在我的django项目之一中,我使用了django watermark,这在我的本地服务器上运行正常。但是在我将它部署到Linux服务器之后,我面临的错误就像那样......
'watermark' is not a valid tag library: ImportError raised loading watermarker.templatetags.watermark: No module named Image
我已经安装了所有的依赖项,在遇到这个错误之后我认为它是因为Pillow而发生的,所以这就是为什么我要卸载Pillow并在我的虚拟环境中再次安装它。但我仍然面临这个错误。< / p>
这是我项目的完整目录。 home / index.html 中出现错误,该错误是从主页应用视图呈现的。您可以在我的项目目录中找到主页应用如上所示。主页应用程序的views.py如下所示....
# Create your views here.
from django.shortcuts import render_to_response
from django.template import RequestContext
from photo.models import Photo
def home(request):
latest_images = Photo.objects.order_by('-uploaded_time')[:20]
ctx = {'images':latest_images}
context = RequestContext(request)
return render_to_response('home/index.html',ctx, context)
并且 home / index.html 是..
{% extends 'userena/base_userena.html' %}
{% load watermark %}
{%block content%}
<!-- carousel -->
<div class="container" style="margin-top:50px">
<div class="row">
<h1>Medical Art</h1>
<div id="portfolio">
<ul class="grid effect-2" id="grid">
{% for image in images%}
<li><img src={{image.photo.url|watermark:"Medical Art,tile=1,opacity=15"}}></li>
</div><!-- portfolio -->
<!--About -->
from datetime import datetime
from hashlib import sha1
import Image
import errno
import logging
import os
import traceback
from django.utils import timezone
from django.conf import settings
from django import template
from watermarker import utils
from watermarker.models import Watermark
register = template.Library()
# determine the quality of the image after the watermark is applied
QUALITY = getattr(settings, 'WATERMARKING_QUALITY', 85)
log = logging.getLogger('watermarker')
class Watermarker(object):
def __call__(self, url, name, position=None, opacity=0.5, tile=False,
scale=1.0, greyscale=False, rotation=0, obscure=OBSCURE,
quality=QUALITY, random_position_once=RANDOM_POS_ONCE):
Creates a watermarked copy of an image.
* ``name``: This is the name of the Watermark object that you wish to
apply to the image.
* ``position``: There are several options.
* ``R``: random placement, which is the default behavior.
* ``C``: center the watermark
* ``XxY`` where ``X`` is either a specific pixel position on the
x-axis or a percentage of the total width of the target image and
``Y`` is a specific pixel position on the y-axis of the image or
a percentage of the total height of the target image. These
values represent the location of the top and left edges of the
watermark. If either ``X`` or ``Y`` is a percentage, you must
use a percent sign. This is not used if either one of the
``tiled`` or ``scale`` parameters are true.
* ``50%x50%``: positions the watermark at the center of the
* ``50%x100``: positions the watermark at the midpoint of the
total width of the image and 100 pixels from the top of the
* ``100x50%``: positions the watermark at the midpoint of the
total height of the image and 100 pixels from the left edge
of the image
* ``100x100``: positions the top-left corner of the watermark
at 100 pixels from the top of the image and 100 pixels from
the left edge of the image.
* ``br``, ``bl``, ``tr``, ``tl`` where ``b`` means "bottom", ``t``
means "top", ``l`` means "left", and ``r`` means "right". This
will position the watermark at the extreme edge of the original
image with just enough room for the watermark to "fully show".
This assumes the watermark is not as big as the original image.
* ``opacity``: an integer from 0 to 100. This value represents the
transparency level of the watermark when it is applied. A value of
100 means the watermark is completely opaque while a value of 0 means
the watermark will be invisible.
* ``tile``: ``True`` or ``False`` to specify whether or not the
watermark shall be tiled across the entire image.
* ``scale``: a floating-point number above 0 to specify the scaling for
the watermark. If you want the watermark to be scaled to its maximum
without falling off the edge of the target image, use ``F``. By
default, scale is set to ``1.0``, or 1:1 scaling, meaning the
watermark will be placed on the target image at its original size.
* ``greyscale``: ``True`` or ``False`` to specify whether or not the
watermark should be converted to a greyscale image before applying it
to the target image. Default is ``False``.
* ``rotation``: 0 to 359 to specify the number of degrees to rotate the
watermark before applying it to the target image. Alternatively, you
may set ``rotation=R`` for a random rotation value.
* ``obscure``: set to ``False`` if you wish to expose the original
image's filename. Defaults to ``True``.
* ``quality``: the quality of the resulting watermarked image. Default
is 85.
# look for the specified watermark by name. If it's not there, go no
# further
watermark = Watermark.objects.get(name=name, is_active=True)
except Watermark.DoesNotExist:
log.error('Watermark "%s" does not exist... Bailing out.' % name)
return url
# make sure URL is a string
url = str(url)
basedir = '%s/watermarked' % os.path.dirname(url)
base, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(url))
# open the target image file along with the watermark image
target_path = self.get_url_path(url)
target = Image.open(target_path)
mark = Image.open(watermark.image.path)
# determine the actual value that the parameters provided will render
random_position = bool(position is None or str(position).lower() == 'r')
scale = utils.determine_scale(scale, target, mark)
rotation = utils.determine_rotation(rotation, mark)
pos = utils.determine_position(position, target, mark)
# see if we need to create only one randomly positioned watermarked
# image
if not random_position or \
(not random_position_once and random_position):
log.debug('Generating random position for watermark each time')
position = pos
log.debug('Random positioning watermark once')
params = {
'position': position,
'opacity': opacity,
'scale': scale,
'tile': tile,
'greyscale': greyscale,
'rotation': rotation,
'base': base,
'ext': ext,
'quality': quality,
'watermark': watermark.id,
'opacity_int': int(opacity * 100),
'left': pos[0],
'top': pos[1],
log.debug('Params: %s' % params)
wm_name = self.watermark_name(mark, **params)
wm_url = self.watermark_path(basedir, base, ext, wm_name, obscure)
wm_path = self.get_url_path(wm_url)
log.debug('Watermark name: %s; URL: %s; Path: %s' % (
wm_name, wm_url, wm_path
# see if the image already exists on the filesystem. If it does, use
# it.
if os.access(wm_path, os.R_OK):
# see if the Watermark object was modified since the file was
# created
modified = datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(wm_path))
# only return the old file if things appear to be the same
if timezone.make_aware(modified, timezone.get_default_timezone()) >= watermark.date_updated:
log.info('Watermark exists and has not changed. Bailing out.')
return wm_url
# make sure the position is in our params for the watermark
params['position'] = pos
self.create_watermark(target, mark, wm_path, **params)
# send back the URL to the new, watermarked image
return wm_url
def get_url_path(self, url, root=settings.MEDIA_ROOT,
"""Makes a filesystem path from the specified URL"""
if url.startswith(url_root):
url = url[len(url_root):] # strip media root url
return os.path.normpath(os.path.join(root, url))
def watermark_name(self, mark, **kwargs):
"""Comes up with a good filename for the watermarked image"""
params = [
scale = kwargs.get('scale', None)
if scale and scale != mark.size:
params.append('_s%i' % (float(kwargs['scale'][0]) / mark.size[0] * 100))
if kwargs.get('tile', None):
# make thumbnail filename
name = '%s%s' % ('_'.join(params), kwargs['ext'])
return name % kwargs
def watermark_path(self, basedir, base, ext, wm_name, obscure=True):
"""Determines an appropriate watermark path"""
hash = sha1(wm_name).hexdigest()
# figure out where the watermark would be saved on the filesystem
if obscure:
log.debug('Obscuring original image name: %s => %s' % (wm_name, hash))
new_file = os.path.join(basedir, hash + ext)
log.debug('Not obscuring original image name.')
new_file = os.path.join(basedir, hash, base + ext)
# make sure the destination directory exists
root = self.get_url_path(new_file)
except OSError, exc:
if exc.errno == errno.EEXIST:
# not to worry, directory exists
log.error('Error creating path: %s' % traceback.format_exc())
log.debug('Created directory: %s' % root)
return new_file
def create_watermark(self, target, mark, path, quality=QUALITY, **kwargs):
"""Create the watermarked image on the filesystem"""
im = utils.watermark(target, mark, **kwargs)
im.save(path, quality=quality)
return im
def watermark(url, args=''):
"""Returns the URL to a watermarked copy of the image specified."""
# initialize some variables
args = args.split(',')
name = args.pop(0)
opacity = 0.5
tile = False
scale = 1.0
greyscale = False
rotation = 0
position = None
obscure = OBSCURE
quality = QUALITY
random_position_once = RANDOM_POS_ONCE
# iterate over all parameters to see what we need to do
for arg in args:
key, value = arg.split('=')
key = key.strip()
value = value.strip()
if key == 'position':
position = value
elif key == 'opacity':
opacity = utils._percent(value)
elif key == 'tile':
tile = bool(int(value))
elif key == 'scale':
scale = value
elif key == 'greyscale':
greyscale = bool(int(value))
elif key == 'rotation':
rotation = value
elif key == 'obscure':
obscure = bool(int(value))
elif key == 'quality':
quality = int(value)
elif key == 'random_position_once':
random_position_once = bool(int(value))
mark = Watermarker()
return mark(url, name, position, opacity, tile, scale, greyscale,
rotation, obscure, quality, random_position_once)
答案 0 :(得分:0)
import Image
from PIL import Image
pip install Pillow