class Dish extends CActiveRecord {
public $recipeImg; // used by the form to send the file.
public function rules()
return array(
// ...
// for the form too
array('recipeImg', 'file', 'types' => 'png, gif, jpg', 'allowEmpty' => true),
// ...
public function behaviors() {
return array(
'recipeImgBehavior' => array(
'class' => 'ImageARBehavior',
'attribute' => 'recipeImg', // this must exist
'extension' => 'png, gif, jpg', // possible extensions, comma separated
'prefix' => 'img_',
'relativeWebRootFolder' => 'files/recipes', // this folder must exist
# 'forceExt' => png, // this is the default, every saved image will be a png one.
# Set to null if you want to keep the original format
'useImageMagick' => '/usr/bin', # I want to use imagemagick instead of GD, and
# it is located in /usr/bin on my computer.
// this will define formats for the image.
// The format 'normal' always exist. This is the default format, by default no
// suffix or no processing is enabled.
'formats' => array(
// create a thumbnail grayscale format
'thumb' => array(
'suffix' => '_thumb',
'process' => array('resize' => array(60, 60), 'grayscale' => true),
// create a large one (in fact, no resize is applied)
'large' => array(
'suffix' => '_large',
// and override the default :
'normal' => array(
'process' => array('resize' => array(200, 200)),
'defaultName' => 'default', // when no file is associated, this one is used by getFileUrl
// defaultName need to exist in the relativeWebRootFolder path, and prefixed by prefix,
// and with one of the possible extensions. if multiple formats are used, a default file must exist
// for each format. Name is constructed like this :
// {prefix}{name of the default file}{suffix}{one of the extension}
echo $form->fileField($model,'recipe');