
时间:2014-05-21 09:27:02

标签: java memory-leaks lucene hashmap


private static HashMap<String, lucene.store.Directory> directories;

public static Object getFoo(String key) {
    if (directories == null) {
        directories = new HashMap<String, Directory>();
    if (directories.get(key) == null) {
        directories.put(key, new RAMDirectory());
    return directories.get(key); // warning


Potential resource leak: '<unassigned Closeable value>' may not be closed at this location


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)


以下是在Java 7 +中使用Closeable的常用方法:

try (Directory dir = new RAMDirectory()) {
    // use dir here, it will be automatically closed at the end of this block.
// exception catching omitted

在Java 6中:

Directory dir = null;
try {
    dir = new RAMDirectory();
    // use dir here, it will be automatically closed in the finally block.
} finally {
    if (dir != null) {
        dir.close(); // exception catching omitted