
时间:2014-05-06 00:22:14

标签: batch-file


@echo off
color 02
echo %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random%
goto start


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


start /w (name of file)

如果打开的文件被调用" matrix.bat"例如,然后你使用

@echo off
start /w matrix.bat
start matrix.bat


注意:如果您使用的是Windows XP或更低版本,则需要/ wait而不是/ w。

答案 1 :(得分:0)

没有任何旨在实现此结果的本机命令。 但是,鉴于批处理程序可用于创建和启动其他脚本语言,您可以选择使批处理成为Vbs进程监视器,以查看cmd.exe何时关闭,然后启动您选择的另一批处理(或重新启动同一批次)。为了使此操作顺利进行,请确保已采取适当的步骤来结束vbs脚本,以避免无休止的循环。

::: Place this code at the start of any Batch, and it will make a vbs that continuously reopens the target .Bat script when
::: there's no CMD windows open.
::: ECHO WshShell.run "%~dpnx0", 0, true REM Change to "ECHO WshShell.run "%~dpnx0", 0, true" to make your Batch Invisible.
::: To change the .bat program run when your batch is closed, replace "%~dpnx0" with the full path of the other program to run.

ECHO Set objWMIService = GetObject ("winmgmts:"^)
ECHO Set proc = objWMIService.ExecQuery("select * from Win32_Process Where Name='cmd.exe'"^)
ECHO DO while proc.count ^> 0
ECHO Set proc = objWMIService.ExecQuery("select * from Win32_Process Where Name='cmd.exe'"^)
ECHO if proc.count ^< 1 then exit do
ECHO wscript.sleep 1500
ECHO loop
ECHO Set WshShell=createobject("wscript.shell"^)
ECHO WshShell.run "%~dpnx0",1, true

START "" "%TEMP%\ReAnimator.vbs"

:main & REM your batch script below

:EOF & REM Cleanup to cancel the vbs script when script is exited properly
    taskkill /pid WScript.exe /f /t >nul
    Timeout 1 >nul
    Del /F "%TEMP%\ReAnimator.vbs"
    Exit /B
  • vbs脚本调用WMIService来获取cmd.exe上的进程计数,并且只要计数为GEQ 1,就将自身保持在循环中
  • 在循环内使用睡眠来分隔对WMI服务的调用,因为这样做非常耗费资源
  • 一旦满足条件即可中断循环,它将在用于创建脚本的路径处生成运行批处理文件的cmd.exe的shell实例。