
时间:2014-05-24 19:17:10

标签: java swing user-interface event-dispatch-thread






import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.Toolkit;
import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter;
import java.awt.event.WindowEvent;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Scanner;

import javax.swing.BorderFactory;
import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.SpringLayout;
import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
import javax.swing.border.BevelBorder;

public class GUI extends JFrame
    int screenwidth;
    int screenheight;

    public static void main(String[] args)
        GUI gui = new GUI();


    public static void run(final GUI gui)
        Quadrant[][] galaxy = new Quadrant[8][8];

        //populate galaxy with quadrants
        for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
            for(int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
                galaxy[i][j] = new Quadrant(i, j);


        //Quadrant to put in the view when game starts
        Quadrant startingQuadrant = galaxy[0][0];
        final QuadrantView quadrantView = startingQuadrant.getQuadrantView();

        Enterprise enterprise;
        Sector startingSector;

        //add SectorViews to the QuadrantView
        for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
            for(int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
                startingQuadrant.getQuadrantView().addSectorView(startingQuadrant.getSectorArray()[i][j].getSectorView(), i, j);

        SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {

            public void run() {

                //initialize gui with the starting quadrant quadrantView


        //start on sector (0, 0)
        startingSector = startingQuadrant.getSectorArray()[0][0];
        enterprise = new Enterprise(startingQuadrant, startingSector);

        Scanner input = new Scanner(;
        Sector destinationSector;

        int qRow;       //destination quadrant row
        int qCol;       //destination quadrant column
        int sRow;       //destination sector row
        int sCol;       //destination sector column

            System.out.println("Enter quadrant row: ");
            qRow = input.nextInt();

            System.out.println("Enter quadrant column: ");
            qCol = input.nextInt();

            System.out.println("Enter sector row: ");
            sRow = input.nextInt();

            System.out.println("Enter sector column: ");
            sCol = input.nextInt();

            destinationSector = galaxy[qRow][qCol].getSectorArray()[sRow][sCol];
            enterprise.move(destinationSector, galaxy[qRow][qCol], gui);



    public GUI()
        super("Star Trek");

        //create an anonymous listener to close window and end game
        addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter(){
            public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e){

        // get user's screen width and height
        screenwidth = (int)Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize().getWidth();
        screenheight = (int)Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize().getHeight();

        //set layout
        getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout());



    private void resizeGUI()
        // set window size
        if (screenwidth >= 1280)
            setSize(1024, 768);
        else if (screenwidth >= 1024)
            setSize(800, 600);
        else if (screenwidth >= 800)
            setSize(640, 480);

        // maximize window
        setExtendedState(this.getExtendedState() | this.MAXIMIZED_BOTH);

    //initialize this gui with the starting QuadrantView
    public void intiGUI(QuadrantView quadrantView)
        getContentPane().add(quadrantView, BorderLayout.CENTER);

    //reset the gui to hold the new QuadrantView
    public void resetGUI(QuadrantView newQuadrantView)
        getContentPane().add(newQuadrantView, BorderLayout.CENTER);


    static class Quadrant
        private int row;
        private int col;
        private QuadrantView quadrantView;
        private Sector[][] sectorArray;

        public Quadrant(int r, int c)
            // quadrant row
            row = r;

            // quadrant columns
            col = c;

            // the view object associated with this quadrant
            setQuadrantView(new QuadrantView(8, 8));

            // an array to hold the sectors in this quadrant (req. 3.1.0)
            sectorArray = new Sector[8][8];

            // create the 64 sectors in this quadrant and add them to the array (req. 3.1.0)
            for (int i = 0; i < sectorArray.length; i ++)
                for (int j = 0; j < sectorArray[i].length; j++)
                    sectorArray[i][j] = new Sector(i, j, this);

        public int getRow()
            return row;


        public int getCol()
            return col;


        public void setRow(int r)
            row = r;

        public void setCol(int c)
            col = c;

        public Sector[][] getSectorArray()
            return sectorArray;

        public QuadrantView getQuadrantView()
            return quadrantView;

        public void setQuadrantView(QuadrantView quadrantView)
            this.quadrantView = quadrantView;


    static class Sector
        //sector row
        private int row;

        //sector column
        private int col;

        //the quadrant this sector is in
        private Quadrant quadrant;

        //the view associated with this sector
        private SectorView sectorView;

        //boolean values to determine what this sector holds (Req. 4.1.0)
        private boolean containsEnterprise;

        //if the sector holds the Enterprise, store a reference to it
        private Enterprise enterprise;

        public Sector(int r, int c, Quadrant q)
            row = r;
            col = c;
            quadrant = q;
            setSectorView(new SectorView());
            containsEnterprise = false;

            //print the sector's coordinates on the gui
            sectorView.setID(row + ", " + col);

        public int getRow()
            return row;


        public int getCol()
            return col;


        public void setRow(int r)
            row = r;

        public void setCol(int c)
            col = c;

        public Quadrant getQuadrant()
            return quadrant;

        public boolean containsEnterprise()
            return containsEnterprise;

        public void setContainsEnterprise(boolean containsEnterprise)
            this.containsEnterprise = containsEnterprise;
            if (containsEnterprise)

        public Enterprise getEnterprise()
            return enterprise;

        public void addEnterprise(Enterprise enterprise)
            this.enterprise = enterprise;

        public void removeEnterprise()
            enterprise = null;

        public SectorView getSectorView()
            return sectorView;

        public void setSectorView(SectorView sectorView)
            this.sectorView = sectorView;

        public String toString()
            return Integer.toString(row)+ "." + Integer.toString(col);
    //end Sector class

    static class SectorView extends JPanel

        // default font for text
        private final Font TREK_FONT = new Font("Verdana", Font.BOLD, 10);

        // color for text
        private final Color LABEL_COLOR = Color.BLACK;

        // component layout 
        private SpringLayout layout;

        // displays sector ID
        private JLabel IDLabel;

        //enterprise display
        private JLabel enterpriseIcon;

         *  create a new SectorView
        public SectorView()

            //create and set layout for child components
            layout = new SpringLayout();

            //initialize child components

            //position and display child components

            //set background color

            //set border

            //set size of sectors
            setPreferredSize(new Dimension(QuadrantView.SECTOR_SIZE, QuadrantView.SECTOR_SIZE));

         *  initialize components
        private void initComponents()
            // displays ID of this view
            IDLabel = new JLabel("");

            // create an enterprise icon and make it invisible
            enterpriseIcon = new JLabel("E");

         *  lay out components and add them to this view
        private void layoutComponents()
            // position components:

            // ID label
            layout.putConstraint(SpringLayout.WEST, IDLabel, 1, SpringLayout.WEST, this);
            layout.putConstraint(SpringLayout.NORTH, IDLabel, 1, SpringLayout.NORTH, this);

            // enterprise icon
            layout.putConstraint(SpringLayout.WEST, enterpriseIcon, 5, SpringLayout.WEST, this);
            layout.putConstraint(SpringLayout.NORTH, enterpriseIcon, 30, SpringLayout.NORTH, this);

            // add to view


        public void showEnterpriseIcon()

        public void hideEnterpriseIcon()

        //the sector's (row, col) coordinates within the quadrant
        public void setID(String id)

    //end SectorView class

    static class QuadrantView extends JPanel
    //size of sectors
    public final static int SECTOR_SIZE = 100;

    private final Color BACKGROUND_COLOR = Color.DARK_GRAY;

    private SpringLayout layout;

     *  create a new QuadrantView with the specified width 
     *  and height
     *  @param  quadrantHeight  height of quad. in sectors
     *  @param  quadrantWidth   width of quad. in secors
     public QuadrantView(int quadrantHeight, int quadrantWidth)
        //call JPanel constructor

        //create and set the layout
        layout = new SpringLayout();

        //set the size of the QuadrantView we are creating using the inherited JComponent method
        setPreferredSize(new Dimension(quadrantWidth * SECTOR_SIZE, quadrantHeight * SECTOR_SIZE));

        //set background color using the inherited JComponent method

         *  add the specified Sector to this view
         *  each sector is represented by a (row, column) pair
         *  @param  sectorView      SectorView to be added to the QuadrantView
         *  @param  row             row coordinate
         *  @param  col             column coordinate
         public void addSectorView(SectorView sectorView, int row, int col)
            //position the sector
            layout.putConstraint(SpringLayout.WEST, sectorView, col * SECTOR_SIZE, SpringLayout.WEST, this);
            layout.putConstraint(SpringLayout.NORTH, sectorView, row * SECTOR_SIZE, SpringLayout.NORTH, this);

            //add sectorView to the layout using inherited method of Container class



    static class Enterprise
        protected Sector sectorLocation;
        protected Quadrant quadrantLocation;

        public Enterprise(Quadrant quadrant, Sector sector)

            sectorLocation = sector;
            quadrantLocation = quadrant;



        // Requirement 9.4.0
        public boolean move(Sector destinationSector, final Quadrant destinationQuadrant, final GUI gui)

            //if the destination quadrant is not our current quadrant, we need to update the gui (is updating this way causing a problem?)
            if (!destinationQuadrant.equals(this.quadrantLocation))
                //Put the new SectorViews in the new quadrant.
                for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                    for(int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
                        destinationQuadrant.getQuadrantView().addSectorView(destinationQuadrant.getSectorArray()[i][j].getSectorView(), i, j);

                SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {

                    public void run() {
                        //initialize gui with the starting quadrant quadrantView

                        //replace the old quadrant view with the new one



            //remove the reference to this starship from the current sector

            //sector no longer contains the Enterprise

            //move to destination quadrant
            quadrantLocation = destinationQuadrant;

            //move to destination sector
            sectorLocation = destinationSector;

            //add a reference to this starship to the new sector

            //new sector now contains Enterprise

            return true;

    }//end Enterprise class

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

  1. 限制线程之间交换的数据量。唯一需要交换的数据是键盘输入。特别是避免在线程之间共享字段 - 这会导致竞争条件。您的主循环应如下所示:

        final int qRow = input.nextInt();
        final int qCol = input.nextInt();
        final int sRow = input.nextInt();
        final int sCol = input.nextInt();
        SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
  2. 删除所有其他invokeAndWaitinvokeLater。根本不要使用invokeLater。它使你的程序变得不可预测。

  3. 尝试在初始化之前声明变量并将其标记为final。可变状态会导致错误。

  4. 我无法弄清楚为什么表会缩小到1x1。尝试使用GridLayout代替SpringLayout。它似乎更适合这种情况。