以下代码完美无瑕地运行,直到"溢价和此类规格"并且它不显示任何内容。然而,在这个jsfiddle上:http://jsfiddle.net/ej4j8/3/代码是正常工作的,并且在"高级规格和#34;显示为零。 (我需要处理的另一个错误)...如果有人能告诉我JSfiddle正在使用哪些warppers来完成这项工作,那就太好了。我很茫然,因为显然是相同的代码。
<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.3/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.9.2/jquery-ui.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<style type="text/css">
/*custom font*/
@import url(http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Montserrat);
/*basic reset*/
* {margin: 0; padding: 0;}
html {
height: 100%;
/*Image only BG fallback*/
/*background = gradient + image pattern combo*/
linear-gradient(rgba(196, 102, 0, 0.2), rgba(155, 89, 182, 0.2)), ;
body {
font-family: montserrat, arial, verdana;
/*form styles*/
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width: 90%;
margin: 50px auto;
text-align: center;
position: relative;
#msform fieldset {
background: white;
border: 0 none;
border-radius: 3px;
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padding: 20px 30px;
box-sizing: border-box;
width: 80%;
margin: 0 10%;
/*stacking fieldsets above each other*/
position: absolute;
/*Hide all except first fieldset*/
#msform fieldset:not(:first-of-type) {
display: none;
#msform input, #msform textarea {
padding: 15px;
border: 1px solid #ccc;
border-radius: 3px;
margin-bottom: 10px;
width: 80%;
box-sizing: border-box;
font-family: montserrat;
color: #2C3E50;
font-size: 13px;
#msform .action-button {
width: 100px;
background: #27AE60;
font-weight: bold;
color: white;
border: 0 none;
border-radius: 1px;
cursor: pointer;
padding: 10px 5px;
margin: 10px 5px;
#msform .action-button:hover, #msform .action-button:focus {
box-shadow: 0 0 0 2px white, 0 0 0 3px #27AE60;
.fs-title {
font-size: 15px;
text-transform: uppercase;
color: #2C3E50;
margin-bottom: 10px;
.fs-subtitle {
font-weight: normal;
font-size: 13px;
color: #666;
margin-bottom: 20px;
#progressbar {
margin:10% 0% 5% 15%;
overflow: hidden;
/*CSS counters to number the steps*/
counter-reset: step;
#progressbar li {
list-style-type: none;
color: white;
text-transform: uppercase;
font-size: 9px;
width: 10.33%;
position: relative;
#progressbar li:before {
content: counter(step);
counter-increment: step;
width: 20px;
line-height: 20px;
display: block;
font-size: 10px;
color: #333;
background: white;
border-radius: 3px;
margin: 0 auto 5px auto;
/*progressbar connectors*/
#progressbar li:after {
content: '';
width: 100%;
height: 2px;
background: white;
position: absolute;
left: -50%;
top: 9px;
z-index: -1; /*put it behind the numbers*/
#progressbar li:first-child:after {
/*connector not needed before the first step*/
content: none;
/*marking active/completed steps green*/
/*The number of the step and the connector before it = green*/
#progressbar li.active:before, #progressbar li.active:after{
background: #27AE60;
color: white;
<script type="text/javascript">
function calculateTotal()
var boilerPrice = getBoilerSizePrice() + getBedroomSizePrice() + getBathroomSizePrice() + getTankSizePrice() ;
//display the result
var divobj = document.getElementById('totalPrice');
divobj.innerHTML = "total price £"+boilerPrice;
var divobj2 = document.getElementById('premPrice');
divobj2.innerHTML = "Premium price £"+((boilerPrice/100)*120);
var current_fs, next_fs, previous_fs; //fieldsets
var left, opacity, scale; //fieldset properties which we will animate
var animating; //flag to prevent quick multi-click glitches
if(animating) return false;
animating = true;
current_fs = $(this).parent();
next_fs = $(this).parent().next();
//activate next step on progressbar using the index of next_fs
$("#progressbar li").eq($("fieldset").index(next_fs)).addClass("active");
//show the next fieldset
//hide the current fieldset with style
current_fs.animate({opacity: 0}, {
step: function(now, mx) {
//as the opacity of current_fs reduces to 0 - stored in "now"
//1. scale current_fs down to 80%
scale = 1 - (1 - now) * 0.2;
//2. bring next_fs from the right(50%)
left = (now * 50)+"%";
//3. increase opacity of next_fs to 1 as it moves in
opacity = 1 - now;
current_fs.css({'transform': 'scale('+scale+')'});
next_fs.css({'left': left, 'opacity': opacity});
duration: 800,
complete: function(){
animating = false;
//this comes from the custom easing plugin
easing: 'easeInOutBack'
if(animating) return false;
animating = true;
current_fs = $(this).parent();
previous_fs = $(this).parent().prev();
//de-activate current step on progressbar
$("#progressbar li").eq($("fieldset").index(current_fs)).removeClass("active");
//show the previous fieldset
//hide the current fieldset with style
current_fs.animate({opacity: 0}, {
step: function(now, mx) {
//as the opacity of current_fs reduces to 0 - stored in "now"
//1. scale previous_fs from 80% to 100%
scale = 0.8 + (1 - now) * 0.2;
//2. take current_fs to the right(50%) - from 0%
left = ((1-now) * 50)+"%";
//3. increase opacity of previous_fs to 1 as it moves in
opacity = 1 - now;
current_fs.css({'left': left});
previous_fs.css({'transform': 'scale('+scale+')', 'opacity': opacity});
duration: 800,
complete: function(){
animating = false;
//this comes from the custom easing plugin
easing: 'easeInOutBack'
return false;
//Property Type array
var house_prices = new Array();
function getBoilerSizePrice()
var boilerSizePrice=0;
var theForm = document.forms["msform"];
var selectedBoiler = theForm.elements["house"];
for(var i = 0; i < selectedBoiler.length; i++)
//if the radio button is checked
boilerSizePrice = house_prices[selectedBoiler[i].value];
return boilerSizePrice;
var tank_prices = new Array();
function getTankSizePrice()
var tankSizePrice=0;
var theForm = document.forms["msform"];
var selectedBoiler = theForm.elements["tank"];
for(var i = 0; i < selectedBoiler.length; i++)
//if the radio button is checked
tankSizePrice = tank_prices[selectedBoiler[i].value];
return tankSizePrice;
//bedroom number array
var bedroom_prices= new Array();
function getBedroomSizePrice()
var bedroomSizePrice=0;
var theForm = document.forms["msform"];
var selectedBoiler = theForm.elements["bedroom"];
for(var i = 0; i < selectedBoiler.length; i++)
//if the radio button is checked
bedroomSizePrice = bedroom_prices[selectedBoiler[i].value];
return bedroomSizePrice;
//bathroom number array
var bathroom_prices = new Array();
function getBathroomSizePrice()
var bathroomSizePrice=0;
var theForm = document.forms["msform"];
var selectedBoiler = theForm.elements["bathroom"];
for(var i = 0; i < selectedBoiler.length; i++)
//if the radio button is checked
bathroomSizePrice = bathroom_prices[selectedBoiler[i].value];
return bathroomSizePrice;
/* ellement for hiding classes
<form id="msform">
<!-- progressbar -->
<ul id="progressbar">
<li class="active"></li>
<!-- fieldsets -->
<h2 class="fs-title">Getting A Quote Is Easy</h2>
<h3 class="fs-subtitle">We'll give you a quote in a few easy steps</h3> <br/>
<p>Just tell us which options are most similar to your home</p>
<input type="button" name="next" class="next action-button" value="Next" />
<h2 class="fs-title">What Type Of Home Do You Have</h2>
<h3 class="fs-subtitle"></h3>
<label >Type Of Property</label><br/>
<label class='next action-button'><input type="button" name="house" value="Semi" onclick="calculateTotal()" /></label><br/>
<label class='next action-button'><input type="button" name="house" value="Detatched" onclick="calculateTotal()" /></label><br/>
<label class='next action-button'><input type="button" name="house" value="Terrace" onclick="calculateTotal()" /></label><br/>
<label class='next action-button'><input type="button" name="house" value="Flat" onclick="calculateTotal()" /></label><br/>
<h2 class="fs-title">How Many Bedrooms Do You Have</h2>
<h3 class="fs-subtitle"></h3>
<label >Number of Bedrooms</label>
<label class='next action-button'><input type="button" name="bedroom" value="Bed1" onclick="calculateTotal()" />1</label><br/>
<label class='next action-button'><input type="button" name="bedroom" value="Beds2" onclick="calculateTotal()" />2</label><br/>
<label class='next action-button'><input type="button" name="bedroom" value="Beds3" onclick="calculateTotal()" />3</label><br/>
<label class='next action-button'><input type="button" name="bedroom" value="Beds4" onclick="calculateTotal()" />4</label><br/>
<label class='next action-button'><input type="button" name="bedroom" value="Beds5" onclick="calculateTotal()" />5</label><br/>
<label class='next action-button'><input type="button" name="bedroom" value="Beds6" onclick="calculateTotal()" />6</label><br/>
<h2 class="fs-title">How Many Bathrooms Do You Have</h2>
<h3 class="fs-subtitle"></h3>
<label >Number of Bathrooms</label>
<label class='next action-button'><input type="button" name="bathroom" value="One" onclick="calculateTotal()" />1</label><br/>
<label class='next action-button'><input type="button" name="bathroom" value="Two" onclick="calculateTotal()" />2</label><br/>
<label class='next action-button'><input type="button" name="bathroom" value="Three" onclick="calculateTotal()" />3</label><br/>
<h2 class="fs-title">Do You Have A Cylinder</h2>
<h3 class="fs-subtitle"></h3>
<label >Do You Have A Cylinder Tank</label>
<label class='next action-button'><input type="button" name="tank" value="Yes" onclick="calculateTotal()" />Yes</label><br/>
<label class='next action-button'><input type="button" name="tank" value="YBR" onclick="calculateTotal()" />Yes (but needs removing)</label><br/>
<label class='next action-button'><input type="button" name="tank" value="No" onclick="calculateTotal()" />No</label><br/>
<h2 class="fs-title">Packages Available</h2>
<h3 class="fs-subtitle"></h3>
<p>standard and premium system specs</p>
<div id="totalPrice"></div>
<div id="premPrice"></div>
<input type="button" name="next" class="next action-button" value="Next" />
<h2 class="fs-title">Enter your details to a get a free survey</h2>
<h3 class="fs-subtitle"></h3>
<input type="text" name="fname" placeholder="First Name" />
<input type="text" name="lname" placeholder="Last Name" />
<input type="text" name="phone" placeholder="Phone" />
<input type="text" name="email" placeholder="email" />
<textarea name="address" placeholder="Address"></textarea>
<input type="button" name="previous" class="previous action-button" value="Previous" />
<input type="submit" name="submit" class="submit action-button" value="Submit" />
答案 0 :(得分:1)
<input type="button" name="house" value="Semi" onclick="calculateTotal()" />
功能中,这意味着无法在外部 <{strong> {1}}:
要使其发挥作用,您必须在 $(document).ready(function()
function calculateTotal() {}