xText = queryForHTML
xTextSplit = split(xText, " ")
for each item in xTextSplit
xWord = item
if lcase(item) = "the" or lcase(item) = "and" or lcase(item) = "an" or lcase(item) = "as" or lcase(item) = "to" or lcase(item) = "is" or lcase(item) = "on" then
xWord = lcase(item)
end if
xCompleteWord = xCompleteWord & " " & xWord
queryForHTML = xCompleteWord
答案 0 :(得分:0)
Option Explicit
Dim originalString
originalString = "a saMple of String capiTalization (in some cases, not so obvious)"
Dim convertedString
Dim noiseWords
noiseWords= "/a/abaft/aboard/about/above/absent/across/afore/after/against/along/alongside/amid" + _
"/amidst/among/amongst/an/anenst/apropos/apud/around/as/aside/astride/at/athwart/atop" + _
"/barring/before/behind/below/beneath/beside/besides/between/beyond/but/by/circa" + _
"/concerning/despite/down/during/except/excluding/failing/following/for/forenenst/from" + _
"/given/in/including/inside/into/like/mid/midst/minus/modulo/near/next/notwithstanding" + _
"/o/of/off/on/onto/opposite/or/out/outside/over/pace/past/per/plus/pro/qua/regarding" + _
"/round/sans/save/since/so/than/through/thru/throughout/thruout/till/times/to/toward" + _
"/towards/under/underneath/unlike/until/unto/up/upon/versus/vs/via/vice/vis/with/within" + _
Function correctCase(matchString,word,position,sourceString)
word = LCase(word)
If (position > 0) And (InStr(noiseWords,"/" & word & "/")>0) Then
correctCase = word
correctCase = UCase(Left(word,1)) & Mid(word,2,Len(word)-1)
End If
End Function
With New RegExp
.Pattern = "(\w+)"
.Global = True
.IgnoreCase = True
convertedString = .Replace(originalString,GetRef("correctCase"))
End With
WScript.Echo originalString
WScript.Echo convertedString
基本思想是使用匹配任何序列的正则表达式" word"字符([a-zA-Z0-9]
答案 1 :(得分:0)
Win32 API函数,该函数提供有关字符串中字符的信息。你只担心可以是大写或小写的字符。您的代码的问题在于它仅适用于空格分解单词的最简单情况。但话语可以通过标点符号来分解。并且有许多Unicode字符没有"大写"和"小写"。
Option Explicit
Private Declare Function GetStringTypeW Lib "Kernel32.dll" ( _
ByVal dwInfoType As Long, _
ByVal lpSrcStr As Long, _
ByVal cchSrc As Long, _
ByRef lpCharType As Integer _
) As Long
Private Const CT_CTYPE1 As Long = &H1
Private Const C1_UPPER As Long = &H1 ' Uppercase
Private Const C1_LOWER As Long = &H2 ' Lowercase
Private Const C1_DIGIT As Long = &H4 ' Decimal digits
Private Const C1_SPACE As Long = &H8 ' Space characters
Private Const C1_PUNCT As Long = &H10 ' Punctuation
Private Const C1_CNTRL As Long = &H20 ' Control characters
Private Const C1_BLANK As Long = &H40 ' Blank characters
Private Const C1_XDIGIT As Long = &H80 ' Hexadecimal digits
Private Const C1_ALPHA As Long = &H100 ' Any linguistic character: alphabetical, syllabary, or ideographic
Private Const C1_DEFINED As Long = &H200 ' A defined character, but not one of the other C1_* types
Private Function ProperCaseWords(ByRef in_sText As String) As String
Dim lTextLen As Long
Dim aiCharType() As Integer
Dim lPos As Long
Dim lPosStartWord As Long
Dim bInWord As Boolean
Dim bFirstCharUCase As Boolean
Dim sWord As String
' Output buffer contains a copy of the original string.
ProperCaseWords = in_sText
lTextLen = Len(in_sText)
' Resize the character type buffer to be one more than the string.
ReDim aiCharType(1 To lTextLen + 1)
' Retrieve string type data about this Unicode string into <aiCharType()>.
' If it fails, then we just return the original string.
' Note that the last element in the array is not filled by this function, and will contain zero.
' This is deliberate, so we can handle the corner case where the last word is right at the end of the string.
If (GetStringTypeW(CT_CTYPE1, StrPtr(ProperCaseWords), lTextLen, aiCharType(1))) = 0 Then
Exit Function
End If
' We start outside a word.
bInWord = False
' Iterate through the entire array, including the last element which corresponds to no character.
For lPos = 1 To lTextLen + 1
If (aiCharType(lPos) And C1_LOWER) = C1_LOWER Then
' Lower case characters.
If Not bInWord Then
bFirstCharUCase = False
lPosStartWord = lPos
bInWord = True
End If
ElseIf (aiCharType(lPos) And C1_UPPER) = C1_UPPER Then
' Upper case characters.
If bInWord Then
' If we are already in the word, i.e. past the first character, then we know that the character *should* be lower case.
Mid$(ProperCaseWords, lPos, 1) = LCase$(Mid$(ProperCaseWords, lPos, 1))
bFirstCharUCase = True
lPosStartWord = lPos
bInWord = True
End If
' Non lower or upper case characters. Also includes last (zero) element.
If bInWord Then
' If we are in a word, and the latest character is non-alphabetical, then we now check what word it is, and
' decide whether to make the first character upper or lower case.
bInWord = False
' Retrieve the word from the string, and deliberately make the first character lower case.
' Note that all other characters in the word would have already been made lower case.
sWord = Mid$(ProperCaseWords, lPosStartWord, lPos - lPosStartWord)
If bFirstCharUCase Then
Mid$(sWord, 1, 1) = LCase$(Mid$(sWord, 1, 1))
End If
' Compare our word against a lower-case word list.
Select Case sWord
Case "in", "on", "an", "to", "and", "the", "with", "that", "is" ' <=== CUSTOM LIST OF WORDS
If bFirstCharUCase Then
Mid$(ProperCaseWords, lPosStartWord, 1) = LCase$(Mid$(ProperCaseWords, lPosStartWord, 1))
End If
Case Else
If Not bFirstCharUCase Then
Mid$(ProperCaseWords, lPosStartWord, 1) = UCase$(Mid$(ProperCaseWords, lPosStartWord, 1))
End If
End Select
End If
End If
Next lPos
End Function