消耗由VB6 OCX在C#中生成的事件

时间:2014-05-06 15:07:17

标签: c# com activex com-interop ocx

我正在尝试使用后期绑定通过C#访问VB6 OCX。

我可以使用Reflection / InvokeMember调用方法,但是,我不知道如何使用OCX生成的事件。



Type t = Type.GetTypeFromProgID("MyOCX"); 
object test = Activator.CreateInstance(t); 
t.InvokeMember("LaunchBrowserWindow", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, test, new object[] { "cnn", "www.cnn.com" }); 


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以MSDN the Type class seems to have a GetEvent method来判断,它接受一个字符串(作为事件名称)。


我的猜测是调用 GetEvent ,然后在返回的对象上调用 AddEventHandler 将允许您订阅该事件,但我还没有测试过它。


//This is the method you want to run when the event fires
private static void WhatIWantToDo()
    //do stuff

//here is a delegate with the same signature as your method
private delegate void MyDelegate();

private static void Main()
    Type t = Type.GetTypeFromProgID("MyOCX"); 
    object test = Activator.CreateInstance(t); 
    t.InvokeMember("LaunchBrowserWindow", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, test, new object[] { "cnn", "www.cnn.com" });

    //Get the event info object from the type
    var eventInfo = t.GetEvent("CloseWindow");

    //Create an instance of your delegate
    var myDelegate = new MyDelegate(WhatIWantToDo);

    //Pass the object itself, plus the delegate to the AddEventHandler method. In theory, this method should now run when the event is fired
    eventInfo.AddEventHandler(test, myDelegate);