C ++双向dijkstra实现非常慢

时间:2014-05-24 01:05:04

标签: c++ openstreetmap dijkstra bidirectional

我自己实现了双向Dijkstra算法。我正在使用它来对Openstreetmaps(OSM)环境中的路由进行一些研究,所以我想创建自己的实现。我正在路由的图表是包含来自OSM环境的路段的2d边缘地图。它看起来像这样:graph[ource_id][target_id] = Edgeinfo




#include "graph.h"
#include "bidij.h"

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    graph g;
    long long source_osm_id, target_osm_id;

    dijkstra d(g.myGraph);

    source_osm_id = 1;
    target_osm_id = 5;

    cout << "calculate route: " << endl;
    d.bidirectionaldijkstra(source_osm_id, target_osm_id);

    return 1;


#ifndef ____graph__
#define ____graph__

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;

struct Edge
    double distance;

class graph {
    void load();
    map< long long, map <long long, Edge> > myGraph;



#include "graph.h"

void graph::load()
    Edge e;

    // edges from node 1
    e.distance = 7;
    this->myGraph[1][2] = e;

    e.distance = 9;
    this->myGraph[1][3] = e;

    e.distance = 14;
    this->myGraph[1][6] = e;

    // edges from node 2
    e.distance = 7;
    this->myGraph[2][1] = e;

    e.distance = 10;
    this->myGraph[2][3] = e;

    e.distance = 15;
    this->myGraph[2][4] = e;

    // edges from node 3
    e.distance = 2;
    this->myGraph[3][6] = e;

    e.distance = 9;
    this->myGraph[3][1] = e;

    e.distance = 10;
    this->myGraph[3][2] = e;

    e.distance = 11;
    this->myGraph[3][4] = e;

    // edges from node 4
    e.distance = 6;
    this->myGraph[4][5] = e;

    e.distance = 11;
    this->myGraph[4][3] = e;

    e.distance = 15;
    this->myGraph[4][2] = e;

    // edges from node 5
    e.distance = 9;
    this->myGraph[5][6] = e;

    e.distance = 6;
    this->myGraph[5][4] = e;

    // edges from node 6
    e.distance = 9;
    this->myGraph[6][5] = e;

    e.distance = 2;
    this->myGraph[6][3] = e;

    e.distance = 14;
    this->myGraph[6][1] = e;


#ifndef ____bidij__
#define ____bidij__

#include "graph.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <queue>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

struct queueitem
    long long distance, osm_source_id, osm_target_id;
    queueitem * parentnode;
    queue<long long> * route;

class CompareQueueItems {
    bool operator()(queueitem *t1, queueitem *t2){
        return (t1->distance > t2->distance);

class dijkstra {
    dijkstra(map< long long, map <long long, Edge> > graph)
        mu = numeric_limits<double>::max();
        myGraph = graph;
    void bidirectionaldijkstra(long long, long long);
    double mu;
    long long v,w;
    map< long long, int> visited;
    map <long long, double> distancetable;
    map <long long, queueitem*> relaxednode;
    void exploration(queueitem*, int,priority_queue< queueitem*, vector< queueitem* >, CompareQueueItems> &);
    void print_route(queueitem * q, int direction);
    map< long long, map <long long, Edge> > myGraph;



#include "bidij.h"

void dijkstra::exploration(queueitem *q, int direction ,priority_queue< queueitem*, vector< queueitem* >, CompareQueueItems> &pq)
    // all edges connected to v
    map <long long, Edge> edgev;
    map<long long, Edge>::const_iterator iv;
    queueitem *qtemp;

    edgev = myGraph[q->osm_source_id]; // edge v
    // scan each edge w around v (v,w)
    for(iv = edgev.begin(); iv != edgev.end();iv++)
        if(visited[iv->first] == 0)
            qtemp = new queueitem;
            qtemp->osm_source_id = iv->first;
            qtemp->parentnode = q;
            qtemp->distance = q->distance + iv->second.distance;
            qtemp->route = new queue<long long>(*q->route);

            // update shortest distance to w and add the node to a map so we can retrieve it later for printing the route
            if(distancetable[iv->first] > qtemp->distance){
                distancetable[iv->first] = qtemp->distance;
                relaxednode[iv->first] = qtemp;
        } else if(visited[iv->first] != direction) {
            if((q->distance + iv->second.distance + distancetable[iv->first]) < mu)
                // mu is the best path so far
                mu = (q->distance + iv->second.distance + distancetable[iv->first]);

                v = (direction == 1) ? q->osm_source_id : iv->first;
                w = (direction == 1) ? iv->first : q->osm_source_id;
    visited[q->osm_source_id] = direction;


void dijkstra::print_route(queueitem * q, int direction)
    queueitem * qtemp = q, * new_root = NULL;

    if(direction == -1)
            cout << qtemp->osm_source_id << ',';
            qtemp = qtemp->parentnode;
    } else { // inverse
        while (qtemp) {
            queueitem* next = qtemp->parentnode;
            qtemp->parentnode = new_root;
            new_root = qtemp;
            qtemp = next;
            cout << new_root->osm_source_id << ',';
            new_root = new_root->parentnode;

void dijkstra::bidirectionaldijkstra(long long source, long long target)
    if(source == target)
        cout << "Total distance: " << 0 << endl;
        cout << source << ',' << target << endl;
    priority_queue< queueitem*, vector< queueitem* >, CompareQueueItems> frontq, reverseq;
    queueitem *qs, *qt;

    typedef map<long long, map <long long, Edge> >::iterator it_type;
    for(it_type iterator = myGraph.begin(); iterator != myGraph.end(); iterator++)
        // set initial distances to infinity (or close to it)
        distancetable[iterator->first] = numeric_limits<double>::max();
        visited[iterator->first] = 0; // unvisited

    int direction; // direction of the search

    // create queueitem from source node
    qs = new queueitem;
    qs->distance = 0.0f;
    qs->osm_source_id = source;
    qs->parentnode = NULL;
    qs->route = new queue<long long>;
    frontq.push(qs); // put source node on front priority queue
    distancetable[source] = 0.0f;
    relaxednode[source] = qs;

    // create queueitem from target node
    qt = new queueitem;
    qt->distance = 0.0f;
    qt->osm_source_id = target;
    qt->parentnode = NULL;
    qt->route = new queue<long long>;
    reverseq.push(qt); // put target node on reverse priority queue
    distancetable[target] = 0.0f;
    relaxednode[target] = qt;

    while(!frontq.empty() && !reverseq.empty())
        qs = frontq.top();
        qt = reverseq.top();

        if(qs->distance + qt->distance >= mu)
            cout << "Total distance: " << mu << endl;
        } else {
            // explore from reverse queue
            if(qt->distance < qs->distance)
                direction = -1;
            } else { // explore from front queue
                direction = 1;

    cout << "notfound";


图表: The graph

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