答案 0 :(得分:3)
您可以使用 TFS API 执行您在 MTM 中管理的测试。
不幸的是,这个 API 在 MSDN 上的记录非常糟糕,这真是太遗憾了......
我的提示:更改 MSDN 页面上的 Visual Studio 2012 版本,您将获得更多文档(仍然太少但总比没有好......)。
string tfsUri= <tfs uri like @"https://<your tfs>/tfs/<your collection>" >;
string userName = <TFS user name>;
string password = <password>,
string projectName = <TFS project name>;
int planId = <test plan id>;
int suiteId = <test suite id>;
int settingsId = <test settings id>;
int configurationId = <test configuration id>;
string environmentName = <test environment you want to run the tests on>;
TfsTeamProjectCollection tfsCollection = new TfsTeamProjectCollection(new Uri(tfsUri), new System.Net.NetworkCredential(userName, password));
ITestManagementService testManagementService = tfsCollection.GetService<ITestManagementService>();
ITestManagementTeamProject project = testManagementService.GetTeamProject(projectName);
//Get user name
TeamFoundationIdentity tfi = testManagementService.AuthorizedIdentity;
ITestPlan plan = project.TestPlans.Find(planId);
ITestSuiteBase suite = project.TestSuites.Find(suiteId);
ITestSettings testSettings = project.TestSettings.Find(settingsId);
ITestConfiguration testConfiguration = project.TestConfigurations.Find(configurationId);
// Unfortunately test environment name is not exactly the name you see in MTM.
// In order to get the name of your environments just call
// project.TestEnvironments.Query()
// set a breakpoint, run this code in debuger and check the names.
ITestEnvironment testEnvironment = project.TestEnvironments.Find((from te in project.TestEnvironments.Query()
where te.Name.ToUpper().Equals(environmentName.ToUpper())
select te.Id).SingleOrDefault());
ITestRun testRun = plan.CreateTestRun(true);
testRun.Owner = tfi;
testRun.Controller = testEnvironment.ControllerName;
testRun.TestEnvironmentId = testEnvironment.Id;
testRun.Title = "Tests started from the dashboard";
//Get test points
ITestPointCollection testpoints = plan.QueryTestPoints("SELECT * FROM TestPoint WHERE SuiteId = " + suite.Id + " and ConfigurationId = " + testConfiguration.Id);
foreach (ITestPoint tp in testpoints)
testRun.AddTestPoint(tp, tfi);
// This call starts your tests!
答案 1 :(得分:2)
您可以使用MSTEST.exe从命令行运行具有关联自动化的测试用例,而不是使用Microsoft Test Manager提供的用户界面。这使您可以从批处理文件中自动启动运行。
请参阅Running Automated Tests from the Command Line和Using MSTest from the Command Line
mstest /testcontainer:"C:\Trunk\Project\bin\x86\Debug\TestProject.dll" /test:SmokeTest