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"m 23.029,132.194 c -0.302,0 -0.589,-0.137 -0.779,-0.373 -0.195,-0.243 -0.266,-0.563 -0.191,-0.866 L 43.377,44.463 c 0.094,-0.382 0.404,-0.674 0.792,-0.745 l 7.025,-1.278 c 0.546,-0.098 1.064,0.262 1.163,0.805 0.099,0.543 -0.262,1.064 -0.805,1.163 l -6.388,1.163 -20.85,84.591 66.387,-1.701 18.873,-1.955 c 0.034,-0.003 0.069,-0.005 0.103,-0.005 h 9.028 c 0.034,0 0.068,0.002 0.102,0.005 l 17.148,1.757 71.179,0.283 -17.048,-83.047 -7.78,-0.584 c -0.551,-0.042 -0.963,-0.521 -0.922,-1.072 0.041,-0.551 0.525,-0.971 1.072,-0.922 l 8.533,0.641 c 0.445,0.033 0.814,0.358 0.904,0.796 l 17.447,84.993 c 0.061,0.295 -0.015,0.602 -0.206,0.835 -0.189,0.231 -0.474,0.366 -0.773,0.366 -10e-4,0 -0.003,0 -0.004,0 l -72.508,-0.293 -17.195,-1.757 h -8.926 l -18.899,1.955 -67.775,1.739 c -0.008,-0.002 -0.017,-0.002 -0.025,-0.002 z",
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答案 0 :(得分:0)
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