我设法为报告表选择了一条添加的记录,但是,我有以下问题。 1. rep_to没有预先选择已经选择的选项 2.无法使用php更新记录注意:未定义的索引:第232行的C:\ wamp \ www \ cme \ edit-this-report.php中的rep_id,数据库没有更新。此行是选择报告表的位置 请参阅下面的php代码。
if(isset($_SESSION['users'])) {
$uname = $_SESSION['users'];
$fname = $_SESSION['firstname'];
$lname = $_SESSION['lastname'];
$dep = $_SESSION['depart'];
$pos = $_SESSION['position'];
$query = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = $uname");
while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query)) {
$dep = $row['department'];
$pos = $row['position'];
$repby = $row['first_name'] . " " . $row['last_name'];
$repdep = $row['department'];
$reppos = $row['position'];
mysqli_select_db($con, $db_name);
$edit= "SELECT * FROM reports WHERE rep_id = '{$_GET['rep_id']}'";
$result = mysqli_query($con, $edit) or die(mysqli_error($con));
$row2 = mysqli_fetch_array($result);
if(isset($_POST['update'])) {
$reptype = $_POST['reporttype'];
$report = $_POST['report'];
$repto = $_POST['reportedto'];
$update=(mysqli_select_db($con, $db_name));
if(!$update) {
die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error($con));
else {
$sql = "UPDATE reports SET rep_type='$reptype', report='$report', rep_to='$repto',
rep_ledit_date=NOW() WHERE rep_id='{$_GET['rep_id']}'";
$retval = mysqli_query($con, $sql);
if(!$retval ) {
$errorMessage='Could not update data: ' . mysqli_error($con);
else {
$success="Updated data successfully\n";
<form name="editor" action="edit-this-report.php" method="post" >
<p class="inline">
<label for="mem">Reported by</label>
<input type="text" name="reportedby" maxlength="20" disabled value="<?php print $fname . " " . $lname; ?>" />
<p class="inline">
<label for="mem">Department Name</label><input type="text" name="repdepart" disabled size="100" maxlength="100" value="<?php print $dep; ?>">
<p class="inline">
<label for="mem">Position</label><input disabled type="text" name="repposition" size="100" value="<?php print $pos; ?>">
<label for="mem">Report Type</label>
<select name="reporttype">
<option value=""<?php if ($row2['rep_type'] === 'Daily Report') echo ' selected="selected"'; ?>>Daily Report</option>
<option value=""<?php if ($row2['rep_type'] === 'Weekly Report') echo ' selected="selected"'; ?>>Weekly Report</option>
<option value=""<?php if ($row2['rep_type'] === 'Monthly Report') echo ' selected="selected"'; ?>>Monthly Report</option>
<option value=""<?php if ($row2['rep_type'] === 'Quarterly Report') echo ' selected="selected"'; ?>>Quarterly Report</option>
<option value=""<?php if ($row2['rep_type'] === 'Annual Report') echo ' selected="selected"'; ?>>Annual Report</option>
<option value=""<?php if ($row2['rep_type'] === 'Terminal Report') echo ' selected="selected"'; ?>>Terminal Report</option>
<label for="mem">Report</label>
<textarea name="report" id="report" rows="23" cols="auto" ><?php echo $row2['report'];?></textarea>
<label for="mem">Reported to</label>
<select name="reportedto">
require ("includes/db.php");
$q2= "SELECT * FROM users WHERE department like '%$repdep%'";
$result3=mysqli_query($con, $q2) or die(mysqli_error($con));
while ($getuser=mysqli_fetch_array($result3)){
$repto=$getuser['first_name'] . " " . $getuser['last_name'];
<option value="<?php echo $repto; ?>"><?php echo $repto; ?></option>;
<input name="update" type="submit" class="btn btn-large btn-primary" id="report_button" value="Submit Report" >
<input name="cancel" type="reset" class="btn btn-large btn-secondary" id="report_button" value="Cancel All Changes" >
答案 0 :(得分:1)
你必须确切地确定上面哪一行是第232行,而是&#34;未定义的索引&#34; PHP中的错误意味着您有一个数组($ _GET和$ _POST都是数组)并且您正在尝试访问一个值(在这种情况下,一个:$ _GET [&#39; rep_id&#39;] = 1;但它无法找到&#39;指数&#39;在数组中(在这种情况下&#39; rep_id&#39;)。
编辑: 可能在这里: $ edit =&#34; SELECT * FROM报告WHERE rep_id =&#39; {$ _ GET [&#39; rep_id&#39;]}&#39;&#34;;
$ _ GET引用了一个名为rep_id的url变量,但是你没有使用post来发送rep_id吗?在这种情况下尝试改变 $ _GET [&#39; rep_id&#39;] 至 $ _POST [&#39; rep_id&#39;]
答案 1 :(得分:1)
变量集,因此在提交表单时您没有收到该值。您在前一个查询中依赖$ _GET ['rep_id']为您的UPDATE提供rep_id,但我看到您的表单中没有提供$ _GET变量。 (也许不是混合POST和GET的最佳实践,更好的是添加隐藏的表单var并将其设置为rep_id
<form name="editor" action="edit-this-report.php?rep_id=<?php echo $_GET['rep_id']; ?>" method="post" >
另一个问题,虽然可能不是show-stopper,但在SELECT * FROM users
查询之前,$ uname var未被引用。但是,更大的未来问题是在SQL语句中使用不安全,用户提供或黑客可操作的变量会使数据库对SQL注入攻击开放。
require ('includes/db.php'); // provides $con, select database
// get logon info
if ( !isset($_SESSION['username']) ) { header('Location: logon.php'); } // logon and set session vars
else {
list($uname, $repby, $dep, $pos) =
array($_SESSION['username'], $_SESSION['repby'], $_SESSION['department'], $_SESSION['position']);
// get report id if GET'd
if ( isset($_GET['rep_id']) ) {
$rep_id = $_GET['rep_id'];
// update report if POST'd
else if ( isset($_POST['update'] ) ) {
$rep_id = $_POST['rep_id'];
$reptype = $_POST['reporttype'];
$report = $_POST['report'];
$repto = $_POST['reportedto'];
if ( mysqli_stmt_prepare($stmt, 'UPDATE reports SET rep_type= ?, report= ?, rep_to= ?, rep_ledit_date= ? WHERE rep_id= ?') ) {
mysqli_stmt_bind_param($stmt, 'sssi', $reptype, $report, $repto, NOW(), $rep_id);
else { $errorMessage='Could not update report data: ' . mysqli_error($con); }
else { die('no report id'); }
// get/verify report info (can be moved to get'd if to save a db call when post'd)
list($rep_type, $report) = array('', '');
$stmt = mysqli_stmt_init($con);
if ( mysqli_stmt_prepare($stmt, 'SELECT rep_id, rep_type, report FROM Reports WHERE rep_id = ?') ) {
mysqli_stmt_bind_param($stmt, 'i', $rep_id);
mysqli_stmt_bind_result($stmt, $rep_id, $rep_type, $report);
else { $errorMessage='Could not select report data: ' . mysqli_error($con); }
<form name="editor" action="edit-this-report.php" method="post" >
<input type="hidden" name="rep_id" value="<?=$rep_id?>">
<p class="inline">
<label for="mem">Reported by</label>
<input type="text" name="reportedby" maxlength="20" disabled value="<?=$repby?>" />
<p class="inline">
<label for="mem">Department Name</label><input type="text" name="repdepart" disabled size="100" maxlength="100" value="<?=$dep?>">
<p class="inline">
<label for="mem">Position</label><input disabled type="text" name="repposition" size="100" value="<?=$pos?>">
<label for="mem">Report Type</label>
<select name="reporttype">
list($rep_type_da, $rep_type_we, $rep_type_mo, $rep_type_qu, $rep_type_an, $rep_type_te) = array('', '', '', '', '', '');
switch ( $rep_type ) {
case 'Daily Report': $rep_type_da = ' selected'; break;
case 'Daily Report': $rep_type_we = ' selected'; break;
case 'Daily Report': $rep_type_mo = ' selected'; break;
case 'Daily Report': $rep_type_qu = ' selected'; break;
case 'Daily Report': $rep_type_an = ' selected'; break;
case 'Daily Report': $rep_type_te = ' selected'; break;
<option value="Daily Report" <?=$rep_type_da?>>Daily Report</option>
<option value="Weekly Report" <?=$rep_type_we?>>Weekly Report</option>
<option value="Monthly Report" <?=$rep_type_mo?>>Monthly Report</option>
<option value="Quarterly Report"<?=$rep_type_qu?>>Quarterly Report</option>
<option value="Annual Report" <?=$rep_type_an?>>Annual Report</option>
<option value="Terminal Report" <?=$rep_type_te?>>Terminal Report</option>
<label for="mem">Report</label>
<textarea name="report" id="report" rows="23" cols="auto" ><?=$report?></textarea>
<label for="mem">Reported to</label>
<select name="reportedto">
<option value=""></option>
if ( mysqli_stmt_prepare($stmt, 'SELECT CONCAT(first_name, last_name) AS repto FROM users WHERE department LIKE ?') ) {
mysqli_stmt_bind_param($stmt, 's', "%$dep%");
mysqli_stmt_bind_result($stmt, $repto);
while ( mysqli_stmt_fetch($stmt) ) {
echo '<option value="' . $repto . '">' . $repto . "</option>\n";
else { $errorMessage='Could not select dep user data: ' . mysqli_error($con); }
<input name="update" type="submit" class="btn btn-large btn-primary" id="report_button" value="Submit Report" >
<input name="cancel" type="reset" class="btn btn-large btn-secondary" id="report_button" value="Cancel All Changes" >
答案 2 :(得分:0)
if(isset($_SESSION['users'])) {
$uname = $_SESSION['users'];
$fname = $_SESSION['firstname'];
$lname = $_SESSION['lastname'];
$dep = $_SESSION['depart'];
$pos = $_SESSION['position'];
$query = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = $uname");
while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query)) {
$dep = $row['department'];
$pos = $row['position'];
$repby = $row['first_name'] . " " . $row['last_name'];
$repdep = $row['department'];
$reppos = $row['position'];
mysqli_select_db($con, $db_name);
$edit= "SELECT * FROM reports WHERE rep_id = '{$_GET['rep_id']}'";
$result = mysqli_query($con, $edit) or die(mysqli_error($con));
$row2 = mysqli_fetch_array($result);
if(isset($_POST['update'])) {
$repid = $_POST['repid'];
$reporttype = $_POST['reporttype'];
$report = $_POST['report'];
$repto = $_POST['reportedto'];
$sql = "UPDATE reports SET rep_type='$reporttype', report='$report', rep_to='$repto', rep_ledit_date=NOW() WHERE rep_id='$repid'";
$retval = mysqli_query($con, $sql);
$success="You have successfully edited your report.";
<form name="editor" action="edit-this-report.php?rep_id=<?php echo $_GET['rep_id']; ?>" method="post" >
<p class="inline">
<label for="mem">Reported by</label>
<input type="text" name="reportedby" maxlength="20" disabled value="<?php print $fname . " " . $lname; ?>" />
<p class="inline">
<label for="mem">Department Name</label><input type="text" name="repdepart" disabled size="100" maxlength="100" value="<?php print $dep; ?>">
<p class="inline">
<label for="mem">Position</label><input disabled type="text" name="repposition" size="100" value="<?php print $pos; ?>">
<input name="repid" type="hidden" id="repid" value="<?php echo $row2['rep_id']; ?>">
<select name="reporttype">
<option value="Daily Report"<?php if ($row2['rep_type'] === 'Daily Report') echo ' selected="selected"'; ?>>Daily Report</option>
<option value="Weekly Report"<?php if ($row2['rep_type'] === 'Weekly Report') echo ' selected="selected"'; ?>>Weekly Report</option>
<option value="Monthly Report"<?php if ($row2['rep_type'] === 'Monthly Report') echo ' selected="selected"'; ?>>Monthly Report</option>
<option value="Quarterly Report"<?php if ($row2['rep_type'] === 'Quarterly Report') echo ' selected="selected"'; ?>>Quarterly Report</option>
<option value="Annual Report"<?php if ($row2['rep_type'] === 'Annual Report') echo ' selected="selected"'; ?>>Annual Report</option>
<option value="Terminal Report"<?php if ($row2['rep_type'] === 'Terminal Report') echo ' selected="selected"'; ?>>Terminal Report</option>
<label for="mem">Report</label>
<textarea name="report" id="report" rows="23" cols="auto"><?php echo $row2['report'];?></textarea>
<label for="mem">Reported to</label>
<select name="reportedto">
require ("includes/db.php");
$q2= "SELECT * FROM users WHERE department like '%$repdep%'";
$result3=mysqli_query($con, $q2) or die(mysqli_error($con));
while ($getuser=mysqli_fetch_array($result3)){
$repto=$getuser['first_name'] . " " . $getuser['last_name'];
<option value="<?php echo $repto; ?>"><?php echo $repto; ?></option>;
<input name="update" type="submit" class="btn btn-large btn-primary" id="report_button" value="Submit Report" >
<input name="cancel" type="reset" class="btn btn-large btn-secondary" id="report_button" value="Cancel All Changes" >