我找不到任何使用IPython魔法的Jython示例。这已经可以吗? 例如,在一个IPython笔记本中,我可以方便地使用Cython的“魔术”功能,这样我就不必编写setup.py文件并手动编译。我能以某种方式为Jython做这件事吗?如果没有,您将如何通过Jython在IPython笔记本中最好地运行以下代码?
%load_ext cythonmagic
def cy_lstsqr(x, y):
""" Computes the least-squares solution to a linear matrix equation. """
cdef double x_avg, y_avg, temp, var_x, cov_xy, slope, y_interc, x_i, y_i
x_avg = sum(x)/len(x)
y_avg = sum(y)/len(y)
var_x = 0
cov_xy = 0
for x_i, y_i in zip(x,y):
temp = (x_i - x_avg)
var_x += temp**2
cov_xy += temp*(y_i - y_avg)
slope = cov_xy / var_x
y_interc = y_avg - slope*x_avg
return (slope, y_interc)