw * x1 );
// Then to draw the text string in a box, you use this routine, which will draw it at the
// largest size possible given all the constraints, including the provided box and border.
// A similar routine is provided following this one, to draw a mutable string which may
// contain attributes, such as color, which do not affect the size of the rendered string.
- (void) drawString: (NSString *) captext // string of text to be drawn
inBox: (NSRect) box // containing box on the screen
withBorder: (NSSize) border // # of pixels to leave blank as X & Y borders
NSRect newBox;
newBox.origin.x = box.origin.x + border.width;
newBox.origin.y = box.origin.y + border.height;
newBox.size.width = box.size.width - 2.0 * border.width;
newBox.size.height = box.size.height - 2.0 * border.height;
// solve linear sizing functions for text size, and choose the smaller text size
// if ( hsize < wsize ) there will be east-west spaces
// if ( wsize < hsize ) there will be north-south spaces
CGFloat hsize, wsize, fontsize;
hsize = ( newBox.size.height - bh ) / mh;
wsize = ( newBox.size.width - bw ) / mw;
fontsize = fmin( hsize, wsize );
font = [NSFont fontWithName:fontname size:fontsize];
NSMutableAttributedString *mtext =
[[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithString:captext];
[mtext addAttribute:NSFontAttributeName value:font range:NSMakeRange(0,[mtext length])];
// find the origin-point at which to render the given string,
// so that the text is centered in the box
NSSize textSize;
textSize.width = mtext.size.width;
textSize.height = font.capHeight;
NSPoint origin;
origin.y = newBox.origin.y + font.descender +
( ( newBox.size.height / 2.0 ) - ( textSize.height / 2.0 ) );
origin.x = ( newBox.origin.x + ( newBox.size.width / 2.0 ) ) - ( textSize.width / 2.0 );
[mtext drawAtPoint:origin];
// To draw a mutable text string in a box (a string containing attributes e.g. color, which
// do not affect the sizing of the rendered string), use this routine.
- (void) drawMString: (NSMutableAttributedString *) captext // the M-string to be drawn
inBox: (NSRect) box // containing box on the screen
withBorder: (NSSize) border // # of pixels to leave blank as X & Y borders
NSRect newBox;
newBox.origin.x = box.origin.x + border.width;
newBox.origin.y = box.origin.y + border.height;
newBox.size.width = box.size.width - 2.0 * border.width;
newBox.size.height = box.size.height - 2.0 * border.height;
// solve linear sizing functions for text size, and choose the smaller text size
// if ( hsize < wsize ) there will be east-west spaces
// if ( wsize < hsize ) there will be north-south spaces
CGFloat hsize, wsize, fontsize;
hsize = ( newBox.size.height - bh ) / mh;
wsize = ( newBox.size.width - bw ) / mw;
fontsize = fmin( hsize, wsize );
font = [NSFont fontWithName:fontname size:fontsize];
[captext addAttribute:NSFontAttributeName
range:NSMakeRange(0,[captext length])];
// find the origin-point at which to render the given string,
// so that the text is centered in the box
NSSize textSize;
textSize.width = captext.size.width;
textSize.height = font.capHeight;
NSPoint origin;
origin.y = newBox.origin.y + font.descender +
( ( newBox.size.height / 2.0 ) - ( textSize.height / 2.0 ) );
origin.x = ( newBox.origin.x + ( newBox.size.width / 2.0 ) ) - ( textSize.width / 2.0 );
[captext drawAtPoint:origin];