
时间:2014-05-16 18:29:21

标签: windows authentication ntlm


-[NTLM Type3: Authentication]------------------------------
Provider: NTLMSSP
Type: 3
OS Version: 6.1:7601
Flags:  0xe2888215
    Unicode supported in security buffer.
    Request server's authentication realm included in Type2 reply.
    Sign (integrity)
    NTLM authentication.
    Negotiate Always Sign.
    Negotiate NTLM2 Key.
    Target Information block provided for use in calculation of the NTLMv2 response.
    Supports 56-bit encryption.
    Supports 128-bit encryption.
    Client will provide master key in Type 3 Session Key field.
lmresp_Offset: 136; lmresp_Length: 24; lmresp_Length2: 24
ntresp_Offset: 160; ntresp_Length: 24; ntresp_Length2: 24
Domain_Offset: 88; Domain_Length: 16; Domain_Length2: 16
User_Offset: 104; User_Length: 14; User_Length2: 14
Host_Offset: 118; Host_Length: 18; Host_Length2: 18
msg_len: 184
Domain: XXX
User: YYY
Host: ZZZ


-[NTLM Type3: Authentication]------------------------------
Provider: NTLMSSP
Type: 3
OS Version: 5.1:2600
Flags:  0xa2888205
    Unicode supported in security buffer.
    Request server's authentication realm included in Type2 reply.
    NTLM authentication.
    Negotiate Always Sign.
    Negotiate NTLM2 Key.
    Target Information block provided for use in calculation of the NTLMv2 response.
    Supports 56-bit encryption.
    Supports 128-bit encryption.
lmresp_Offset: 118; lmresp_Length: 24; lmresp_Length2: 24
ntresp_Offset: 142; ntresp_Length: 24; ntresp_Length2: 24
Domain_Offset: 72; Domain_Length: 16; Domain_Length2: 16
User_Offset: 88; User_Length: 12; User_Length2: 12
Host_Offset: 100; Host_Length: 18; Host_Length2: 18
msg_len: 166
Domain: XXX
User: VVV
Host: WWW
lm_resp: 11 E3 1E 09 74 1E 9B 8A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
nt_resp: 98 BF FC 1C BF 65 EE 46 6A 71 26 5E 14 5D 34 CA 1F 1A E2 4A 00 1D BC 58


  • 签署(诚信)
  • 客户端将在类型3会话密钥字段
  • 中提供主密钥

我一直在谷歌搜索几天,我似乎无法确定这些密钥的来源!这与浏览器设置有关吗?帐户设置? IIS设置?


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