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此Bugzilla中没有图形报告功能。如果要启用此功能,请运行checksetup.pl以了解如何安装此功能的必要要求。 回溯:在D:/ Program Files(x86)/Bugzilla/bugzilla/report.cgi第101行
* This is Bugzilla 4.2.5 on perl 5.10.1
* Running on Win7 Build 7600
Checking perl modules...
Checking for CGI.pm (v3.51) ok: found v3.63
Checking for Digest-SHA (any) ok: found v5.48
Checking for TimeDate (v2.21) ok: found v2.24
Checking for DateTime (v0.28) ok: found v0.53
Checking for DateTime-TimeZone (v0.79) ok: found v1.10
Checking for DBI (v1.41) ok: found v1.609
Checking for Template-Toolkit (v2.22) ok: found v2.22
Checking for Email-Send (v2.16) ok: found v2.198
Checking for Email-MIME (v1.904) ok: found v1.911
Checking for URI (v1.37) ok: found v1.52
Checking for List-MoreUtils (v0.22) ok: found v0.22
Checking for Math-Random-ISAAC (v1.0.1) ok: found v1.004
Checking for Win32 (v0.35) ok: found v0.39
Checking for Win32-API (v0.55) ok: found v0.59
Checking for JSON (v2.10) ok: found v2.17
Checking for Text-Diff (v0.35) ok: found v1.37
Checking for GD-Graph3d (v0.63) ok: found v0.63
Checking available perl DBD modules...
Checking for DBD-Pg (v1.45) ok: found v2.16.1
Checking for DBD-mysql (v4.001) ok: found v4.012
Checking for DBD-SQLite (v1.29) ok: found v1.29
Checking for DBD-Oracle (v1.19) not found
The following Perl modules are optional:
Checking for GD (v1.20) ok: found v2.44
Checking for Chart (v2.1) ok: found v2.4.1
Checking for Template-GD (any) ok: found v1.56
Checking for GDTextUtil (any) ok: found v0.86
Checking for GDGraph (any) ok: found v1.44
Checking for MIME-tools (v5.406) ok: found v5.427
Checking for libwww-perl (any) ok: found v5.834
Checking for XML-Twig (any) ok: found v3.34
Checking for PatchReader (v0.9.6) found v0.9.5
Checking for perl-ldap (any) ok: found v0.39
Checking for Authen-SASL (any) ok: found v2.13
Checking for RadiusPerl (any) ok: found v0.17
Checking for SOAP-Lite (v0.712) found v0.710.10
Checking for JSON-RPC (any) not found
Checking for JSON-XS (v2.0) ok: found v2.27
Checking for Test-Taint (any) not found
Checking for HTML-Parser (v3.40) ok: found v3.64
Checking for HTML-Scrubber (any) ok: found v0.08
Checking for Encode (v2.21) ok: found v2.39
Checking for Encode-Detect (any) not found
Checking for Email-MIME-Attachment-Stripper (any) not found
Checking for Email-Reply (any) not found
Checking for TheSchwartz (any) not found
Checking for Daemon-Generic (any) not found
Checking for mod_perl (v1.999022) not found
Checking for Apache-SizeLimit (v0.96) not found
Checking for Text-CSV (v1.06) not found
Checking for XML Schema Validator (v1.10) not found
Checking for XML Schema Parser (any) ok: found v1.01
Checking for XML Twig (any) ok: found v3.34
WARNING: We could not check the configuration of Apache. This sometimes
happens when you are not running checksetup.pl as Administrator. To see the
problem we ran into, run: D:\Program Files (x86)\Bugzilla\apache\bin\httpd.EXE -
* Certain Perl modules are not required by Bugzilla, but by *
* installing the latest version you gain access to additional *
* features. *
* *
* The optional modules you do not have installed are listed below, *
* with the name of the feature they enable. Below that table are the *
* commands to install each module. *
* PatchReader * Patch Viewer *
* SOAP-Lite * XML-RPC Interface *
* JSON-RPC * JSON-RPC Interface *
* Test-Taint * JSON-RPC Interface, XML-RPC Interface *
* Encode-Detect * Automatic charset detection for text attachme
nts *
* Email-MIME-Attachment-Stripper * Inbound Email *
* Email-Reply * Inbound Email *
* TheSchwartz * Mail Queueing *
* Daemon-Generic * Mail Queueing *
* mod_perl * mod_perl *
* Apache-SizeLimit * mod_perl *
* Text-CSV * CSV Importing of test cases *
* XML Schema Validator * XML Importing of test cases and plans *
PatchReader: D:\Program Files (x86)\Bugzilla\perl\perl\bin\perl.exe install-
module.pl PatchReader
SOAP-Lite: D:\Program Files (x86)\Bugzilla\perl\perl\bin\perl.exe install-
module.pl SOAP::Lite
JSON-RPC: D:\Program Files (x86)\Bugzilla\perl\perl\bin\perl.exe install-
module.pl JSON::RPC
Test-Taint: D:\Program Files (x86)\Bugzilla\perl\perl\bin\perl.exe install-
module.pl Test::Taint
Encode-Detect: D:\Program Files (x86)\Bugzilla\perl\perl\bin\perl.exe install-
module.pl Encode::Detect
Email-MIME-Attachment-Stripper: D:\Program Files (x86)\Bugzilla\perl\perl\bin\pe
rl.exe install-module.pl Email::MIME::Attachment::Stripper
Email-Reply: D:\Program Files (x86)\Bugzilla\perl\perl\bin\perl.exe install-
module.pl Email::Reply
TheSchwartz: D:\Program Files (x86)\Bugzilla\perl\perl\bin\perl.exe install-
module.pl TheSchwartz
Daemon-Generic: D:\Program Files (x86)\Bugzilla\perl\perl\bin\perl.exe install-
module.pl Daemon::Generic
mod_perl: D:\Program Files (x86)\Bugzilla\perl\perl\bin\perl.exe install-
module.pl mod_perl2
Apache-SizeLimit: D:\Program Files (x86)\Bugzilla\perl\perl\bin\perl.exe install
-module.pl Apache2::SizeLimit
Text-CSV: D:\Program Files (x86)\Bugzilla\perl\perl\bin\perl.exe install-
module.pl Text::CSV
XML Schema Validator: D:\Program Files (x86)\Bugzilla\perl\perl\bin\perl.exe ins
tall-module.pl XML::Validator::Schema
To attempt an automatic install of every required and optional module
with one command, do:
D:\Program Files (x86)\Bugzilla\perl\perl\bin\perl.exe install-module.pl --all
Reading ./localconfig...
Checking for DBD-mysql (v4.001) ok: found v4.012
Checking for MySQL (v5.0.15) ok: found v5.1.44-community-log
Removing existing compiled templates...
Precompiling templates...done.
Checking Testopia setup ...
Done checking Testopia setup.
checksetup.pl complete.
Press any key to continue . . .