
时间:2014-06-06 19:01:50

标签: objective-c macos cocoa




1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)



我在这里留下代码,展示了如何加载和卸载由NSWindowController self.wincon控制的主GUI,其中self是应用程序委托对象。它加载并控制单独的MainWindow.xib。如果您没有主菜单以外的窗口,则可能没有必要。


MainMenu.xib中没有任何内容,但菜单 - 切换到附件模式意味着菜单不会显示。

// Helper to close main window and switch to accessory mode
- (void) switchToBackgroundMode
    @autoreleasepool {
        // Need to check loaded to prevent closing a closed window and
        //  triggering a second call to applicationShouldTerminateAfterLastWindowClosed
        if ([self.wincon isWindowLoaded]) [self.wincon close];
        self.wincon = nil;

    // Hide the menu and dock icon
    [NSApp setActivationPolicy:NSApplicationActivationPolicyAccessory];

#pragma mark Application Delegate Methods

// Called with a CMD-Q
- (NSApplicationTerminateReply)applicationShouldTerminate:(NSApplication *)sender
    // Cancel terminate if pref set
    if ([MyPreferencesController runInBackground])
        [self switchToBackgroundMode];
        return NSTerminateCancel;
    return NSTerminateNow;

// Called when all windows closed
- (BOOL) applicationShouldTerminateAfterLastWindowClosed:(NSApplication *)sender
    if ([MYPreferencesController runInBackground]) {
        // This check is necessary to avoid calling switchToBGmode twice on a quit
        if (![NSApp activationPolicy] == NSApplicationActivationPolicyAccessory)
            [self switchToBackgroundMode];
        return NO;
    } else {
        return YES;

// Called if the app is in accessory mode and the user activates it through the dock or by
//   clicking a userNotification or trying to open the app
- (BOOL) applicationShouldHandleReopen:(NSApplication *)sender hasVisibleWindows:(BOOL)flag
    if (!self.wincon) {
        self.wincon = [[MYMainWindowController alloc] initWithWindowNibName:@"MainWindow"];

    // This ensures that the dock icon comes back
    [NSApp setActivationPolicy:NSApplicationActivationPolicyRegular];

    // Show the window
    [self.wincon showWindow:NSApp];
    [self.wincon.window makeKeyAndOrderFront:NSApp];
    return YES;


有一个older answer to this question。它对变化的历史进行了很好的讨论,但缺乏示例代码。

最后,这个答案和问题完全缺少LSUIElement关键字,这是此类应用程序的历史OSX plist设置。如上面的答案和this more recent question所述, LSUIElement应被视为已弃用 。如果您发现了一篇提及它的旧博客文章,希望您找到了最近的代码示例,建议您不要使用它。