我想格式化输出表,在第一列上使用左对齐,在所有剩余列上使用右对齐。当我替换$ myobj =“”|选择“Drive”,“PercentFreeSpace”,“DriveSpace”,“FreeSpace” with $ myobj = Format-Table [[“”|选择“Drive”,“PercentFreeSpace”,“DriveSpace”,“FreeSpace”] [-AutoSize]] 我收到了错误。
# For Loop - get % free space of all drives and email output
start-transcript -path c:\LOGS\log_drivespace.txt
#Define Variables
$Notify = 0
$MinFreePercent = "25"
$FileDriveSpace = "c:\Logs\DriveSpace.txt"
$FromAddress = "#lnteam@pepcoholdings.com"
$ToAddress = "hdsouza@pepco.com"
#$ToAddress = "#lnteam@pepcoholdings.com"
$SendingServer = "mailhost1"
$ComputerName = $(Get-WmiObject Win32_Computersystem).name
$Drives_Threshold = ""
$OutArray = @()
$outarray += "Disk space Alerts and Utilizations on server $ComputerName"
$AllDisks = get-wmiobject Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter “DriveType = 3"
#Omit the a, b drives if exist
$AllDisks = $AllDisks | ? { $_.DeviceID -notmatch "[ab]:"}
foreach ($objdisk in $AllDisks)
$DeviceId = $objDisk.DeviceID
$DeviceId = $DeviceId -replace ":", ""
#$FreePercent = "{0:P0} " -f ($objDisk.FreeSpace/$objDisk.Size)
$FreePercent = (100 * $objDisk.FreeSpace/$objDisk.Size)
If ($FreePercent -lt $MinFreePercent)
$Threshold = "Threshold Reached"
$Notify = 1
If ($Drives_Threshold -eq "")
{ $Drives_Threshold = $DeviceId }
{ $Drives_Threshold = $Drives_Threshold + ", " + $DeviceId }
{ $Threshold = "N/A"}
$FreePercent = "{0:P0} " -f ($objDisk.FreeSpace/$objDisk.Size)
$TotalDriveSpace = ($objDisk.Size/(1024 * 1024 * 1024))
#$TotalDriveSpace = ([Math]::Round($TotalDriveSpace, 0))
$TotalDriveSpace = ("{0:N0}" -f $TotalDriveSpace) + " GB"
$FreeSpace = ($objDisk.FreeSpace/(1024 * 1024 * 1024))
#$FreeSpace = [Math]::Round($FreeSpace, 0)
$FreeSpace = ("{0:N0}" -f $FreeSpace) + " GB"
$myobj = "" | Select "Drive","PercentFreeSpace", "DriveSpace", "FreeSpace"
#$myobj = Format-Table [["" | Select "Drive","PercentFreeSpace", "DriveSpace", "FreeSpace"] [-AutoSize]]
$myobj.Drive = $DeviceId
$myobj.PercentFreeSpace = $FreePercent
$myobj.DriveSpace = $TotalDriveSpace
$myobj.FreeSpace = $FreeSpace
#$myobj.Threshold = $Threshold
#Only for testing
#$outLine = $DeviceId + " " + $FreePercent + " " + $Threshold + " " + $MinFreePercent
#Add the object to the out-array
$outarray += $myobj
#Wipe the object just to be sure
$myobj = $null
$outarray += "The following Drives are below the $MinFreePercent% Threshold limit: $Drives_Threshold"
$outarray > $FileDriveSpace
$MessageSubject = "Disk Space Alert for Drives $Drives_Threshold on Server $ComputerName"
if ($Notify -eq 1)
$scr = $outarray | out-string
$SMTPMessage = New-Object System.Net.Mail.MailMessage $FromAddress, $ToAddress, $MessageSubject, $scr
$SMTPClient = New-Object System.Net.Mail.SMTPClient $SendingServer
答案 0 :(得分:2)
你不希望你的对象成为一个表,你希望它成为一个对象。然后当你去输出时,它将数组格式化为表格。所以请保留$ myObj原样,然后当你去输出时做类似的事情:
"The following Drives are below the $MinFreePercent% Threshold limit: $Drives_Threshold" | out-file $FileDriveSpace
$outarray |FT -Auto | Out-File $FileDriveSpace -append
if($notify -eq 1){
$scr = gc $FileDriveSpace