local sScrolling
local sInitialMouseX, sInitialMouseY
local sInitialHScroll, sInitialVScroll
on mouseDown
## Allow the group to scroll
put true into sScrolling
## Record the initial touch position
put item 1 of the mouseLoc into sInitialMouseX
put item 2 of the mouseLoc into sInitialMouseY
## Record the initial hScroll and vScroll
put the vScroll of me into sInitialVScroll
put the hScroll of me into sInitialHScroll
end mouseDown
on mouseMove mouseX, mouseY
## If the screen is being touched then
if sScrolling then
## Calculate how far the touch has moved since it started
put mouseY - sInitialMouseY into tVChange
put mouseX- sInitialMouseX into tHChange
## Reset the hScroll and vScroll to follow the touch
lock screen
set the vScroll of me to sInitialVScroll - tVChange
set the hScroll of me to sInitialHScroll - tHChange
put the hScroll of me into lastPoint
unlock screen
end if
end mouseMove
on mouseRelease
end mouseRelease
on mouseUp
put false into sScrolling
end mouseUp
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on preOpenStack
set the acceleratedRendering to true
end preOpenStack
以上代码打开了该功能。 LiveCode中的加速渲染功能使引擎在缓存的小块中呈现堆栈。 GPU(图形芯片)负责在每次操作系统刷新屏幕时将所有这些图块合成在一起(例如,在iOS上大约每秒60帧)。如果磁贴没有改变,GPU只是显示它......如果某些东西发生了变化,即你移动了一个控件,那么覆盖该控件的磁贴就会重新绘制。
set the layerMode of group "scrollingGroup" to "scrolling"