
时间:2014-05-24 10:25:37

标签: c++ string file stl


我已经设法实施了一个有效的解决方案,但我感兴趣的是,如果能够更有效地完成这项工作。我的主要目标是使用默认字符串大小(std::string lName( 100, 0 );)删除临时字符串初始化,因为文件中的数据长度可变。


我正在使用MS Visual Studio 2008。

以下是 SSCCE 示例:

#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>

// helper function for removing extra spaces
void removeSpace( std::string &str )
    str.erase( std::remove( str.begin(), str.end(), ' ' ), str.end() );

int main()
    //========== let us construct a test file =====================//
    //===== format is Last Name, First Name, Gender, Color, Birth Date =======//
    std::ofstream os;
    os.open( "test.txt" );

    // first row
    os << " Smith  ," << " John  ," << "   Male , " 
        << " Green  , " << " 6  / 7 / 1960  \n";

    // second row
    os << " Mortensen ," << " Mike  ," << " Male  , " 
        << " Red  , " << "5/5/  1975 \n";

    // third row
    os << " Johnson ," << " Ann  ," << " Female , " 
        << " Blue , " << " 4/ 4 /1985 \n";


    // now let us read data from it
    std::ifstream g;
    g.open( "test.txt" );

    if( g.is_open() )
        while( !g.eof() )
            // temporary strings
            std::string lName( 100, 0 );
            std::string fName( 100, 0 );
            std::string gen( 100, 0 );
            std::string clr( 100, 0 );
            std::string date( 100, 0 );

            // get data from file
            g.getline( &lName[0], 100, ',' );
            g.getline( &fName[0], 100, ',' );
            g.getline( &gen[0], 100, ',' );
            g.getline( &clr[0], 100, ',' );
            g.getline( &date[0], 100 );

            // remove extra spaces from strings
            removeSpace( lName );
            removeSpace( fName );
            removeSpace( gen );
            removeSpace( clr );
            removeSpace( date );

            // display the result
            std::cout << lName.c_str() 
                << ' ' << fName.c_str() 
                << ' ' << gen.c_str()
                << ' ' << clr.c_str()
                << ' ' << date.c_str()
                << std::endl;


    // since our SSCCE example is done, let us delete the test file
    if( 0 != std::remove( "test.txt" ) )
        std::cout << "Couldn't delete test file!\n\n";
        std::cout << "Successfully deleted test file!\n\n";

    return 0;


根据会员 WhozCraig 的建议,我得以改进。为简洁起见,我只会发布while循环:

while( !g.eof() )
    // temporary strings
    std::string line;

    if( ! std::getline( g, line ) )

    std::istringstream iss(line);

    while( iss )
        std::string str;

        if ( ! std::getline( iss, str, ',' ) ) 

        // remove excess spaces
        removeSpace( str );
        // output the result
        std:: cout << str.c_str() << ' ';

    std::cout << std::endl;

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

对于琐碎的逗号分隔(与真实的CSV格式相反,这远远超出原始问题的范围),明智地使用std::getlinestd::istringstream可能会让你失望,特别是在逐行资格方面。我冒昧地fix the while-conditon as well

以下完全修改的示例。祝你好运。 (并且+1为你使用remove-erase-idiom来剥离你的空间。)

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>

// helper function for removing extra spaces
void removeSpace( std::string &str )
    str.erase( std::remove( str.begin(), str.end(), ' ' ), str.end() );

int main()
    //===== format is Last Name, First Name, Gender, Color, Birth Date =======//
    std::ofstream os;
    os.open( "test.txt" );

    // first row
    os << " Smith  ," << " John  ," << "   Male , "
    << " Green  , " << " 6  / 7 / 1960  \n";

    // second row
    os << " Mortensen ," << " Mike  ," << " Male  , "
    << " Red  , " << "5/5/  1975 \n";

    // third row
    os << " Johnson ," << " Ann  ," << " Female , "
    << " Blue , " << " 4/ 4 /1985 \n";


    // now let us read data from it
    std::ifstream g;
    g.open( "test.txt" );

    if( g.is_open() )
        std::string line;
        while( std::getline(g, line) )
            std::istringstream iss(line);
            std::string lName, fName, gen, clr, date;
            if (std::getline(iss, lName, ',') &&
                std::getline(iss, fName, ',') &&
                std::getline(iss, gen, ',') &&
                std::getline(iss, clr, ',') &&
                std::getline(iss, date))
                // remove extra spaces from strings
                removeSpace( lName );
                removeSpace( fName );
                removeSpace( gen );
                removeSpace( clr );
                removeSpace( date );

                // display the result
                std::cout << lName
                          << ' ' << fName
                          << ' ' << gen
                          << ' ' << clr
                          << ' ' << date << '\n';

    // since our SSCCE example is done, let us delete the test file
    if( 0 != std::remove( "test.txt" ) )
        std::cout << "Couldn't delete test file!\n\n";
        std::cout << "Successfully deleted test file!\n\n";

    return 0;


Smith John Male Green 6/7/1960
Mortensen Mike Male Red 5/5/1975
Johnson Ann Female Blue 4/4/1985