有没有办法从Excel VBA中的轴导出图表?

时间:2014-06-04 18:49:53

标签: excel-vba vba excel

我有许多用于操作Excel图表的通用VBA宏(例如,将一个图表叠加在另一个图表之上;重新缩放轴;或者将自定义曲线(例如“y = x ^ 2 - 1”)添加到图表中在文本框中键入公式)。这些宏是不带任何参数的子,我将它们存储在.xlam加载项中,并从Excel功能区上的链接按钮运行它们。要在特定图表上运行宏,请选择图表,然后单击功能区上的按钮。


Function chart_from_selection() As Chart

  If TypeName(Selection) = "ChartArea" Or TypeName(Selection) = "PlotArea" Then
    Set chart_from_selection = Selection.Parent
  ElseIf TypeName(Selection) = "Series" Then
    Set chart_from_selection = Selection.Parent.Parent
    MsgBox ("Select a chart!")
  End If

End Function


Dim cht As Chart
Set cht = chart_from_selection()



3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


Sub Find_Chart()

Dim C As ChartObject
Dim sAx As Axis
Dim Axs As Object

'Check if selection is axis
If TypeOf Selection Is Axis Then
    Set sAx = Selection
End If

'Loop through charts
For Each C In ActiveSheet.ChartObjects
    'Loop through axes
    For Each Axs In C.Chart.Axes
        If Axs.AxisTitle.Caption = sAx.AxisTitle.Caption Then
            Debug.Print C.Name
        End If
    Next Axs
Next C

End Sub




答案 1 :(得分:0)



Function chart_from_axis(Optional ax As Axis) As Chart
' Returns the chart from one of its axes. Necessary because the axis parent is the
' worksheet not the chart

  If ax Is Nothing Then
    If TypeOf Selection Is Axis Then
      Set ax = Selection
      Exit Function
    End If
  End If

  Dim co As ChartObject
  For Each co In ActiveSheet.ChartObjects
    If axis_belongs_to_chart(ax, co.Chart) = True Then
      Set chart_from_axis = co.Chart
      Exit Function
    End If
  Next co

End Function

Function axis_belongs_to_chart(ax As Axis, cht As Chart) As Boolean

  If axes_coincide(ax, cht.Axes(xlCategory)) = True Or _
     axes_coincide(ax, cht.Axes(xlValue, xlPrimary)) = True Then
    axis_belongs_to_chart = True
  ElseIf cht.Axes.Count = 3 Then
    If axes_coincide(ax, cht.Axes(xlValue, xlSecondary)) = True Then
      axis_belongs_to_chart = True
    End If
  End If

End Function

Function axes_coincide(ax1 As Axis, ax2 As Axis) As Boolean

  If ax1.Top = ax2.Top And ax1.Left = ax2.Left And ax1.Height = ax2.Height _
    And ax1.Width = ax2.Width Then axes_coincide = True

End Function

答案 2 :(得分:0)

我修改了上述解决方案,将Axis Title更改为唯一值,根据唯一值查找图表,然后将其更改回来......它返回图表

Function GetChartFromAxis(Axis As Axis) As Chart
Static UniqueIndex As Long
Dim OriginalTitle As String, UniqueName As String
Dim oSheet As Worksheet
Dim oChartObj As ChartObject
Dim oAxis As Axis

    ' Force a Unique Axis Title
    If UniqueIndex > 100000 Then UniqueIndex = 0
    UniqueIndex = UniqueIndex + 1
    UniqueName = "GetChartFromAxis" & UniqueIndex
    If Axis.HasTitle Then
        OriginalTitle = Axis.AxisTitle.Caption
        Axis.HasTitle = True
    End If
    Axis.AxisTitle.Caption = UniqueName

    ' Find the Axis base on the Unique Title
    Set oSheet = Axis.Parent
    For Each oChartObj In oSheet.ChartObjects
        'Loop through axes
        For Each oAxis In oChartObj.Chart.Axes
            If oAxis.HasTitle Then
                If oAxis.AxisTitle.Caption = UniqueName Then
                    Debug.Print oChartObj.Name
                    Set GetChartFromAxis = oChartObj.Chart
                    Exit For
                End If
            End If
        If Not GetChartFromAxis Is Nothing Then Exit For

    ' Reset the Axis Title
    If OriginalTitle <> vbNullString Then
        Axis.AxisTitle.Caption = OriginalTitle
        Axis.HasTitle = False
    End If
End Function