我有一个相当难的问题,我无法解决问题。 我们的想法是遍历一部分数据并找到任何缩进。 (总是空格) 每当一行有比前一个更大的缩进时,例如4个以上的空格,第一行应该是字典的键,并且应该追加下一个值。
如果有另一个缩进,这意味着应该创建一个带有键和值的新词典。这应该是递归的,直到通过数据。 为了使事情更容易理解,我做了一个例子:
Chassis 1:
Server 1/1:
Equipped Product Name: EEE UCS B200 M3
Equiped PID: e63-samp-33
Equipped VID: V01
Acknowledged Cores: 16
Acknowledged Adapters: 1
PSU 1:
Presence: Equipped
VID: V00
HW Revision: 0
这个想法是能够以字典形式返回任何数据部分。 dictionary.get(" Chassis 1:")应该返回所有数据,dictionary.get(" Servers")应该返回比行更深入的所有内容" Servers&# 34 ;. dictionary.get(" PSU 1:")应该给{" PSU 1:":" Presence:Equipped"," VID:100&# 34;," HW Revision:0"}等等。 我已经绘制了一个小方案来证明这一点,每种颜色都是另一种字典。
for item in Array:
regexpatt = re.search(":$", item)
if regexpatt:
keyFound = True
if not keyFound:
return Array
#Verify if we still have lines with spaces
spaceFound = False
for item in Array:
if item != item.lstrip():
spaceFound = True
if not spaceFound:
return Array
keyFound = False
counter = -1
for item in Array:
counter += 1
valueTrim = item.lstrip()
valueL = len(item)
valueTrimL = len(valueTrim)
diff = (valueL - valueTrimL)
nextSame = False
if item in Array:
nextValue = Array[counter]
nextDiff = (len(nextValue) - len(nextValue.lstrip()))
if diff == nextDiff:
nextSame = True
if diff == 0 and valueTrim != "" and nextSame is True:
match = re.search(":$", item)
if match:
key = item
newArray[key] = []
deptDetermine = True
keyFound = True
elif diff == 0 and valueTrim != "" and keyFound is False:
elif valueTrim != "":
if depthDetermine:
depth = diff
deptDetermine = False
#newValue = item[-valueL +depth]
item = item.lstrip().rstrip()
for item in newArray:
if item != "0":
newArray[key] = newArray[key]
return newArray
"Chassis 1": {
"PSU 1": {
"HW Revision: 0",
"Presence: Equipped",
"VID: V00"
"Servers": {
"Server 1/1": {
"Acknowledged Adapters: 1",
"Acknowledged Cores: 16",
"Equiped PID: e63-samp-33",
"Equipped Product Name: EEE UCS B200 M3",
"Equipped VID: V01"
答案 0 :(得分:4)
如果你想要每个嵌套的dictonary,也可以从root获得。取消注释if .. is not root
def parse(data):
root = {}
currentDict = root
prevLevel = -1
parents = []
for line in data:
if line.strip() == '': continue
level = len(line) - len(line.lstrip(" "))
key, value = [val.strip() for val in line.split(':', 1)]
if level > prevLevel and not len(value):
currentDict[key] = {}
# if currentDict is not root:
# root[key] = currentDict[key]
parents.append((currentDict, level))
currentDict = currentDict[key]
prevLevel = level
elif level < prevLevel and not len(value):
parentDict, parentLevel = parents.pop()
while parentLevel != level:
if not parents: return root
parentDict, parentLevel = parents.pop()
parentDict[key] = {}
parents.append((parentDict, level))
# if parentDict is not root:
# root[key] = parentDict[key]
currentDict = parentDict[key]
prevLevel = level
currentDict[key] = value
return root
with open('data.txt', 'r') as f:
data = parse(f)
#for pretty print of nested dict
import json
print json.dumps(data,sort_keys=True, indent=4)
"Chassis 1": {
"PSU 1": {
"HW Revision": "0",
"Presence": "Equipped",
"VID": "V00"
"Servers": {
"Server 1/1": {
"Acknowledged Adapters": "1",
"Acknowledged Cores": "16",
"Equiped PID": "e63-samp-33",
"Equipped Product Name": "EEE UCS B200 M3",
"Equipped VID": "V01"
答案 1 :(得分:4)
import yaml
import pprint
s = """
Chassis 1:
Server 1/1:
Equipped Product Name: EEE UCS B200 M3
Equiped PID: e63-samp-33
Equipped VID: V01
Acknowledged Cores: 16
Acknowledged Adapters: 1
PSU 1:
Presence: Equipped
VID: V00
HW Revision: 0
d = yaml.load(s)
{'Chassis 1': {'PSU 1': {'HW Revision': 0,
'Presence': 'Equipped',
'VID': 'V00'},
'Servers': {'Server 1/1': {'Acknowledged Adapters': 1,
'Acknowledged Cores': 16,
'Equiped PID': 'e63-samp-33',
'Equipped Product Name': 'EEE UCS B200 M3',
'Equipped VID': 'V01'}}}}