
时间:2014-05-18 10:21:58

标签: web-services rest restful-architecture

在REST中,如果要检索资源,可以使用以下内容: http://www.blabla.com/api/movies/1234 其中1234是数据库中电影的唯一标识符。 问题我如何从数据库中检索由2个属性标识的实体? 也许是这样的: http://www.blabla.com/api/grade/1234/764334532(由用户和考试ID组合确定) 或许我必须以其他方式对数据库或资源建模,例如在数据库中为成绩添加id。 你怎么看?感谢。

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)





答案 1 :(得分:1)


 * Abstract service customer. Contains methods for retrieving and persisting
 * data in database.
public interface ServiceCustomer extends Service<Customer, Integer> {

     * Adds a customers {@link Recension} to a product
     * @param recension
     *            The new created {@link Recension} by the customer
     * @param customerId
     *            Identifier of the customer as Integer who has created the
     *            recension
     * @param productId
     *            Identifier of the product as Integer which should be
     *            associated with the new created recension
     * @return {@link Response}
    @Consumes({ MediaType.APPLICATION_XML, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON })
    public Response insertRecension(Recension recension,
            @PathParam("id") Integer customerId,
            @PathParam("prodId") Integer productId);

     * Retrieves all customers {@link Recension}(s)
     * @param customerId
     *            Identifier of the {@link Customer} as int
     * @return {@link Response}, containing a {@link List} of all created
     *         {@link Recension}(s) by the customer
    @Produces({ MediaType.APPLICATION_XML, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON })
    public Response getRecensions(@PathParam("id") int customerId);

     * Retrieves a single {@link Recension} of a {@link Product} which was
     * created by a specific {@link Customer}
     * @param productID
     *            Identifier of the {@link Product}
     * @param customerID
     *            Identifier of the {@link Customer}
     * @return {@link Response}, which contains the {@link Recension} of the
     *         {@link Product} created by the user. Assuming the user has
     *         created a recension.
    @Produces({ MediaType.APPLICATION_XML, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON })
    public Response getRecensionOfProductByCustomer(
            @PathParam("prodId") int productID, @PathParam("id") int customerID);
  1. 客户使用第一种方法insertRecension来创建特定产品的订单。因此,您需要定义两个标识符,即为具有特定ID的产品创建新订单的客户的ID。

    @Path( “{ID} /的productId / {PRODID} /校订”)

  2. 客户使用第二种方法getRecensions来检索他创建的所有收据。为此,rest-endpoint只需知道一个标识符,即客户ID。

    @Path( “{ID} /校订”)

  3. 最后一个方法getRecensionOfProductByCustomer检索由特定用户创建的特定产品的缩进。请注意,此rest-endpoint也有两个标识符!

    @Path( “{ID} /的productId / {PRODID} /校订”)

答案 2 :(得分:0)


GET /grades?exam=3&userId=bob
    "id": 343,
    "self": "/grades/343",
    "exam": "/exams/3",
    "user": "/users/bob",
    "value": 88
