
时间:2014-06-05 02:02:25

标签: windows batch-file terminal


   IF "%1" == "-?" (
start randomhelp.bat
)    IF NOT DEFINED %1 (goto notdefined) ELSE (
IF NOT DEFINED %2 (goto notdefined) ELSE (
IF NOT DEFINED %3 (goto notdefined) ELSE (
set %1=0
set /a heh=%random% * (%3 - %2 + 1) / 32768 + %2
setx %1=%heh%
) )



随机随机值1 50   


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


IF "%1" == "-?" (
start randomhelp.bat)
IF "%1" == "" (goto notdefined)
IF "%2" == "" (goto notdefined)
IF "%3" == "" (goto notdefined)
set /a heh=%random% * (%3 - %2 + 1)
set /a heh=heh / 32768 + %2

提示:不允许修改参数,因此set %1=0无效。

答案 1 :(得分:0)


REM You are missing the final parenthesis. Add that! 
REM Your second IF statement should be on another line. It could be b/c of copy/paste. 
REM Quote the whole expression to avoid that error

IF "%1" == "-?" (
start randomhelp.bat
IF NOT DEFINED %1 (goto notdefined) ELSE (
IF NOT DEFINED %2 (goto notdefined) ELSE (
IF NOT DEFINED %3 (goto notdefined) ELSE (
set %1=0
set /a "heh=%random% * (%3 - %2 + 1) / 32768 + %2"
setx %1=%heh%

答案 2 :(得分:0)

@echo off

    :: check for help request
    if "%~1"=="-?"  goto :showHelp

    :: check if we have at least three arguments
    if "%~3"==""    goto :notDefined

    :: check if the second and third arguments are numeric.
    for /f "delims=0123456789" %%a in ("%~2") do goto :badArguments
    for /f "delims=0123456789" %%a in ("%~3") do goto :badArguments

    :: calculate the random value and assign it to exit variable
    set "%~1="
    set /a "%~1=(%random% %% (%~3 - %~2 + 1)) + %~2" 2>nul

    :: if variable does not contain any value, bad data has been
    :: feed into script
    if not defined %~1 goto :badArguments

    goto :eof

    echo Usage: %~n0 varName lowValue highValue
    goto :eof

    echo error: arguments missing
    goto :eof

    echo error: wrong data in arguments
    goto :eof