def saveImage(userIdSource: String) = Action.async(gridFSBodyParser(gridFS)) { request =>
// here is the future file!
val futureFile = request.body.files.head.ref
// when the upload is complete, we add the article id to the file entry (in order to find the attachments of the article)
val futureUpdate = for {
file <- futureFile
// here, the file is completely uploaded, so it is time to update the user
updateResult <- {
BSONDocument("_id" -> file.id),
BSONDocument("$set" -> BSONDocument("metadata" ->
BSONDocument("user" -> BSONObjectID(userIdSource),
"size" -> "original"))))
val iterator = gridFS.enumerate(file).run(Iteratee.consume[Array[Byte]]())
iterator.flatMap {
bytes => {
// Create resized image
val enumerator: Enumerator[Array[Byte]] = Enumerator.outputStream(
out => {
Image(bytes).bound(120, 120).writer(Format.JPEG).withCompression(90).write(out)
val data = DefaultFileToSave(
filename = file.filename,
contentType = file.contentType,
uploadDate = Some(DateTime.now().getMillis),
metadata = file.metadata ++ BSONDocument(
"user" -> BSONObjectID(userIdSource),
"size" -> "thumb"
Logger.warn(s"Saving resized image: [id=$userIdSource, metadata=${data.metadata}}]")
gridFS.save(enumerator, data).map {
image => Some(image)
} yield updateResult
futureUpdate.flatMap {
case _ => //Some(_)
val img = Image(BSONObjectID(userIdSource), DateTime.now(), None)
// insert the user
val futureResult2 = snapsCollection.insert(img)
// when the insert is performed, send a OK 200 result
futureResult2.map(_ => Ok("saved"))
}.recover {
case e => InternalServerError(e.getMessage())
此代码从表单中获取图像并将其存储在Mongo DB Grid FS中两次:
答案 0 :(得分:3)
将yield语句更改为元组(updateResult, file.id, image.id)