<title> ran & ban </title>
我知道我需要把它改成像&amp ;; 如何在我获得白色之前更改XML的ROW数据
function loadXMLDoc(filename){
if (window.XMLHttpRequest)
xhttp=new XMLHttpRequest();
else // code for IE5 and IE6
xhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
var xml= xhttp.responseXML;
// xml==NULL
答案 0 :(得分:3)
那&#39; XML&#39;片段您已发布不是 XML,您必须事先将其作为文本文件处理,因为任何兼容的XML解析器都无法解析此文件。请注意,这本身可能容易出错(请注意字符编码等问题),理想情况下,您需要将传入的XML更正为well-formed,即
<title> ran & ban </title>
有关详细信息,请参阅this article。
答案 1 :(得分:0)
var xmlescape = (function() {
var setup = {
full : 0, // encode ascii as well, 0|1
names : 0, // use named char. entities, 0|1
var rfulltag =
// match opening tag, capture tagname and full tag
'(<([a-z][a-z0-9]*)[^>]*>)' +
// capture everything not followed by a tag
// (anything between matching pair of tags)
'(?!\\s*<[a-z][a-z0-9]*[^>]*>)([\\s\\S]+?)' +
// capture closing tag coresponding to matched open tag
rfulltag = new RegExp(rfulltag, 'gi'); // (g)lobal, case(i)nsensitive
var runsafe = /["&\/<>']/g; // reserved xml characters
var rascii = /[\x00-\xFF]/g; // ascii char.
// hex character entities
var unsafemap = {
'"' : '"',
'&' : '&',
'/' : '/',
'<' : '<',
'>' : '>',
'\'': ''',
// named character entities
var namedunsafemap = {
'"' : '"',
'&' : '&',
'/' : '/',
'<' : '<',
'>' : '>',
'\'': ''',
// use cache lookups to speed things a bit
var cache = {};
var pad02 = function(chr) {
return (Array(3).slice(chr.length).join('0') + chr).toUpperCase();
var hexesc = function(chr) {
return '&#x' + pad02(chr.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)) + ';';
// encode and cache
var _encodeunsafe = function(chr) {
return cache.hasOwnProperty(chr) ? cache[chr] :
(cache[chr] = (setup.full ? hexesc(chr) : (setup.names ? namedunsafemap[chr] : unsafemap[chr])));
var _encoder = function(all, _1, _2, _3, _4) {
return _1 + _3.replace(setup.full ? rascii : runsafe, _encodeunsafe) + _4;
return function(sxml) {
return ('' + sxml).replace(rfulltag, _encoder);
// xmlescape("<deal> <title> >>> \"<&> invalid b&d </&>' <<< </title> <title> ran & ban </title> </deal>");
// "<deal> <title> >>> "<&> invalid b&d </&>' <<< </title> <title> ran & ban </title> </deal>"
// from goog. closure
var parsexml = (function(g) {
return ('function' == typeof g.DOMParser) ?
// ffox, chrome, etc.
function(xml) {
return new g.DOMParser().parseFromString(xml, 'application/xml');
} :
('function' == typeof g.ActiveXObject) ? // ie
(function(msaxo) {
function _msdoc() {
var doc = new msaxo('MSXML2.DOMDocument');
if (doc) {
// Prevent potential vulnerabilities exposed by MSXML2, see
// http://b/1707300 and http://wiki/Main/ISETeamXMLAttacks for details.
doc.resolveExternals = false;
doc.validateOnParse = false;
// Add a try catch block because accessing these properties will throw an
// error on unsupported MSXML versions. This affects Windows machines
// running IE6 or IE7 that are on XP SP2 or earlier without MSXML updates.
// See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms766391(VS.85).aspx for
// specific details on which MSXML versions support these properties.
try {
doc.setProperty('ProhibitDTD', true);
doc.setProperty('MaxXMLSize', 2 * 1024); // goog.dom.xml.MAX_XML_SIZE_KB
doc.setProperty('MaxElementDepth', 256); // goog.dom.xml.MAX_ELEMENT_DEPTH
} catch (e) {}
return doc;
return function(xml) {
var doc;
return doc = _msdoc(), doc.loadXML(xml), doc;
})(g.ActiveXObject) :
// other
function(xml) {
throw Error(': poor xml support; upgrade');
// use:
var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
// send a request..
var xml = xhttp.responseXML || xhttp.responseText;
if ('string' == typeof xml)
xml = parsexml(xmlescape(xml));
// eof