
时间:2014-05-26 14:29:52

标签: turbogears2




其中plain_text密码仅用于测试。然后,在from logging import getLogger from repoze.who.middleware import PluggableAuthenticationMiddleware from repoze.who.classifiers import default_challenge_decider, default_request_classifier from repoze.who.plugins.basicauth import BasicAuthPlugin from repoze.who.plugins.htpasswd import HTPasswdPlugin, plain_check def add_auth(app): htpasswd = HTPasswdPlugin('/.../htpasswd', plain_check) authenticators = [('htpasswd', htpasswd)] base_auth = BasicAuthPlugin('Inventory DB') challengers = [('base_auth', base_auth)] identifiers = [('base_auth', base_auth)] mdproviders = [] log_stream = getLogger('auth') app_with_mw = PluggableAuthenticationMiddleware( app, identifiers, authenticators, challengers, mdproviders, default_request_classifier, default_challenge_decider, log_stream, ) return app_with_mw 中导入此函数并将其作为config/middleware.py函数的最后一步应用于app


现在的问题是,身份验证并不真正起作用。不需要任何身份验证的控制器不会挑战。具有from invdb.config.app_cfg import base_config from invdb.config.environment import load_environment from auth import add_auth __all__ = ['make_app'] make_base_app = base_config.setup_tg_wsgi_app(load_environment) def make_app(global_conf, full_stack=True, **app_conf): app = make_base_app(global_conf, full_stack=True, **app_conf) app = add_auth(app) return app 的控制器将挑战http身份验证。但即使plain_check返回allow_only = tg.predicate.not_anonymous,登录也会立即被遗忘,并再次显示挑战。 True保留tg.request.identity


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

使用自定义中间件替换整个身份验证堆栈有一个更简单的解决方案。正如authentication documentation所述,您可以从app_cfg.py本身配置身份验证堆栈。

例如,如果您想强制使用基本身份验证,则只需设置challengersidentifiersauthenticators,然后使用tg.request.identity返回数据以填充authmetadata basic_config.sa_auth

以下是基本身份验证的示例app_cfg(请记住删除任何其他# Name our custom auth backend, if this is None TG will # disable the whole authentication stack. base_config.auth_backend = 'htpasswd' from tg.configuration.auth import TGAuthMetadata #This tells to TurboGears how to retrieve the data for your user class ApplicationAuthMetadata(TGAuthMetadata): def __init__(self, sa_auth): self.sa_auth = sa_auth def get_user(self, identity, userid): # As we use htpasswd for authentication # we cannot lookup the user in a database, # so just return a fake user object from tg.util import Bunch return Bunch(display_name=userid, user_name=userid) def get_groups(self, identity, userid): # If the user is manager we give him the # managers group, otherwise no groups if userid == 'manager': return ['managers'] else: return [] def get_permissions(self, identity, userid): return [] base_config.sa_auth.authmetadata = ApplicationAuthMetadata(base_config.sa_auth) from repoze.who.plugins.basicauth import BasicAuthPlugin from repoze.who.plugins.htpasswd import HTPasswdPlugin, plain_check # Use htpasswd for checking user credentials, remember to write the password in clear # text as we are using the plain_check function to check them. base_config.sa_auth.authenticators = [('htpasswd', HTPasswdPlugin('./passwd_file', plain_check))] # Use BasicAuth plugin to ask user for credentials, this will replace # the whole login form and cookie based authentication base_auth = BasicAuthPlugin('MyTGApp') base_config.sa_auth.challengers = [('basicauth', base_auth)] base_config.sa_auth.identifiers = [('basicauth', base_auth)] # Disable the login form, it won't work anyway as the credentials # for basic auth must be provided through the browser itself base_config.sa_auth.form_identifies = False 输入或它可能会因意外参数而崩溃):


答案 1 :(得分:0)


class identified_user(predicates.Predicate):
    def evaluate(self, environ, credentials):
        if environ.get('repoze.who.identity') is None: