Ajax Pipeline - 服务器端对我不起作用

时间:2014-06-07 20:19:01

标签: php jquery ajax datatables pager

首先我得到了css,datatables.js然后我从ajax流水线代码开始,然后我初始化它 - 这里是:

<link href="tablesorter/tablesortingStyle.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="tablesorter/jquery.dataTables.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" class="init">
    $.fn.dataTable.pipeline = function ( opts ) {
            var conf = $.extend( {
                    pages: 5,    
                    url: '',    
                    data: null,
                    method: 'GET'
            }, opts );
            var cacheLower = -1;
            var cacheUpper = null;
            var cacheLastRequest = null;
            var cacheLastJson = null;

            return function ( request, drawCallback, settings ) {
                    var ajax          = false;
                    var requestStart  = request.start;
                    var drawStart     = request.start;
                    var requestLength = request.length;
                    var requestEnd    = requestStart + requestLength;

                    if ( settings.clearCache ) {
                            ajax = true;
                            settings.clearCache = false;
                    else if ( cacheLower < 0 || requestStart < cacheLower || requestEnd   > cacheUpper ) {
                            ajax = true;
                    else if ( JSON.stringify( request.order )   !== JSON.stringify( cacheLastRequest.order ) ||
                                      JSON.stringify( request.columns ) !==   JSON.stringify( cacheLastRequest.columns ) ||
                                      JSON.stringify( request.search )  !==    JSON.stringify( cacheLastRequest.search )
                    ) {
                            ajax = true;
                    cacheLastRequest = $.extend( true, {}, request );
                    if ( ajax ) {
                            if ( requestStart < cacheLower ) {
                                    requestStart = requestStart - (requestLength*   (conf.pages-1));

                                    if ( requestStart < 0 ) {
                                            requestStart = 0;
                            cacheLower = requestStart;
                            cacheUpper = requestStart + (requestLength * conf.pages);
                            request.start = requestStart;
                            request.length = requestLength*conf.pages;
                            if ( $.isFunction ( conf.data ) ) {
                                    var d = conf.data( request );
                                    if ( d ) {
                                            $.extend( request, d );
                            else if ( $.isPlainObject( conf.data ) ) {
                                    $.extend( request, conf.data );
                            settings.jqXHR = $.ajax( {
                                    "type":     conf.method,
                                    "url":      conf.url,
                                    "data":     request,
                                    "dataType": "json",
                                    "cache":    false,
                                    "success":  function ( json ) {
                                            cacheLastJson = $.extend(true, {}, json);

                                            if ( cacheLower != drawStart ) {
                                                    json.data.splice( 0, drawStart-  cacheLower );
                                            json.data.splice( requestLength,    json.data.length );

                                            drawCallback( json );
                            } );
                    else {
                            json = $.extend( true, {}, cacheLastJson );
                            json.draw = request.draw;
                            json.data.splice( 0, requestStart-cacheLower );
                            json.data.splice( requestLength, json.data.length );

    $.fn.dataTable.Api.register( 'clearPipeline()', function () {
            return this.iterator( 'table', function ( settings ) {
                    settings.clearCache = true;
            } );

            // Login-Logs-Tabelle, wird mit DataTables initialisiert
                    "processing": true,
                    "serverSide": true,
                    "language": {
                            "emptyTable":     "Keine Daten verfügbar.",
                            "info":           "Zeige _START_ bis _END_ von _TOTAL_ Einträgen",
                            "infoEmpty":      "Zeige 0 bis 0 von 0 Einträgen",
                            "infoFiltered":   "(gefiltert von _MAX_ insgesamten Einträgen)",
                            "infoPostFix":    "",
                            "thousands":      ",",
                            "lengthMenu":     "Zeige _MENU_ Einträge",
                            "loadingRecords": "Lade...",
                            "processing":     "Wird verarbeitet...",
                            "search":         "Suche:",
                            "zeroRecords":    "Keine passenden Einträge gefunden",
                            "paginate": {
                                    "first":      "Erste",
                                    "last":       "Letzte",
                                    "next":       "Nächste",
                                    "previous":   "Vorherige"
                            "aria": {
                                    "sortAscending":  ": Aktivieren, um die Spalte aufsteigend zu sortieren",
                                    "sortDescending": ": Aktivieren, um die Spalte     absteigend zu sortieren"
                    "ajax": $.fn.dataTable.pipeline({
                            url: 'tablesorter/serverside/loginlogs.php',
                            pages: 5 // Seiten die gecached werden


// Datenbank-Tabelle, die verwendet wird
$table = 'loginlogs';

// Der Primary key, der Tabelle
$primaryKey = 'id';

// Array of database columns which should be read and sent back to DataTables.
// The `db` parameter represents the column name in the database, while the `dt`
// parameter represents the DataTables column identifier. In this case simple indexes.
$columns = array(
array( 'db' => 'ip', 'dt' => 0 ),
    'db'        => 'status',
    'dt'        => 1,
    'formatter' => function( $d, $row ) {
        if($d == 1){
                            return "Erfolgreich";
                            return "Fehlgeschlagen";
    'db'        => 'stayloggedin',
    'dt'        => 2,
    'formatter' => function( $d, $row ) {
                    if($d == 1){
                            return "Ja";
                            return "Nein";
    'db'        => 'date',
    'dt'        => 3,
    'formatter' => function( $d, $row ) {
                    return getonlydate($d);
    'db'        => 'date',
    'dt'        => 4,
    'formatter' => function( $d, $row ) {
                    return getonlytime($d);

// SQL server connection information
$sql_details = array(
'user' => $user,
'pass' => $pw,
'db'   => $db,
'host' => $host


echo json_encode(
SSP::simple( $_GET, $sql_details, $table, $primaryKey, $columns )

所以我有我的css,js和serverside(php)部分.... 我的错是什么? 我在控制台中没有出现任何错误,它在处理部分被冻结。 我看了网络分析器部分,它已经停止,所以没有任何东西,脚本试图获取或加载。 有人可以帮帮我吗?

顺便说一句,这是我的调试日志: http://debug.datatables.net/urifuz

我在我的测试服务器上使用PHP Version 5.5.11



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