当实例作为其超接口传递时,Java 8默认实现不可用

时间:2014-06-07 04:23:52

标签: java java-8


我在三个参数中创建一个功能接口,但也派生自java.util.function.Function并提供Function#apply(..)的默认实现。然后我使用3参数lambda表达式创建我的接口实例。 3参数方法和Function#apply(..)在创建的实例中都可以正常工作。





package spike;

import java.util.function.BiFunction;
import java.util.function.Function;

public class ReductionProblem {

    interface F3<T, U, V, R> extends Function<T, BiFunction<U, V, R>> {

        default BiFunction<U, V, R> apply(final T t) {
            return (U u, V v) -> apply(t, u, v);

        R apply(T t, U u, V v);


    private static <T, U, V, R> BiFunction<U, V, R> workingReduce(
            F3<T, U, V, R> f, T t) {
        return f.apply(t);

    private static <T, U, V, R> BiFunction<U, V, R> brokenReduce(
            Function<T, BiFunction<U, V, R>> f, T t) {
        return f.apply(t);

    public static void main(String[] args) {

         * Object is instantiated here, right? So, Function#apply(Integer)
         * should be defined and ready to go.
        final F3<Integer, Integer, String, Integer> f3 = (a, b, c) -> a * b
                * c.length();

        final Integer a = 3, b = 13;
        final String c = "see";

        final Integer expected = a * b * c.length();

        Integer v1 = f3.apply(a, b, c);
        display("invoke with 3", expected, v1);

         * It appears that f3 can indeed behave as a Function<Integer,
         * BiFunction<>> ...
        Integer v2 = f3.apply(a).apply(b, c);
        display("invoke with 1 then 2", expected, v2);

         * From inside a method, no problem...
        Integer v3 = workingReduce(f3, a).apply(b, c);
        display("invoke with 1 inside special reducer", expected, v3);

         * But when passed explicitly as a Function, AbstractMethodError is
         * thrown from inside the reduction method. So, it seems that the
         * instantiation of the object with the default method implementation
         * does not occur where I am supposing it does.
        Integer v4 = brokenReduce(f3, a).apply(b, c);
        display("invoke with 1 inside general reducer", expected, v4);


    private static void display(String label, Object expected, Object actual) {

        System.out.println(label + ":"
                + (actual.equals(expected) ? "pass" : "fail"));



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)


[~/workspace/Example/bin]$ javac -version
javac 1.8.0_05
