我是网络开发的新手,我想修改现有的项目。我想显示包含空值,默认值为零或空的行的行。这是行动中的代码.. < / p>
public function executeDetails(sfWebRequest $r) {
if($this->getUser()->hasAttribute('extend_term_ch')) {
$this->loan = Doctrine_Core::getTable('Loans')->findOneById($r->getParameter('id'));
$this->debits = Doctrine_Core::getTable('CreditLogs')->getByLoanId($r->getParameter('id'));
<?php $totalAmount = 0 ?>
<?php foreach($loan->Collections as $i=>$c): ?>
<?php $totalAmount += $c->amount ?>
<tr class="<?php echo ($i%2==0)?'even':'odd' ?>">
<?php echo $c->mode_of_payment ?>
<?php if($c->mode_of_payment == 'Cheque'): ?>
<?php $cReferencedObj = $c->Cheques ?>
<div class="small_detail info">
<span class="bold">(<?php echo $cReferencedObj->bank ?>, <?php echo $cReferencedObj->branch ?>) <?php echo $cReferencedObj->reference_number ?></span>
</div><br />
<?php endif; ?>
<?php $replaced = $c->getReplacedCheque() ?>
<?php if(!empty($replaced)): ?>
<div class="small_detail info">
Payment for <span class="bold">(<?php echo $replaced->bank ?>, <?php echo $replaced->branch ?>) <?php echo $replaced->reference_number ?></span>
</div><br />
<?php endif; ?>
<td><?php echo $c->batch_no ?></td>
PHP <?php echo number_format($c->amount, 2) ?>
<?php if($c->mode_of_payment == 'Cheque' && !empty($c->Cheques->replaced_with)): ?>
<?php $replaced = $c->Cheques->Replaced ?>
<div class="small_detail info">
Replaced with <span class="bold">(<?php echo $replaced->bank ?>, <?php echo $replaced->branch ?>) <?php echo $replaced->reference_number ?></span>
<?php endif; ?>
<td><?php echo date('F d, Y', strtotime($c->date_created)) ?></td>
<td><?php echo $c->created_by ?></td>
<td><?php echo $c->date_created ?></td>
<?php if(in_array($c->mode_of_payment, array('Cheque', 'ATM', 'Direct Bank Transfer'))): ?>
<span class="info">
<a href="<?php echo url_for('loans/view_collection_details?id='.$c->id) ?>?height=350&width=500" class="thickbox">View Details</a>
<?php else: ?>
<div class="small_detail info">
Collector: <span class="bold"><?php echo $c->Collectors->lastname.', '.$c->Collectors->firstname ?></span>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if(in_array($loan->mode_of_payment, array('Cash', 'ATM')) && $sf_user->hasCredential('COLLECTIONS_ROLLBACK')): ?>
<div class="small_detail bullet_go">
<a href="<?php echo url_for('loans/rollback?id='.$c->id.'&loan_id='.$loan->id) ?>" onclick="return confirm('Are you sure? This cannot be undone!')">Rollback Collection</a>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<td colspan="6">Total Paid</td>
<td>PHP <?php echo number_format($totalAmount, 2) ?></td>