我尝试编译Octave并获得了关于gfortran与BLAS不兼容的流行消息。我检查了config.log文件并提取了失败的测试程序,以单独测试它。确实,测试失败了。现在,这让人感到困惑 - 至少对我而言:
测试程序(在底部添加)未编译(在configure中),编译器选项强制gfortran进入64位默认模式,内部使用的整数声明为简单整数(不是* 8) )。所以,如果这必须使用64位整数模式,我应该制作一个64位整数默认的gfortran版本(我读到所有fortrans默认都应该使用整数*。
我用64位整数测试gfortran,声明一个整数* 8,然后打印那个整数的huge() - 它确实打印了64位大数字,所以,至少“手动”,gfortran似乎确定。
尝试使用--enable-64编译八度音符--with-blas = acml_mp --with-lapack = acml_mp并获取: “BLAS似乎不支持64位整数”
这是测试程序 - 我不能同意libblas(指向libacml):
program main
c Compile with:
c fortran -o testblas -ff2c -ff2c testblas.f -lblas -lm -ffixed-line-length-none
integer n,nn(3)
real s,a(1),b(1),sdot
b(1) = 1.0
a(1) = 1.0
print *, "Generate -2**32 + 1, if possible, to check if gfortran is 32/64 bit"
print *, "If N >= 0, we are on 32 bits"
n = 2
n = -4 ** (n ** 30)
n = n + 1
print*, "N=", n
if (n >= 0) goto 1
print *, "This means we are on 64-bit integers. Check whether the BLAS is, too."
s = sdot(n,a,1,b,1)
print *, "S should be <> 0: "
if (s .ne. 0.0) stop 1
1 continue
print*, "We may be on 32-bit integers, and the BLAS on 64 bits. This is almost bound"
print*, "to have already failed, but just in case, we'll check."
nn(1) = -1
nn(2) = 1
nn(3) = -1
s = sdot(nn(2),a,1,b,1)
print*, "BLAS, if 32-bit, will make s 1, and all is ok: s=", s
if (s .ne. 1.0) stop 1
Generate -2**32 + 1, if possible, to check if gfortran is 32/64 bit
If N >= 0, we are on 32 bits
N= 1
We may be on 32-bit integers, and the BLAS on 64 bits. This is almost bound
to have already failed, but just in case, we'll check.
BLAS, if 32-bit, will make s 1, and all is ok: s= 0.00000000