选择max或Top 1 Record需要一些SQL建议

时间:2014-05-21 14:01:56

标签: sql sql-server database crystal-reports

我正在尝试编辑Crystal Reports SQL Expression,其中原始设计器使用以下SQL Expression从驱动器中提取注释:

(select max(Text) from rpt_NotesDetail 
 where DriveID="DriveMaster"."DriveID" and
        Reason in (select codeid 
                   from rpt_QuickCodes 
                   where DescShort like N'Publicity'))



(select (Text) from rpt_NotesDetail 
 where DriveID="DriveMaster"."DriveID"
 and createdate = (select max(createdate) 
                   from rpt_notesdetail 
                   where DriveID="DriveMaster"."DriveID")
                   and Reason in (select codeid 
                                  from rpt_QuickCodes 
                                  where DescShort like N'Publicity'))

(select (Text) 
 from rpt_NotesDetail 
  where DriveID="DriveMaster"."DriveID"
    and createdate = (select top 1 createdate 
                      from rpt_notesdetail 
                      where DriveID="DriveMaster"."DriveID" 
                      order by "drivemaster"."fromdatetime" desc)
    and Reason in (select codeid 
                   from rpt_QuickCodes 
                   where DescShort like N'Publicity'))

这两个表达式都给了我这个错误: 子查询返回的值超过1。当子查询遵循=,!=,<,< =,>,> =时,或子查询用作表达式时,不允许这样做。


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