
时间:2014-05-27 10:25:04

标签: ipython ipython-notebook



3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:7)

由于问题是关于监控笔记本的内存,我写了一个完整的例子,显示正在运行的笔记本电脑的内存消耗。它基于优秀的@ jcb91 answer和其他一些答案(1234)。

import json
import os
import os.path
import posixpath
import subprocess
import urllib2

import pandas as pd
import psutil

def show_notebooks_table(host, port):
    """Show table with info about running jupyter notebooks.

        host: host of the jupyter server.
        port: port of the jupyter server.

        DataFrame with rows corresponding to running notebooks and following columns:
            * index: notebook kernel id.
            * path: path to notebook file.
            * pid: pid of the notebook process.
            * memory: notebook memory consumption in percentage.
    notebooks = get_running_notebooks(host, port)
    prefix = long_substr([notebook['path'] for notebook in notebooks])
    df = pd.DataFrame(notebooks)
    df = df.set_index('kernel_id')
    df.index.name = prefix
    df.path = df.path.apply(lambda x: x[len(prefix):])
    df['pid'] = df.apply(lambda row: get_process_id(row.name), axis=1)
    # same notebook can be run in multiple processes
    df = expand_column(df, 'pid')
    df['memory'] = df.pid.apply(memory_usage_psutil)
    return df.sort_values('memory', ascending=False)

def get_running_notebooks(host, port):
    """Get kernel ids and paths of the running notebooks.

        host: host at which the notebook server is listening. E.g. 'localhost'.
        port: port at which the notebook server is listening. E.g. 8888.
        username: name of the user who runs the notebooks.

        list of dicts {kernel_id: notebook kernel id, path: path to notebook file}.
    # find which kernel corresponds to which notebook
    # by querying the notebook server api for sessions
    sessions_url = posixpath.join('http://%s:%d' % (host, port), 'api', 'sessions')
    response = urllib2.urlopen(sessions_url).read()
    res = json.loads(response)
    notebooks = [{'kernel_id': notebook['kernel']['id'],
                  'path': notebook['notebook']['path']} for notebook in res]
    return notebooks

def get_process_id(name):
    """Return process ids found by (partial) name or regex.

    Source: https://stackoverflow.com/a/44712205/304209.
    >>> get_process_id('kthreadd')
    >>> get_process_id('watchdog')
    [10, 11, 16, 21, 26, 31, 36, 41, 46, 51, 56, 61]  # ymmv
    >>> get_process_id('non-existent process')
    child = subprocess.Popen(['pgrep', '-f', name], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=False)
    response = child.communicate()[0]
    return [int(pid) for pid in response.split()]

def memory_usage_psutil(pid=None):
    """Get memory usage percentage by current process or by process specified by id, like in top.

    Source: https://stackoverflow.com/a/30014612/304209.

        pid: pid of the process to analyze. If None, analyze the current process.

        memory usage of the process, in percentage like in top, values in [0, 100].
    if pid is None:
        pid = os.getpid()
    process = psutil.Process(pid)
    return process.memory_percent()

def long_substr(strings):
    """Find longest common substring in a list of strings.

    Source: https://stackoverflow.com/a/2894073/304209.

        strings: list of strings.

        longest substring which is found in all of the strings.
    substr = ''
    if len(strings) > 1 and len(strings[0]) > 0:
        for i in range(len(strings[0])):
            for j in range(len(strings[0])-i+1):
                if j > len(substr) and all(strings[0][i:i+j] in x for x in strings):
                    substr = strings[0][i:i+j]
    return substr

def expand_column(dataframe, column):
    """Transform iterable column values into multiple rows.

    Source: https://stackoverflow.com/a/27266225/304209.

        dataframe: DataFrame to process.
        column: name of the column to expand.

        copy of the DataFrame with the following updates:
            * for rows where column contains only 1 value, keep them as is.
            * for rows where column contains a list of values, transform them
                into multiple rows, each of which contains one value from the list in column.
    tmp_df = dataframe.apply(
        lambda row: pd.Series(row[column]), axis=1).stack().reset_index(level=1, drop=True)
    tmp_df.name = column
    return dataframe.drop(column, axis=1).join(tmp_df)

以下是show_notebooks_table('localhost', 8888)的示例输出:

example output of show_notebooks_table

答案 1 :(得分:5)


  1. 从位于服务器security目录中的相应json连接文件中获取每个内核(id)正在侦听的端口
  2. 将调用的输出解析为netstat以确定哪个pid正在侦听在步骤1中找到的端口
  3. 查询服务器的会话URL以查找哪个内核ID映射到哪个会话,从而映射到哪个笔记本。见the ipython wiki for the api。虽然并非所有这些都适用于我,运行IPython 2.1.0,会话网址会。
  4. 我怀疑有一种更简单的方法,但我不确定它在哪里可以找到它。

    import glob
    import os.path
    import posixpath
    import re
    import json
    import subprocess
    import urllib2
    # the url and port at which your notebook server listens
    server_path = 'http://localhost'
    server_port = 8888
    # the security directory of the notebook server, containing its connections files
    server_sec_dir = 'C:/Users/Josh/.ipython/profile_default/security/'
    # part 1 : open all the connection json files to find their port numbers
    kernels = {}
    for json_path in glob.glob(os.path.join(server_sec_dir, 'kernel-*.json')):
        control_port = json.load(open(json_path, 'r'))['control_port']
        key = os.path.basename(json_path)[7:-5]
        kernels[control_port] = {'control_port': control_port, 'key': key}
    # part2 : get netstat info for which processes use which tcp ports
    netstat_ouput = subprocess.check_output(['netstat', '-ano'])
    # parse the netstat output to map ports to PIDs
    netstat_regex = re.compile(
        "^\s+\w+\s+" # protocol word
        "\d+(\.\d+){3}:(\d+)\s+" # local ip:port
        "\d+(\.\d+){3}:(\d+)\s+" # foreign ip:port 
        "LISTENING\s+" # connection state
        "(\d+)$" # PID
    for line in netstat_ouput.splitlines(False):
        match = netstat_regex.match(line)
        if match and match.lastindex == 5:
            port = int(match.group(2))
            if port in kernels:
                pid = int(match.group(5))
                kernels[port]['pid'] = pid
    # reorganize kernels to use 'key' as keys
    kernels = {kernel['key']: kernel for kernel in kernels.values()}
    # part 3 : find which kernel corresponds to which notebook
    # by querying the notebook server api for sessions
    sessions_url = posixpath.join('%s:%d' % (server_path, server_port),
    response = urllib2.urlopen(sessions_url).read()
    for session in json.loads(response):
        key = session['kernel']['id']
        if key in kernels:
            nb_path = os.path.join(session['notebook']['path'],
            kernels[key]['nb_path'] = nb_path
    # now do what you will with the dict. I just print a pretty list version:
    print json.dumps(kernels.values(), sort_keys=True, indent=4)


            "key": "9142896a-34ca-4c01-bc71-e5709652cac5",
            "nb_path": "2015/2015-01-16\\serhsdh.ipynb",
            "pid": 11436,
            "port": 56173
            "key": "1ddedd95-5673-45a6-b0fb-a3083debb681",
            "nb_path": "Untitled0.ipynb",
            "pid": 11248,
            "port": 52191
            "key": "330343dc-ae60-4f5c-b9b8-e5d05643df19",
            "nb_path": "ipynb\\temp.ipynb",
            "pid": 4680,
            "port": 55446
            "key": "888ad49b-5729-40c8-8d53-0e025b03ecc6",
            "nb_path": "Untitled2.ipynb",
            "pid": 7584,
            "port": 55401
            "key": "26d9ddd2-546a-40b4-975f-07403bb4e048",
            "nb_path": "Untitled1.ipynb",
            "pid": 10916,
            "port": 55351

答案 2 :(得分:4)

将Dennis Golomazov的answer添加到:

  • 使代码与Python 3兼容
  • 允许登录受密码保护的会话


import requests

def get_running_notebooks(host, port, password=''):
    Get kernel ids and paths of the running notebooks.

        host: host at which the notebook server is listening. E.g. 'localhost'.
        port: port at which the notebook server is listening. E.g. 8888.
        list of dicts {kernel_id: notebook kernel id, path: path to notebook file}.
    BASE_URL = 'http://{0}:{1}/'.format(host, port)
    # Get the cookie data
    s = requests.Session()
    url = BASE_URL + 'login?next=%2F'
    resp = s.get(url)
    xsrf_cookie = resp.cookies['_xsrf']

    # Login with the password
    params = {'_xsrf': xsrf_cookie, 'password': password}
    res = s.post(url, data=params)

    # Find which kernel corresponds to which notebook
    # by querying the notebook server api for sessions
    url = posixpath.join(BASE_URL, 'api', 'sessions')
    ret = s.get(url)
    #print('Status code:', ret.status_code)

    # Get the notebook list
    res = json.loads(ret.text)
    notebooks = [{'kernel_id': notebook['kernel']['id'],
                  'path': notebook['notebook']['path']} for notebook in res]
    return notebooks