
时间:2014-05-31 22:19:43

标签: java concurrency concurrentmodification thread-exceptions

此程序(optoesim)在java.util.ConcurrentModificationException的行中抛出stats.put("jobTimesWithQueue", new LinkedHashMap(_jobTimesWithQueue));


Exception in thread ConcurrentModificationException

at java.util.LinkedHashMap$LinkedEntryIterator.next(LinkedHashMap.java:744)

at java.util.LinkedHashMap$LinkedEntryIterator.next(LinkedHashMap.java:742)
at java.util.HashMap.putMapEntries(HashMap.java:511)
at java.util.LinkedHashMap.<init>(LinkedHashMap.java:384)
at org.edg.data.replication.optorsim.SimpleComputingElement.getStatistics(SimpleComputingElement.java:164)
at org.edg.data.replication.optorsim.GridDataThread.run(GridDataThread.java:95)

public Statistics getStatistics() {
    Map stats = new HashMap();
      // After remove see the result here.
    OptorSimParameters params = OptorSimParameters.getInstance();
    float _usage = _time.getTimeMillis() - _startRunning == 0 ? 0 : 100 *_workingTime/(_time.getTimeMillis() - _startRunning);
    stats.put("usage",  new Float(_usage));
    stats.put("remoteReads",  new Long(_remoteReads));
    stats.put("localReads",  new Long(_localReads));
    if( params.outputStatistics() ==3) {

        stats.put("jobTimes",  new LinkedHashMap( _jobTimes));
        stats.put("jobTimesWithQueue", new LinkedHashMap(_jobTimesWithQueue));
        stats.put("jobFiles",  new LinkedHashMap(_jobFiles));
        stats.put("numberOfJobs", new Integer(_jobsCompleted));
        stats.put("workerNodes",  new Integer(_workerNodes));
        stats.put("status",  new Boolean(_active));
        stats.put("queueLength",  new Integer(_inputJobHandler.getQueueSize()));
        stats.put("runnableStatus",  new Boolean(_runnable));
    stats.put("totalJobTime",  new Float(_totalJobTime/(float)1000));

    long meanJobTime = 0;
    if (_jobsCompleted!=0)
       meanJobTime = _workingTime/_jobsCompleted;
    stats.put("meanJobTime",  new Long(meanJobTime));

    return new Statistics(this, stats);


Exception in thread "Thread-72" java.util.ConcurrentModificationException
at java.util.LinkedHashMap$LinkedHashIterator.nextNode(LinkedHashMap.java:711)
at java.util.LinkedHashMap$LinkedEntryIterator.next(LinkedHashMap.java:744)
at java.util.LinkedHashMap$LinkedEntryIterator.next(LinkedHashMap.java:742)
at java.util.HashMap.putMapEntries(HashMap.java:511)
at java.util.LinkedHashMap.<init>(LinkedHashMap.java:384)
at org.edg.data.replication.optorsim.SimpleComputingElement.getStatistics(SimpleComputingElement.java:174)
at org.edg.data.replication.optorsim.SiteDataThread.run(SiteDataThread.java:112)


    final LinkedHashMap.Entry<K,V> nextNode() {
        LinkedHashMap.Entry<K,V> e = next;
        if (modCount != expectedModCount)
            throw new ConcurrentModificationException();
        if (e == null)
            throw new NoSuchElementException();
        current = e;
        next = e.after;
        return e;

second linkedhasMap

 final class LinkedEntryIterator extends LinkedHashIterator
    implements Iterator<Map.Entry<K,V>> {
    public final Map.Entry<K,V> next() { return nextNode(); }

并且erreur位于第3行 3 rd linkedhashMap

final class LinkedEntryIterator extends LinkedHashIterator
    implements Iterator<Map.Entry<K,V>> {
    public final Map.Entry<K,V> next() { return nextNode(); }


  for (Map.Entry<? extends K, ? extends V> e : m.entrySet()) {
            K key = e.getKey();
            V value = e.getValue();
            putVal(hash(key), key, value, false, evict);


 public LinkedHashMap(Map<? extends K, ? extends V> m) {
    accessOrder = false;
    putMapEntries(m, false);


     putMapEntries(m, false);
at org.edg.data.replication.optorsim.SimpleComputingElement.getStatistics(SimpleComputingElement.java:174)

这是simpleComputing Elelement的所有代码

package org.edg.data.replication.optorsim;

/  * ComputingElement运行一个执行GridJobs的线程  *通过{@link JobHandler}给予它。对于每个所需的文件,  * ComputingElement调用 getBestFile(),返回  *根据文件的最佳副本的位置  *选择的优化算法,可能会也可能不会执行  *复制。 ComputingElement从此位置读取文件  *并处理它。处理文件的时间计算为  *参数文件中指定的时间除以worker的数量  * ComputingElement中的节点。  *

 *每个ComputingElement目前一次只能运行一个作业。  *有关每项工作所需时间的信息,请参阅  *如果统计级别为3,则在模拟结束时输出统计信息  *在参数文件中选择,或从作业时间直方图中选择  *如果使用GUI。  *

 *版权所有(c)2002 CERN,ITC-irst,PPARC,代表欧盟DataGrid。  *有关许可条件,请参阅LICENSE文件或  * http://www.edg.org/license.html  *

 * @since JDK1.4   / *

public class SimpleComputingElement implements ComputingElement {

private static int _LastCEId = 0;

private GridSite _site; 
private String _ceName;  
private boolean _imAlive;
private boolean _paused = false;
private int _CEId;
private long _workingTime = 0;
private long _startRunning;
private long _totalJobTime = 0;
private Map _jobTimes = new LinkedHashMap();
private Map _jobTimesWithQueue = new LinkedHashMap();
private Map _jobFiles = new LinkedHashMap();

private int _jobsCompleted = 0;

protected JobHandler _inputJobHandler;
protected boolean _runnable = false;
protected boolean _active=false;
protected long _remoteReads = 0;
protected long _localReads = 0;
protected int _workerNodes = 0;
protected float _workerCapacity = 0;
protected GridTime _time;

public SimpleComputingElement( GridSite site,  int workerNodes, float capacity) {

    OptorSimParameters params = OptorSimParameters.getInstance();

    _time = GridTimeFactory.getGridTime();
    _site = site;
    _workerNodes = workerNodes;
    _workerCapacity = capacity;
    _CEId = ++_LastCEId;
    _ceName = "CE"+_CEId+"@"+_site;
    _inputJobHandler = new JobHandler( params.getMaxQueueSize());
    _imAlive = true;
    _site.registerCE( this);
    _startRunning = _time.getTimeMillis();

 * Return a more meaningful name.
 * @return the CE's name
public String toString() {
    return _ceName;

 * Check whether this CE is active (processing jobs) or idle.
public boolean active() {
    return _active;

 * Check whether this CE is still running or has been shut down.
public boolean imAlive() {
      return _imAlive;

 * A method to return the input sandbox for this computing element.
public JobHandler getJobHandler() {
    return _inputJobHandler;

 * Method to get the site that this CE is on.
 * @return The site this CE is on.
public GridSite getSite() {
    return _site;

 * Method to give the name of this CE.
 * @return The name of this CE.
public String getCeName() {
    return _ceName;

public int getWorkerNodes() {
    return _workerNodes;

 * Method to check against our ID 
public boolean iAm( int id) {
    return _CEId == id;

 * Method to collate and return information relevant 
 * to this CE as a {@link Statistics} object.
 * @return The statistics of this CE

public Statistics getStatistics() {
    Map stats = new HashMap();

    OptorSimParameters params = OptorSimParameters.getInstance();
    float _usage = _time.getTimeMillis() - _startRunning == 0 ? 0 : 100 *_workingTime/(_time.getTimeMillis() - _startRunning);
    stats.put("usage",  new Float(_usage));
    stats.put("remoteReads",  new Long(_remoteReads));
    stats.put("localReads",  new Long(_localReads));
    if( params.outputStatistics() ==3) {
                    /*  LinkedHashSet<String> lhs = new LinkedHashSet<String>();

        stats.put("jobTimes",  new LinkedHashMap( _jobTimes));
        stats.put("jobTimesWithQueue", new LinkedHashMap(_jobTimesWithQueue));
        stats.put("jobFiles",  new LinkedHashMap(_jobFiles));

        stats.put("numberOfJobs", new Integer(_jobsCompleted));
        stats.put("workerNodes",  new Integer(_workerNodes));
        stats.put("status",  new Boolean(_active));
        stats.put("queueLength",  new Integer(_inputJobHandler.getQueueSize()));
        stats.put("runnableStatus",  new Boolean(_runnable));
    stats.put("totalJobTime",  new Float(_totalJobTime/(float)1000));

    long meanJobTime = 0;
    if (_jobsCompleted!=0)
       meanJobTime = _workingTime/_jobsCompleted;
    stats.put("meanJobTime",  new Long(meanJobTime));

    return new Statistics(this, stats);

 * When running, the ComputingElement processes all the jobs
 * submitted to it through the JobHandler, sleeping while the
 * JobHandler is empty. It is notified to shut down by the 
 * ResourceBroker.
public void run() {

    // Boost our priority
    Double execTime;
    OptorSimParameters params = OptorSimParameters.getInstance();

    _runnable = true;

    // to keep thread running
    for( GridJob job=null; job != null || _imAlive; ) {

        job=_inputJobHandler.get();  // This potentially blocks

        // We might get a null job from JobHandler, if so, skip any further activity
        if( job == null)


        OptorSimOut.println(_ceName+"> starting to process "+job+" (queue length now "+

        // Install our optimiser
        Optimisable replicaOptimiser = OptimiserFactory.getOptimisable( _site);

        AccessPatternGenerator accessPatternGenerator 
        = AccessPatternGeneratorFactory.getAPGenerator(job);

        String[] logicalfilenames = new String[1];

        List filesAccessed  = new LinkedList();     

        for( String lfn = accessPatternGenerator.getNextFile();
         lfn != null; 
         lfn = accessPatternGenerator.getNextFile()) {


            // Pack the logical file name into the expected structure:      
            logicalfilenames[0] = lfn;
            float[] fileFractions = new float[1];
            fileFractions[0] = (float)1.0;

                // Use optimiser to locate best replica of this file
            DataFile[] files = replicaOptimiser.getBestFile(logicalfilenames, 
            if( files.length != 1) {
                System.out.println( "ASSERT FAILED: CE, getBestFile return array with wrong number of entries: "+  files.length  +" != 1");
                continue; // skip to next file

            if(files[0] == null) {
                System.out.println( _ceName + "> ERROR getBestFile returned"+
                    " null for "+logicalfilenames[0]);
                continue; // skip to next file

            StorageElement fileSE = files[0].se();
            GridSite fileSite = fileSE.getGridSite();

            // Special case.  If file is remote, then simulate the remoteIO, unPin and move on to next file.
            if( _site != fileSite) {
                simulateRemoteIO( files[0], fileFractions[0]);

                // log this as an access on the close SE (if it exists!)

                if(_workerNodes != 0) {
                    execTime = new Double((job.getLatency() + job.getLinearFactor()*files[0].size())/(_workerNodes*_workerCapacity));
            else {

            // process the file
            if(_workerNodes != 0) {
                execTime = new Double((job.getLatency() + job.getLinearFactor()*files[0].size())/(_workerNodes*_workerCapacity));
//              System.out.println(this.toString()+"> processing file...");


            //A while loop the ce enters when paused by gui

        } // for each datafile in job

        // statistics logging
        long duration = _time.getTimeMillis() - job.timeStarted();
        long durationWithQueue = _time.getTimeMillis() - job.timeScheduled();
        if( duration < 0) {
            OptorSimOut.println("BUG> Duration < 0!!");
        _totalJobTime += durationWithQueue;
        _workingTime += duration;

        if( params.outputStatistics() == 3 || params.useGui()) {
            _jobTimes.put(job.toString(), new Long(duration));
            _jobTimesWithQueue.put(job.toString(), new Long(durationWithQueue));
            _jobFiles.put( job.toString(), filesAccessed);

    } // while there are jobs left to run        
    _runnable = false;
} // run

 * A routine used by the CE to simulate remote IO. The GridContainer's copy() method is
 * used to block the equivalent amount of time.
protected void simulateRemoteIO( DataFile remoteFile, float fraction) 
    GridContainer gc = GridContainer.getInstance();
    gc.copy( remoteFile, _site, fraction);

 * GUI calls this method to pause the ComputingElement
 * threads when pause button is pressed.
public void pauseCE() {
    _paused = true;

 * GUI calls this method to unpause the ComputingElement
 * threads when continue button is pressed.
public void unpauseCE() {
    _paused = false;

 * The ResourceBroker calls this method when it has
 * distributed all the jobs to shut down the ComputingElement
 * threads.
public void shutDownCE(){
    _imAlive = false;


at org.edg.data.replication.optorsim.SiteDataThread.run(SiteDataThread.java:112)


 st = ce.getStatistics();

              //get the statistics object for this comp. element
              ce = site.getCE();
              st = ce.getStatistics();

              //sample mean job time
              Object r1 = st.getStatistic("meanJobTime");
              String stat1 = r1.toString();
              int stat1Int = Integer.parseInt(stat1);
              seriesSMJTVTime.add(timeSecs, stat1Int);

              //sample job times
              Object r2 = st.getStatistic("jobTimes");
              Map m = (Map)r2;
              int pairs = m.size();
              //if (number of previous key-value pairs != pairs)
              //    instantiate new histarray and fill with job time values
              if (prevNoOfPairs!=pairs)
                 histarray = new double[pairs];
                 int i=0;
                 Set keySet = m.keySet();
                 Iterator iter = keySet.iterator();
                 while (iter.hasNext())
                    Object key = iter.next();
                    Object value = m.get(key);
                    String duration = value.toString();
                    float jobTime = Float.parseFloat(duration);
                    histarray[i] = jobTime;

              //sample usage
              Object r3 = st.getStatistic("usage");
              String stat3 = r3.toString();
              float coUsage = Float.parseFloat(stat3);
              /* if (range values identical for last three readings)
               *    remove intermediate statistic
              if (coUsage==prevCoUsage&&coUsage==prevPrevCoUsage)
                 int itemCount = seriesSSEUVTime.getItemCount();
                 if (itemCount>2)
              prevPrevCoUsage = prevCoUsage;
              prevCoUsage = coUsage;
              seriesSCEUVTime.add(timeSecs, coUsage);

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


所以其他一些线程可能会遍历地图。 这可能是一个对象或单个对象,因为这一行:OptorSimParameters.getInstance();通常用于Singelton设计模式。






Iterator<Point> iter = points.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
Point p = iter.next();

//Antoher loop inside this one that will just iterate the itmes
Iterator<Point> iter2 = points.iterator();
while (iter2.hasNext()) {
    Point p = iter2.next();
    if (p.equals(pointWeWantToRemove)) {


这种情况上面只是在循环内循环..哪个外循环逐个删除项目,内部循环将删除特定的Point。 在这种情况下将引发异常,因为迭代器在同一列表上运行并为彼此删除项目。 一旦迭代器创建points.iterator()它将保存集合的初始化大小,然后他检查:

if (initSize != collection.size()) { 
     throw new ConcurrentModificationException ();

