我必须制作PS脚本才能将其与我们的自动化软件集成。我是PS的初学者,我做了一些尝试,但仍然没有成功。这是我的任务。 我有一个参数将用作输入参数。这将是远程磁盘路径 %setupRootPath%。此目录有多个子目录,如(Beta,Testing,Release等),每个子目录都有项目名称。在连续集成系统中,每个项目都会获得Build Nomber,所以最后我得到了像
这样的东西目前有数百个项目,我制作的C#代码可以满足我的需求,但如果我可以通过PS而不是C#来运行它,那将会非常棒#/ p>
class Program
const string rootDirPath = @"\\pcName\AutomationProcess\Deployment";
const int keepNum = 1;
const int deployDepth = 2;
static void Main(string[] args)
var delDir = new DirectoryInfo(rootDirPath);
var currentDateTime = DateTime.Now;
int currentDetph = 0;
var deployPathes = new Dictionary<DirectoryInfo, int>();
GetDeployDirectories(delDir, currentDetph, deployPathes);
foreach (var projektDir in deployPathes.Keys)
var dirInfoArray = projektDir.GetDirectories();
if (dirInfoArray != null)
var sortedDeploymentDirs = from d in dirInfoArray
where (currentDateTime - d.LastWriteTime).Days > 6
orderby d.LastWriteTime
select d;
var deploymentDirsArray = sortedDeploymentDirs.ToArray();
if (deploymentDirsArray.Length > keepNum)
for (int i = 0; i < deploymentDirsArray.Length - keepNum; i++)
Console.WriteLine("Delete: {0}", deploymentDirsArray[i].FullName);
private static void GetDeployDirectories(DirectoryInfo currentDirectory, int currentDetph, Dictionary<DirectoryInfo, int> resultDictionary)
foreach (DirectoryInfo subDir in currentDirectory.GetDirectories())
if (currentDetph < deployDepth)
GetDeployDirectories(subDir, currentDetph, resultDictionary);
else if (currentDetph == deployDepth)
resultDictionary.Add(subDir, currentDetph);
我会尝试一下tommorow。但是,如果有人会帮助。我会很满意:) 以下是我目前的状态。 它可以工作,但只有当我提供整个Projekt文件,而不仅仅是根目录时;(
param([String] $delpath=\\pcName\AutomationProcess\Deployment\Beta\ProjektA\",[String] $keepNum="1")
function Get-SubDirDate($directory)
$datetime = $directory.LastWriteTime
$SubDirDatealldir = gci $directory.FullName -filter * | ? { $_.PSisContainer -eq $true}
$SubDirDatealldir = @($SubDirDatealldir)
foreach ($subdir in $SubDirDatealldir)
$subdir = $subdir -as [system.io.directoryinfo]
if ($subdir)
$days = $subdir.LastWriteTime
if ($days -ge $datetime)
$datetime = $days
cd $delpath
$localdir = get-location
if ($localdir.Path.IndexOf($delpath) -ne -1)
$datehash = @{}
$CurrentTime = Get-Date
# Mach es rekursive ;(
$alldir = gci -filter * | ? { $_.PSisContainer -eq $true}
$alldir = @($alldir)
foreach ($dir in $alldir)
$dir = $dir -as [system.io.directoryinfo]
if (($dir) -and ($dir.Exists))
if (!$datehash.ContainsKey($dir.FullName))
$datehash[$dir.FullName] = Get-SubDirDate $dir
# Alle Verz. Aelter als 6 Tage bis auf die letzten n(=keepNum) loeschen
$itemCount = $datehash.Count
if ($itemCount -gt ([int]$keepNum))
# Hash-Array nach Zeitstempel (=Value) absteigend sortieren
# (d.h. neuster Eintrag ist erstes Element) und die neusten n Faelle
# rausnehmen, damit diese nachfolgend nicht geloescht werden.
$datehashSorted = $datehash.GetEnumerator() |
Sort-Object Value -Descending | select-object -Last ($itemCount - [int]$keepNum)
# Alle übrigen, die Älter als 6 Tage sind, löschen
$datehashSorted | foreach-object {
$dir = $_.Name -as [system.io.directoryinfo]
$diffdays = ($CurrentTime-$_.Value).Days
if ($diffdays -ge 6)
Write-Host ($dir.fullname)
答案 0 :(得分:0)
# Your input parameter
$setupRootPath = "\\pcName\AutomationProcess\Deployment\"
# Retrieve the top level directories (Beta, Testing, Release, etc.).
Get-ChildItem $setupRootPath | Where-Object {$_.PSisContainer -eq $true} | ForEach-Object {
$topDir = $_
# Pull the list of projects in the current top level dir.
Get-ChildItem $topDir | Where-Object {$_.PSisContainer -eq $true} | ForEach-Object {
$projectDir = $_
#Get the list of build folders, sorting by LastWriteTime, skipping the most recent, where the file is older than 6 days; and delete the remaining items.
Get-ChildItem $projectDir | Where-Object {$_.PSisContainer -eq $true} | Sort-Object LastWriteTime -Descending | Select-Object -Skip 1 | Where-Object {((Get-Date)-$_.LastWriteTime).TotalDays -gt 6} | Remove-Item