我正在与Round Robin(RR)合作。我正在构建随机的Round-Robin值。我随机获得了RR的时间。在第一次运行中,它显示了我在列表中的当前值。但是当它第二次运行时,它只是说 索引没有出现在字典键 中。我正在尝试解决这个问题,我已经添加了时间和量子时间,算法减少了字典中的值并返回字典,值为> 0.
Dictionary<int, int> waytosave = new Dictionary<int, int>();
List<int> randomListxCoor = new List<int>();
List<int> randomListyCoor = new List<int>();
int xCoor;
int yCoor;
Random coor = new Random();
Random setTimeRandom = new Random();
int randomTimeSetting;
int NodeIndex = 0;
Graphics graphDraw;
Graphics drawLine;
int TimeToProcess = 0;
string NodeName = "";
int QuantumTime = 1;
int TotalRouterTime = 0;
int NextNodeToProcess = 0;
public Form1()
this.graphDraw = this.panel1.CreateGraphics();
this.drawLine = this.panel1.CreateGraphics();
private void btnRun_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
int nodesNumber = (int)this.numNodes.Value;
SolidBrush getNodesDrawn = new SolidBrush(Color.LightYellow);
for (int x = 1; x <= nodesNumber; x++)
xCoor = coor.Next(0, 700);
yCoor = coor.Next(0, 730);
if (!randomListxCoor.Contains(xCoor))
if (!randomListyCoor.Contains(xCoor))
randomTimeSetting = setTimeRandom.Next(1, 10);
//Draw the line from main Node to the other Nodes
Pen linePen = new Pen(Color.DarkMagenta, 2);
drawLine.DrawLine(linePen, 350, 360, xCoor, yCoor);
drawLine = this.panel1.CreateGraphics();
graphDraw.FillEllipse(getNodesDrawn, xCoor - 5, yCoor - 5, 15, 12);
//Add the values t the Dictionaries and the List.
waytosave.Add(x, randomTimeSetting);
private void btnRunTIme_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
this.QuantumTime = (int)this.numQuanrum.Value;
this.timerRoundRobin.Enabled = true;
private void timerRoundRobin_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
this.NodeIndex = this.GetNextNodeToProcess();
if (this.NodeIndex >= 0)
this.waytosave[this.NodeIndex] -= this.QuantumTime;
if (this.waytosave[this.NodeIndex] < 0)
this.waytosave[this.NodeIndex] = 0;
this.NodeName = this.NodeIndex.ToString();
this.TimeToProcess = this.waytosave[this.NodeIndex];
this.txtOutput.Text += "\r\r\n" + " Time Remaining: "
+ this.TimeToProcess
+ "Router name: "
+ this.NodeName;
this.timerRoundRobin.Enabled = false;
this.txtOutput.Text += "\r\r\n" + " Ends x " + TotalRouterTime.ToString();
private int GetNextNodeToProcess()
int NextNodeIndex = -1;
if (NextNodeToProcess >= this.waytosave.Count)
{ NextNodeToProcess = 0; }
for (int i = NextNodeToProcess; i < this.waytosave.Count; i++)
if (this.waytosave[i] > 0)
NextNodeIndex = i;
return NextNodeIndex;
private void ComputeTotalNodeTime()
this.TotalRouterTime = 0;
foreach (KeyValuePair<int, int> item in this.waytosave)
this.TotalRouterTime += item.Value;
this.txtOutput.Text += "\r\r\n" + " Time Remaining: "
+ item.Value
+ "Router name: "
+ item.Key;