
时间:2014-06-02 16:10:11

标签: haskell text functional-programming obfuscation purely-functional


module Main where

import Data.Char (isAlpha, isNumber, isUpper, toUpper)
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import System.Random (getStdGen, randomR, StdGen)

helpMessage = [ "Usage: cat filename(s) | obfuscate [-x filename] > filename",
  "Obfuscates text files. This obliterates the text--there is no recovery. This",
  "is not encryption. It's simple, if slow, obfuscation.",
  "To include a list of words not to obfuscate, use the -x option. List one word",
  "per line in the file.",
  "" ]

data CLOpts = CLOpts { help           :: Bool
                     , exceptionFileP :: Bool
                     , exceptionFile  :: String }

main = do
  args <- getArgs
  if length args > 0
  then do let opts = parseCL args CLOpts { help=False, exceptionFileP=False, exceptionFile="" }
          if help opts
          then do putStrLn $ unlines helpMessage
          else do if exceptionFileP opts
                  then do exceptions <- readFile $ exceptionFile opts
                          obf complexObfuscation $ lines exceptions
                  else do obf simpleObfuscation []
  else do obf simpleObfuscation []
  where obf f xs = do
          g <- getStdGen
          c <- getContents
          putStrLn $ f xs g c

parseCL :: [String] -> CLOpts -> CLOpts
parseCL []          opts = opts
parseCL ("-x":f:xs) opts = parseCL xs opts { exceptionFileP=True, exceptionFile=f }
parseCL      (_:xs) opts = parseCL xs opts { help=True }

simpleObfuscation xs = obfuscate

complexObfuscation exceptions g c = undefined

obfuscate :: StdGen -> String -> String
obfuscate g = obfuscate' g []
    obfuscate' _ a [] = reverse a
    obfuscate' g a text@(c:cs)
      | isAlpha  c = obf obfuscateAlpha g a text
      | isNumber c = obf obfuscateDigit g a text
      | otherwise  = obf id             g a text
    obf f g a (c:cs) = let (x,g') = f (c,g) in obfuscate' g' (x:a) cs

obfuscateAlpha, obfuscateDigit :: (Char, StdGen) -> (Char, StdGen)
obfuscateAlpha (c,g) = obfuscateChar g range
  where range
          | isUpper c = ('A','Z')
          | otherwise = ('a','z')

obfuscateDigit (c,g) = obfuscateChar g ('0','9')

obfuscateChar :: StdGen -> (Char, Char) -> (Char, StdGen)
obfuscateChar = flip randomR







words' :: String -> [String]
words' text = f text [] []
  where f [] wa ta = reverse $ wa:ta
        f (c:cs) wa ta =
          if isAlphaNum c
          then f cs (c:wa) ta
          else f cs [] $ if length wa > 0 then [c]:(reverse wa):ta else [c]:ta



complexObfuscation exceptions g = unlines . map obfuscateLine . lines
  where obfuscateLine = concatMap obfuscateWord . words'
        obfuscateWord word =
          if word `elem` exceptions
          then word
          else obfuscate g word


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然后,单独模糊每个单词。如果某个单词是您之前构建的elem Set,请保持原样。否则,将obfuscate函数应用于每个字符。