我使用Bazaar而我喜欢它。通常,我只是创建不同的分支并分别管理它们。我刚刚发现所有这些分支都可以放入存储库。如果我理解正确,这应该节省内存并提高速度,因为分支之间的一些共同祖先是共享的。 Q1:我理解这一点吗?
bzr init-repo --trees TestBzrRepo
cd TestBzrRepo
bzr init trunk
mkdir branches
cd branches
bzr branch ../trunk b01-Add-file2-f
echo 'This is file 2' > file2.f
bzr add file2.f
bzr commit -m "Add file 2"
cd ../../trunk
echo 'This is file 1' > file1.f
bzr add file1.f
bzr commit -m "Add file 1"
cd ../branches/b01-Add-file2-f
从现在起如果bzr pull ../../trunk
bzr: ERROR: These branches have diverged. Use the missing command to see how.
Use the merge command to reconcile them.
如果我bzr merge ../../trunk
bzr: ERROR: Branches have no common ancestor, and no merge base revision was specified.
bzr conflicts
这里发生了什么?接下来我该怎么办 请帮忙。
答案 0 :(得分:6)
我认为合并错误的原因是您在创建第二个分支之前没有创建修订。 bzr qlog TestBzrRepo
尝试bzr merge ../../trunk -r 0..-1
答案 1 :(得分:6)
bzr init-repo
bzr init-repo the-project # create shared repo
bzr init the-project/trunk # create a branch inside shared repo
cd the-project/trunk # cd to branch dir
cp -r /path/to/files/* . # copy the project's files into the branch
bzr add # tell bazaar to add everything to version control
bzr commit -m 'added files' # commit the changes (add files)
bzr branch . ../branch1 # create another branch from the current one
bzr branch . ../branch2 # create another branch from the current one
the-project/.bzr -- only revisions are stored here, no branch info
the-project/trunk/.bzr -- only branch info is stored here, no revisions
the-project/branch1/.bzr -- only branch info is stored here, no revisions
the-project/branch2/.bzr -- only branch info is stored here, no revisions
bzr init trunk # create a branch inside shared repo
cd the-project-trunk # cd to branch dir
cp -r /path/to/files/* . # copy the project's files into the branch
bzr add # tell bazaar to add everything to version control
bzr commit -m 'added files' # commit the changes (add files)
bzr branch . ../branch1 # create another branch from the current one
bzr branch . ../branch2 # create another branch from the current one
trunk/.bzr -- revisions + branch info are stored here
branch1/.bzr -- revisions + branch info are stored here
branch2/.bzr -- revisions + branch info are stored here
如果当前分支是另一个分支后面的一些修订,则 bzr pull
非常有用,因此可以以简单的方式附加缺少的修订。如果当前分支有一些另一个没有的修订,则拉动失败,如示例所示。这是完全正常的,在这种情况下的解决方案是与bzr merge
bzr merge
仍然可以将不相关的分支组合为@bialix在评论{/ 1}}中解释,但我不认为这是你的意图。从没有修订的主干分支是没有意义的,在实际用例中,您将从具有至少1个修订的分支分支,在这种情况下,您将不会得到此类错误,并且合并将按预期工作。
答案 2 :(得分:4)