
时间:2014-05-30 16:17:32

标签: string matlab cell repeat


19970101 18659 183 '19980820' '00018659' 'RUNYON L' '00001534' 'MERRILL'
19970101 18290 183 '19981221' '00018290' 'MANTON S' '00001534' 'MERRILL'
19970101 10280 183 '19980819' '00010280' 'BRENNAN S' '00001534' 'MERRILL'
19970101 18659 183 '19980820' '00018659' 'RUNYON L' '00001534' 'MERRILL'
19970101 10280 183 '19980819' '00010280' 'BRENNAN S' '00001534' 'MERRILL'


19970101 18659 183 '19980820' '00018659' 'RUNYON L' '00001534' 'MERRILL'
19970101 18290 183 '19981221' '00018290' 'MANTON S' '00001534' 'MERRILL'
19970101 10280 183 '19980819' '00010280' 'BRENNAN S' '00001534' 'MERRILL'

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)



cellArray = {19970101 18659 183 '19980820' '00018659' 'RUNYON L' '00001534' 'MERRILL'
             19970101 18290 183 '19981221' '00018290' 'MANTON S' '00001534' 'MERRILL'
             19970101 10280 183 '19980819' '00010280' 'BRENNAN S' '00001534' 'MERRILL'
             19970101 18659 183 '19980820' '00018659' 'RUNYON L' '00001534' 'MERRILL'
             19970101 10280 183 '19980819' '00010280' 'BRENNAN S' '00001534' 'MERRILL'}


[sorted, jj] = sortrows(cellArray);
ind = arrayfun(@(n) isequal(sorted(n,:),sorted(n+1,:)), 1:size(cellArray,1)-1);
result = cellArray(sort(jj([true ~ind])),:);


result = 
    [19970101]    [18659]    [183]    '19980820'    '00018659'    'RUNYON L'     '00001534'    'MERRILL'
    [19970101]    [18290]    [183]    '19981221'    '00018290'    'MANTON S'     '00001534'    'MERRILL'
    [19970101]    [10280]    [183]    '19980819'    '00010280'    'BRENNAN S'    '00001534'    'MERRILL'

答案 1 :(得分:2)

试试这个 -

%// Input cell array
input_cell_array ={
    19970101 18659 183 '19980820' '00018659' 'RUNYON L' '00001534' 'MERRILL'
    19970101 18290 183 '19981221' '00018290' 'MANTON S' '00001534' 'MERRILL'
    19970101 10280 183 '19980819' '00010280' 'BRENNAN S' '00001534' 'MERRILL'
    19970101 18659 183 '19980820' '00018659' 'RUNYON L' '00001534' 'MERRILL'
    19970101 10280 183 '19980819' '00010280' 'BRENNAN S' '00001534' 'MERRILL'}

%// "Standardize" the cells by converting all into strings
allstrc = cellfun(@num2str,input_cell_array,'uni',0)

%// Group each column as one cell for labelling them
allstrcg = mat2cell(allstrc,size(allstrc,1),ones(1,size(allstrc,2)))

%// Label them with unique command
[~,~,row_ind] = cellfun(@(x) unique(x,'stable'),allstrcg,'uni',0)

%// Sometimes the row_ind obtained from the earlier code are obtained in cells
%// as row or column vectors, so we need to normalize them -
row_ind = cellfun(@(x) reshape(x,[],1),row_ind,'uni',0) 

%// Get a double array of the labels 
mat1 = horzcat(row_ind{:})

%// Get unique rows of the labels
[~,ind] = unique(mat1,'rows','stable')

%// Finally get the desired output by selecting the unique rows from the labels
out = input_cell_array(ind,:)

输出 -

[19970101]    [18659]    [183]    '19980820'    '00018659'    'RUNYON L'     '00001534'    'MERRILL'
[19970101]    [18290]    [183]    '19981221'    '00018290'    'MANTON S'     '00001534'    'MERRILL'
[19970101]    [10280]    [183]    '19980819'    '00010280'    'BRENNAN S'    '00001534'    'MERRILL'