
时间:2014-05-21 07:10:49

标签: c# .net mongodb mongodb-.net-driver

我想存储名为" Wsp"在一个文档和一个名为" Sit"在另一个。我读了http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/core/data-modeling-introduction/所以我创建了这样的结构:

    public class Wsp{

       public ObjectId Id{get; set;}
       public Guid WspId{get; set;}

       public List<Sit> SitList{get; set;}

       public string Name {get; set;}
       public ......... {get; set;}  

       public class Sit{
             public ObjectId Id {get; set;}
             public Guid WspId;             //Id of a parent Wsp object

             public ......... {get; set;}  

       //disabling Wsp from saving SitList into document (only Name, WspID and other..)
       BsonClassMap.RegisterClassMap<Wsp>(map =>
              map.MapProperty(p => p.Name);
              map.MapProperty(p => p.WspId);

现在我要创建GetWsp(Guid wspId)AddWsp(Wsp wsp),它会自动将List of Sit映射到Wsp。例如:

public Wsp GetFullWsp(Guid id)
        var wsp = wspCollection.AsQueryable().FirstOrDefault(w => w.WspId == id);
        //no code for List<Sit> !!
        //wsp will have List<Sit> automatic filled from "SitCollection" based on WspId



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


public Wsp GetFullWsp(Guid id)
    var wsp = wspCollection.AsQueryable().FirstOrDefault(w => w.WspId == id);
    var sits = sitCollection.AsQueryable().Where(sit => sit.WspId == id);
    wsp.SitList = new List<Sit>(sits);


  1. 拥有一个wsps集合,并将该列表存储为嵌入式文档数组。
  2. 添加SitListDocument的集合并将其Id存储在wsp文档中。
  3. 添加一个sit(flat)集合,每个集合都存储wsp文档id(与你当前拥有的内容很接近但没有wsp中的SitList)
  4. 我会选择第一个,但这取决于您的具体需求。