
时间:2014-05-20 07:27:51

标签: python pandas


data = pd.DataFrame([[1., 6.5], [1., np.nan],[5, 3], [6.5, 3.], [2, np.nan]])


    0       1
0   1.0     6.5
1   1.0     NaN
2   5.0     3.0
3   6.5     3.0
4   2.0     NaN


    0       1     2
0   1.0     6.5   NaN
1   1.0     NaN   1
2   5.0     3.0   NaN
3   6.5     3.0   NaN
4   2.0     NaN   2



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


data = data.rename(columns={0:'a',1:'b'})

In [41]:

data.merge(pd.DataFrame({'c':range(1,len(data[data.b.isnull()]) + 1)}, index=data[data.b.isnull()].index),how='left', left_index=True, right_index=True)
     a    b   c
0  1.0  6.5 NaN
1  1.0  NaN   1
2  5.0  3.0 NaN
3  6.5  3.0 NaN
4  2.0  NaN   2

[5 rows x 3 columns]


# we want just the rows where column 'b' is null:

# now construct a dataset of the length of this dataframe starting from 1:
range(1,len(data[data.b.isnull()]) + 1) # note we have to add a 1 at the end

# construct a new dataframe from this and crucially use the index of the null values:
pd.DataFrame({'c':range(1,len(data[data.b.isnull()]) + 1)}, index=data[data.b.isnull()].index)

# now perform a merge and tell it we want to perform a left merge and use both sides indices, I've removed the verbose dataframe construction and replaced with new_df here but you get the point
data.merge(new_df,how='left', left_index=True, right_index=True)


您也可以使用@ Karl.D的建议另作:

In [56]:

data['c'] = data['b'].isnull().cumsum().where(data['b'].isnull())
     a    b   c
0  1.0  6.5 NaN
1  1.0  NaN   1
2  5.0  3.0 NaN
3  6.5  3.0 NaN
4  2.0  NaN   2

[5 rows x 3 columns]


In [57]:

%timeit data.merge(pd.DataFrame({'c':range(1,len(data[data.b.isnull()]) + 1)}, index=data[data.b.isnull()].index),how='left', left_index=True, right_index=True)
%timeit data['c'] = data['b'].isnull().cumsum().where(data['b'].isnull())
1000 loops, best of 3: 1.31 ms per loop
1000 loops, best of 3: 501 µs per loop