所以我查找了如何创建一个{} {}} ChatPacket
//Convert packet to raw data
public byte[] getBytes() {
ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ObjectOutput out = null;
try {
//Pass the stream refference to the weird object output stream thing
out = new ObjectOutputStream(bos);
//Save the packet into byte stream
//Create separate arrays of bytes
byte[] data = bos.toByteArray();
//Funny way to convert int in array of 4 bytes. The Java Way...
byte[] size = ByteBuffer.allocate(4).putInt(data.length).array();
//The final data array - feel free to sugest more efficient way to merge the two arrays
byte[] data_all = new byte[data.length+4];
//Merge the arrays of bytes - I found no other way than creating third array.
for(int i=0; i<data_all.length; i++) {
//Save the size
if(i<4) {
data_all[i] = size[i];
//Save the data
else {
data_all[i] = data[i-4];
//Debug output
Log.debug("Sending packet of "+data.length+" bytes");
for(int i=0; i<data_all.length; i++) {
Log.debug(i+": Sending character: "+((char)data_all[i]))+" ["+(int)data_all[i]+"]");
Sending packet of 262 bytes
0: Sending character: 0 [0] -
1: Sending character: 0 [0] | The int - size of the packet
2: Sending character: 1 [1] |
3: Sending character: 6 [6] -
4: Sending character: -84 [-84] -
5: Sending character: -19 [-19] |
6: Sending character: 0 [0] | The data generated within the serialisation function
7: Sending character: 5 [5] |
8: Sending character: 115 [115] |
9: Sending character: 114 [114] ...
10: ...
有数字而不是实际的字符。请原谅我 - 我在添加代码后修复了这个函数并且懒得重写它。
1: Received character: \0 [0] -
2: Received character: \0 [0] | The size again
3: Received character: [1] |
4: Received character: [6] -
Expecting 262 bytes of data! -
1: Received character: � [65533] |
2: Received character: � [65533] | The serialised data...
3: Received character: \0 [0] |
4: Received character: [5] ...
5: ...
正如你所看到的,负数不是溢出或类似的东西,而是以某种方式变成了巨大的价值 我可以看到实际上通过网络发送的是什么 - 我一直在询问这个问题但是答案真的没有帮助,正如你所看到的那样。
方法... 最后,我需要重新调整字节数组。所以我还需要将可以松散地转换为字节的值。
private List<Byte> buffer = new ArrayList<>();
public boolean receiveChar(int current) {
... some stuff