
时间:2014-05-31 09:09:05

标签: excel-vba vba excel

使用Excel VBA将以下数据集从SQL Server数据库转储到Excel电子表格(请原谅格式化,但无法粘贴图像):

CLC_Yr  IND_Period NMR_Company      NMR_TourType CLC_AccountType  CLC_RecCategory  REC_3TableCategory   Total
 2014      2         00010                       FIT                 Sales                1.2                                                    327,964.71
 2014      2         00010                       FIT                 Sales                1.3                               3.1.1                            395,062.92
 2014      2         00010                       FIT                 Sales                1.3                                    30,783,438.87
 2014      2         00010                       FIT                 Sales                1.3                               397,434.81
 2014      2         00010                       FIT                 Sales                1.3                               3.1.3                           354,248.45
 2014      2         00010                       FIT                 COS                1.5                                                2,752,042.61
 2014      2         00010                       FIT                 COS                 1.6                               3.2.1                        1,145,008.75
 2014      2         00010                       FIT                 COS                 1.6                                    25,376,372.13
 2014      2         00010                       FIT                 COS                 1.6                               3.2.3                         2,121,651.62
 2014      2         00010                       FIT                 Total                                                                              63,653,224.87
 2014      2         00010                       GRP                  Sales                 1.2                                                               340,682.10
 2014      2         00010                       GRP                  COS                  1.5                                                               695,162.13
 2014      2         00010                       GRP                  Total                                                                              1,035,844.23
 2014      2         00010                       COMP                  Total                                                                           64,689,069.10

 2014      2         00070                     GRP                  Sales                  1.2                                                         268,522.54
 2014      2         00070                       GRP                  COS                   1.5                                              250,493.17
 2014      2         00070                       GRP                  Total                                                                                 519,015.71
 2014      2         00070                       COMP                   Total                                                                     519,015.71

对于每个公司,我们有各种细节线(NMR_TourType FIT / GRP和CLC_AccountType Sales / COS),其中包括FIT Total和GRP Total的小计,后跟整体公司总COMP COMP。 并非每个公司都会同时拥有FIT和GRP细节线 - 因此在上面的示例中,公司00010确实有FIT和GRP细节线,因此将包含“FIT Total' 和#GRP Total',但公司00070只有GRP细节线,所以只有一个' GRP Total'。

正在正确填充数据库表,并且当前正使用一些简单的Excel VBA代码将其转储到Excel电子表格

stSQL = "SELECT CLC_Yr, IND_Period, NMR_Company, " & _
            "CASE WHEN NMR_TourType = '' THEN 'COMP' ELSE NMR_TourType END AS NMR_TourType, " & _
            "CASE WHEN CLC_AccountType = '' THEN 'Total' ELSE CLC_AccountType END AS CLC_AccountType, " & _
            "CLC_RecCategory, REC_3TableCategory, " & _
            "[CLC_Company_Value]  AS Total " & _
            "FROM [ReportDB].dbo.[ray_report_totals] "

Set cnt = New ADODB.Connection

    With cnt
         .CursorLocation = adUseClient
         .Open stADO
         .CommandTimeout = 0
        Set rst = .Execute(stSQL)
    End With

' Set up a reference to the Report Figures Worksheet
Set wsSheet = wbBook.Worksheets("Report Figures")

' Clear out our data area as this is refreshed on each load of spreadsheet 

' On the Report Figures Worksheet we will dump the data starting from Cell A10
With wsSheet
     Set rnStart = .Range("A10")
End With

' Now dump the Recordset data to the sheet from A10 
rnStart.CopyFromRecordset rst

一切正常,但使用Excel VBA,我想对电子表格进行更多格式化。

因此,根据数据集,电子表格中的数据将为每个公司提供各种详细信息行(NMR_TourType FIT / GRP和CLC_AccountType Sales / COS),其中包含FIT Total和GRP Total的小计,然后是整个公司总计COMP总计。 并非每个公司都会同时拥有FIT和GRP细节线 - 因此在上面的示例中,公司00010确实有FIT和GRP细节线,因此将包含“FIT Total' 和#GRP Total',但公司00070只有GRP细节线,所以只有一个' GRP Total'。

我想在Excel VBA中应用的格式为:

a) Blank out the Company number when the same number is repeated across multiple entries, so it only appears on the first entry for that Company;
b) For the 'FIT Total', 'GRP Total' and 'COMP Total' lines have the text appear as Bold, and possibly even changes the background colour of the row to green;
c) Have a blank line after each 'COMP Total' line before the next set of entries for another Company

我希望我能够在Excel VBA中实现这种格式化,并希望在此提供一些特定的Excel VBA指南,因为这超出了我目前对Excel VBA的基本知识。


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


Sub FormatSheet1()
Dim BlnkLn As String, Cmpn As String, LastRow As Long
Dim RCnt As Long, MovCnt As Long
LastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
MovCnt = 2
RCnt = 2
BlnkLn = "COMP"
CName = ActiveCell.Address
Cmpn = Range(CName).Value
Do Until RCnt > LastRow 'run thru all the companies
    Do Until Cmpn = BlnkLn 'find all the same company
        ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
        CName = ActiveCell.Address
        Cmpn = Range(CName).Value
        RCnt = RCnt + 1
Range(Cells(MovCnt, "C"), Cells(RCnt - 1, "C")).Select
Range(Cells(RCnt, "A"), Cells(RCnt, "H")).Select
Selection.Font.Bold = True ' format the COMP line
With Selection.Interior
    .Pattern = xlSolid
    .PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic
    .Color = 5296274
    .TintAndShade = 0
    .PatternTintAndShade = 0
End With
Range(Cells(RCnt + 1, "A"), Cells(RCnt + 1, "H")).Select
Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown, CopyOrigin:=xlFormatFromLeftOrAbove
With Selection.Interior ' insert and format line between companies
    .Pattern = xlNone
    .TintAndShade = 0
    .PatternTintAndShade = 0
End With
LastRow = LastRow + 1
RCnt = RCnt + 2
MovCnt = RCnt
Range(Cells(RCnt, "D"), Cells(RCnt, "D")).Select
CName = ActiveCell.Address
Cmpn = Range(CName).Value
End Sub