
时间:2014-06-03 19:15:30

标签: macos interface-builder nsview osx-yosemite

在优胜美地侧边栏上有半透明的"充满活力的"背景。如何在10.10 / Xcode 6中创建类似的视图?


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3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:44)

w00t!我发现example code使用了尚未记录的视图类型:

  1. 将XIB的部署目标设置为10.10
  2. 将您的观点嵌入NSVisualEffectView
  3. 在Interface Builder的视图设置外观设置为“Vibrant Light / Dark”。还有其他选项,例如混合“Behind Window”或“Ins​​ide Window”(后者需要图层)。
  4. 还有NSView方法allowsVibrancy您可以覆盖以返回YES,但由于我还不了解的原因,我的情况并没有启用活力。

答案 1 :(得分:19)

随着Yosemite版本的OSX操作系统的推出,Apple向Cocoa窗口和窗口组件引入了一种名为 vibrancy 的新模式,这是一种光扩散模糊。这有点像透过淋浴门看,并使用NSVisualEffectView。 Apple explains this effect here

我在NSView上使用此类别。 只需打电话给您想要充满活力的视图。 它也与优胜美地前向兼容。 (如果你有一个前优胜美地,你就不会看到效果)

@implementation NSView (HS)

    Class vibrantClass=NSClassFromString(@"NSVisualEffectView");
    if (vibrantClass)
        NSVisualEffectView *vibrant=[[vibrantClass alloc] initWithFrame:self.bounds];
        [vibrant setAutoresizingMask:NSViewWidthSizable|NSViewHeightSizable];
        // uncomment for dark mode instead of light mode
        // [vibrant setAppearance:[NSAppearance appearanceNamed:NSAppearanceNameVibrantDark]];
        [vibrant setBlendingMode:mode];
        [self addSubview:vibrant positioned:NSWindowBelow relativeTo:nil];

        return vibrant;

    return nil;




  1. AppKit.framework 添加到您的项目设置>构建阶段> 将二进制文件链接到库,以便它可以识别NSVisualEffectView。

  2. 主窗口的默认视图插座代理,而非窗口本身设置为 AppDelegate.m或AppDelegate .mm文件。 (如果你是新手,read this tutorial。)为了达到此目的,我们假设你将其命名为mainview,然后在代码中可以_mainview进行寻址

  3. 在项目中包含类别。如果您是新用户,请在 AppDelegate.m或AppDelegate.mm文件中的任意@implementation行之前添加类别。

  4. AppDelegate.m或AppDelegate.mm文件中,在@implementation AppDelegateapplicationDidFinishLaunching类方法中,添加此行代码

  5. [_mainview insertVibrancyViewBlendingMode:NSVisualEffectBlendingModeBehindWindow];
    1. 现在您需要了解如何添加一些代码以在窗口上提供其他元素,以及窗口本身半透明。这种半透明效果将允许此效果显示在您需要的窗口组件中。这是explained here
    2. 现在的净效果是,标题栏下方的整个窗口,或者只有你想要的部分(如侧边栏),都会显示出这种活力效果。

答案 2 :(得分:2)


class MyFancyView: NSVisualEffectView {
    func myConfigureFunc() {

        // Use blendingMode to specify what exactly is blurred

        blendingMode = .behindWindow // [DEFAULT] ignores in-window content and only blurs content behind the window
        blendingMode = .withinWindow // ignores content behind the window and only blurs in-window content behind this view

        // Use material to specify how the blur draws (light/dark/etc.)

        material = .light           // The Vibrant Light look we see in countless Apple apps' sidebars, Sierra notification center, etc.
        material = .dark            // The Vibrant Dark look we all know and love from HUDs, Launchpad, Yosemite & El Capitan notification center, etc.

        material = .appearanceBased // [DEFAULT] Automatically uses .light or .dark, depending on the view's appearance field

        material = .titlebar        // The material the system uses in titlebars. Designed to be used with blendingMode = .withinWindow
        material = .selection       // A special material for selection. The material will vary depending on the effectiveAppearance, active state, and emphasized state.

        if #available(OSX 10.11, *) {

            // Materials introduced in 10.11 (El Capitan)

            material = .mediumLight // Not quite as light as .light
            material = .ultraDark   // Much darker than .dark

            material = .menu        // The material the system uses for menus
            material = .popover     // The material the system uses for popovers
            material = .sidebar     // The material the system uses for sidebars

        // Use state to specify when the visual effect appears

        state = .active                   // Always show the visual effect
        state = .inactive                 // Never show the visual effect (behaves like a normal view)
        state = .followsWindowActiveState // [DEFAULT] Active when window is active, not when window is not

观看官方Apple视频了解详情:WWDC 2014 Session 220