我在一个大数据集(10 000 * 25 000)中读到了来自data.table
的fread,它很快就超速了。现在我需要用它做一些基本的算术,相比之下,它很慢。我想知道是否有人有一个建议我可能做错了什么/什么是一个很好的调整来加快它(我必须做10 000次,所以每一项改进都很重要!)。我想随机选择两个ngeno
mytable = matrix(c(0, 0, 1, 2,
0, 1, 2, 2), ncol=4))
# Test data
nrow = 1000
ncol = 10000
ngeno = 2000
dat <- data.table(matrix(rbinom(nrow*ncol, 2, 0.001), ncol=ncol))
# What I do
myway <- function(dat, nrow, ngeno) {
# Choose random rows
haplo1 <- sample.int(nrow, ngeno, replace=T)
haplo2 <- sample.int(nrow, ngeno, replace=T)
# Add them up
geno <- dat[haplo1,] + dat[haplo2,]
rec.names <- names(dat)
maf <- colMeans(geno)/2
# throw out columns where every row has a 0 or a 2
throw.out <- maf==0 | maf == 1
rec.names <- rec.names[!throw.out]
maf <- maf[!throw.out]
geno <- subset(geno, select = rec.names)
return(list(maf, geno))
myway2 <- function(dat, nrow, ngeno) {
haplo1 <- sample.int(nrow, ngeno, replace=T)
haplo2 <- sample.int(nrow, ngeno, replace=T)
dat <- data.table(t(dat))
geno <- dat[,haplo1,with=F] + dat[,haplo2,with=F]
geno <- data.table(t(geno))
maf <- colMeans(geno)/2
throw.out <- maf==0 | maf == 1
maf <- maf[!throw.out]
geno <- geno[, which(!throw.out), with=F]
return(list(maf, geno))
eddisway <- function(dat, nrow, ngeno) {
dat.m <- as.matrix(dat)
haplo1 <- sample.int(nrow, ngeno, replace=T)
haplo2 <- sample.int(nrow, ngeno, replace=T)
geno <- dat.m[haplo1,] + dat.m[haplo2,]
maf <- colMeans(geno)/2
throw.out <- maf==0 | maf == 1
maf <- maf[!throw.out]
geno <- geno[,!throw.out]
return(list(maf, geno))
rolandsway <- function(dat, nrow, ngeno) {
dat1 <- melt(dat, variable.factor=FALSE)
# Choose random rows
haplo1 <- sample.int(nrow, ngeno, replace=T)
haplo2 <- sample.int(nrow, ngeno, replace=T)
geno <- dat1[, value[haplo1]+value[haplo2], by=variable]
maf <- geno[, mean(V1)/2, by=variable]
maf <- maf[!(V1==0 | V1==1),]
setkey(geno, variable)
geno <- geno[maf[, variable],]
# geno[,"v2":=rep(1:dim(dat)[1],dim(maf)[1]),with=F]
# test <- dcast.data.table(geno, v2 ~ variable)
return(list(maf, geno))
# Warning messages from Roland's method:
# 1: In melt.data.table(dat, variable.factor = FALSE) :
# To be consistent with reshape2's melt, id.vars and measure.vars are internally guessed when both are 'NULL'. All non-numeric/integer/logical type columns are conisdered id.vars, which in this case are columns ''. Consider providing at least one of 'id' or 'measure' vars in future.
out <- microbenchmark(myway(dat, nrow, ngeno), myway2(dat, nrow, ngeno), eddisway(dat, nrow, ngeno), rolandsway(dat, nrow, ngeno), times=5)
# Unit: seconds
# expr min lq median uq max neval
# myway(dat, nrow, ngeno) 3.764377 3.804865 3.841819 3.924095 4.203679 10
# myway2(dat, nrow, ngeno) 3.595477 3.681658 3.703837 3.784004 3.851407 10
# eddisway(dat, nrow, ngeno) 1.388514 1.414389 1.438111 1.479081 1.574927 10
# rolandsway(dat, nrow, ngeno) 2.253587 2.299850 2.390655 2.579183 2.633778 10
self.time self.pct total.time total.pct
"[[" 0.94 18.8 2.56 51.2
"[[.data.frame" 0.54 10.8 1.62 32.4
"match" 0.48 9.6 0.92 18.4
"[.data.table" 0.40 8.0 2.84 56.8
"Ops.data.frame" 0.34 6.8 1.44 28.8
"setattr" 0.24 4.8 2.18 43.6
"<Anonymous>" 0.18 3.6 0.46 9.2
total.time total.pct self.time self.pct
"myway" 5.00 100.0 0.00 0.0
"[.data.table" 2.84 56.8 0.40 8.0
"[" 2.84 56.8 0.00 0.0
"[[" 2.56 51.2 0.94 18.8
"alloc.col" 2.26 45.2 0.06 1.2
"setattr" 2.18 43.6 0.24 4.8
"+" 1.96 39.2 0.00 0.0
答案 0 :(得分:1)
myway1 <- function(dat, nrow, ngeno) {
dat1 <- melt(dat, variable.factor=FALSE)
# Choose random rows
haplo1 <- sample.int(nrow, ngeno, replace=T)
haplo2 <- sample.int(nrow, ngeno, replace=T)
geno <- dat1[, value[haplo1]+value[haplo2], by=variable]
maf <- geno[, mean(V1)/2, by=variable]
maf <- maf[!(V1==0 | V1==1),]
setkey(dat1, variable)
geno <- dat1[maf[, variable],]
return(list(maf, geno))