Character::whereHas('User', function($q) { $q->where('gm', 1); });
似乎使用与Character相同的连接。似乎whereHas中的闭包是Query \ Builder?我期望whereHas使用它所指的任何模型的相应集合连接。
class Character extends Base {
* Connection used by the model
* @var string
protected $connection = 'sho';
* Table used by the model
* @var string
protected $table = 'tblgs_avatar';
* Fields fillable by the model
* @var array
protected $guarded = array('*');
* Checks whether the model uses timestamps
* @var boolean
public $timestamps = false;
* Decode the job name of the given ID
* @return string
public function getJobName()
switch( $this->job ) {
case 0:
$job = 'Visitor';
case 111:
$job = 'Solider';
case 221:
$job = 'Muse';
case 311:
$job = 'Hawker';
case 411:
$job = 'Dealer';
case 121:
$job = 'Knight';
case 122:
$job = 'Champ';
case 221:
$job = 'Mage';
case 222:
$job = 'Cleric';
case 321:
$job = 'Raider';
case 322:
$job = 'Scout';
case 421:
$job = 'Bourg';
case 422:
$job = 'Artisan';
$job = 'Untitled';
return $job;
* Rank the characters according to provided details
* @param integer $offset
* @param string $field
* @return Character
public static function byTop($offset = 10, $field = null)
$characters = new static();
if ( !is_null($field) ) $characters->orderBy($field, 'desc');
return $characters->take($offset);
* A shortcut to access the name of the character
* @return string
public function getNameAttribute()
return $this->txtNAME;
* A shortcut to access the level of the character
* @return int
public function getLevelAttribute()
return $this->btLEVEL;
* A shortcut to access the job of the character
* @return integer
public function getJobAttribute()
return $this->intJOB;
* ORM with the [User] table
* @return User
public function user()
return $this->belongsTo('User', 'Account', 'txtACCOUNT');
//$user = User::where('Account', $this->txtACCOUNT)->first();
//return $user;
use Illuminate\Auth\UserInterface;
use Illuminate\Auth\Reminders\RemindableInterface;
class User extends Base implements UserInterface, RemindableInterface {
* Connection used by the model
* @var string
protected $connection = 'seven_ora';
* The database table used by the model.
* @var string
protected $table = 'userinfo';
* The attributes excluded from the model's JSON form.
* @var array
protected $hidden = array('MD5PassWord', 'password');
* Fields guarded by the model
* @var array
protected $guarded = array();
* Fields fillable by the model
* @var array
protected $fillable = array(
* Checks whether the model uses timestamps
* @var boolean
public $timestamps = false;
* Get the unique identifier for the user.
* @return mixed
public function getAuthIdentifier()
return $this->getKey();
* Get the password for the user.
* @return string
public function getAuthPassword()
return $this->MD5PassWord;
* Get the token value for the "remember me" session.
* @return string
public function getRememberToken()
return $this->remember_token;
* Set the token value for the "remember me" session.
* @param string $value
* @return void
public function setRememberToken($value)
$this->remember_token = $value;
* Get the column name for the "remember me" token.
* @return string
public function getRememberTokenName()
return 'remember_token';
* Get the e-mail address where password reminders are sent.
* @return string
public function getReminderEmail()
return $this->email;
* Validate input
* @param array $input
* @param integer $id
* @return Validator
public function validate(array $input = array(), $id = null)
// Rules
$username = 'required|alpha_num|between:4,32|unique:userinfo,Account';
$password = 'required|between:4,48';
$email = 'required|email|unique:userinfo,Email';
$mname = 'required';
// Unique rules
if(!is_null($id)) {
$unique = ',' . $id;
$username .= $unique;
$email .= $unique;
$rules = array(
'username' => $username,
'password' => $password,
'email' => $email,
'mname' => $mname
$messages = array('mname.required' => "The security question field is required");
Config::set('database.default', 'seven_ora'); // Set config
return Validator::make($input, $rules, $messages);
* Change password of the user
* @param string $old
* @param string $new
* @return boolean
public function changePassword($old, $new)
if(Hash::check($old, $this->MD5PassWord)) {
$this->MD5PassWord = Hash::make($new);
if($this->save()) return true;
return false;
* Checks if the user is a GM
* @return boolean
public function isGM()
return ( $this->Right > 1 )
? true
: false;
public function addVP($points)
$vp = $this->votePoint;
$count = $vp->count;
$vp->count = $count + $points;
* Since our server files does not use the typical
* field names, this sets our username to whatever is being used
* @return void
public function getUsernameAttribute()
return $this->Account;
* Since our server files does not use the typical
* field names, this sets our password to whatever is being used
* @return void
public function getPasswordAttribute()
return $this->MD5PassWord;
* A shortcut to the user's vote point count
* @return void
public function getVpAttribute()
return $this->votePoint->count;
public function getDpAttribute()
return $this->donationPoint->count;
* ORM with the Character model
* @return Character
public function characters()
return $this->hasMany('Character', 'txtACCOUNT', 'Account');
//$characters = Character::where('txtACCOUNT', $this->username)->get();
//return $characters;
* ORM with the VotePoint model
* @return VotePoint
public function votePoint()
return $this->hasOne('VotePoint');
* ROWM with the DonationPointmodel
* @return DonationPoint
public function donationPoint()
return $this->hasOne('DonationPoint');
* ORM with the News model
* @return News
public function news()
return $this->hasMany('News');
* ORM with the Slide model
* @return Slide
public function slides()
return $this->hasMany('Slide');
* ORM with the VoteLog model
* @return VoteLog
public function logs()
return $this->hasMany('VoteLog');
答案 0 :(得分:7)
将数据库名称添加到User类中的$ table值。所以假设seven_ora也是数据库的名称:
protected $table = 'seven_ora.userinfo';
答案 1 :(得分:1)
public function __construct($attributes = array()) {
$this->table = Config::get('database.connections.connection.database').'.model_table_name';
答案 2 :(得分:0)
FROM characters
WHERE (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users WHERE characters.user_id = user.id AND gm = 1) >= 1;
[使用在角色模型上定义的连接(如您所注意到的)] SELECT * FROM characters;
[使用在角色模型上定义的连接] SELECT * FROM users WHERE id IN (1, 2, 3, …);
[使用在用户模型上定义的连接] 将数据库名称添加到表名称中,仅在Character模型连接具有访问其他数据库的权限时有效,因为您仍在使用Character模型连接。