使用ez430 RF2500建立RX / TX通信,以显示是否按下按钮

时间:2014-05-04 00:30:21

标签: embedded msp430 iar

我是一名机械工程师,拥有MatLab和Arduino的大部分编码经验。我正在使用EZ430-RF2500板为我的顶点项目建立更低电流的通信。我正在使用IAR Embedded Workbench IDE 7.0


这段代码非常类似于教程中的TX / RX谈话示例(enter link description here)我成功了但是我无法让我的代码正常运行。



    // If one button (p1.2) is pushed, the other boards red LED (p1.0) 
//Set Ports1.2 as input, set ports 1.0,1.1 (on board LEDS) as outputs

//GOAL: Set port 2.0 as input from Arduino, set port 2.1,2.2 as output for LED and Alarm
//Keep functionality of push button and turn on red LED(p1.0) for testing
//GOAL: Read port 2.0
//GOAL: If port 2.0 is HIGH, send packet
//GOAL: If packet is received, set Pout2.1,Pout2.2 as HIGH to activate LED/buzzer (for now)
//GOAL: Eventually add RSSI to determine if activate alarm. 

#include "mrfi.h"
#include "radios/family1/mrfi_spi.h"
int main(void)
  BSP_Init();           //*** Sets p1.0,1.1 as outputs, sets p1.2 as input, init MCLK at 8MHz, disables watchdog
  P1REN |= 0x04;        //*** 0100 Enables pull resistors (Needed for inputs)
  P1IE  |= 0x04;            //*** 0100 Enables interupts

//Eventual GOAL:
//  P2DIR |= 0x06;      //*** 0110 Pout2.1,Pout2.2 as outputs, all other inputs (Pin2.0)
//  P2REN |= 0x01;      //*** 0001 Enables pull resistor for Pin2.0   
//  P2OUT |= 0x03;      //*** 0001 Sets Pout2.1,Pout2.2 as Low, Enables Pull resistor for Pin2.0
        //*** May need to move P2OUT into another void

void MRFI_RxCompleteISR()   //*** If receives packet, turn on when packet is received, turn off if no packet is received after x seconds
                //*** GOAL: If packet is received, turn LED on, if packet is not received for certain time, turn LED off
{               //*** Eneventually would need to add RSSI to determine if alarm should sound

   int i;
   int j;
    P1OUT |= 0x02;
   for (i=0;i<10000;i++) {
 for (j=0;j<10;i++) {


   P1OUT ^= 0x02;

#pragma vector=PORT1_VECTOR
__interrupt void Port_1 (void)

{               //*** On-Board actions
P1IFG &= 0x04;      //***  
P1OUT |= 0x00;  
  while (1) 
if (P1IN == 0x04) {
  int i;
  mrfiPacket_t packet;                  //*** Initiate packet
  MRFI_Transmit(&packet, MRFI_TX_TYPE_FORCED);      //*** Send Packet
  P1OUT ^= 0x01;                    //*** Toggle Pout1.0 (RED LED) for Debugging
    for (i=0;i<30000;i++) 
    {               //*** Wait for next cycle

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