我预计最大范围为7 - 8年(通过入学研究收集的总时间数据)。
我已经发布了我的代码和下面的输出:是否有人看到问题,以及我如何处理日期 基本上,我取总范围和主题间隔并将其转换为天数。
def timeplot(dt):
# -- get time length
dt = dt.reset_index()
pd.to_datetime( dt['realtime'] )
#print dt.dtypes #print( dt.head(1) )
grpt = dt.groupby('subject_id')['realtime']
# -- timestamps min, max
subj_min = grpt.min() ; subj_max = grpt.max() ;descr = grpt.describe()
# -- time range to ints
# no. of days between (int)
mn = subj_max - subj_min
intdy = mn.map(lambda x: int(x.days))
#intsj = subj_min.map(lambda x: int(x.days))
#print('#deltaT', mn)
#print('days ', mn.map(type) )
print('day as int**: ', intdy )
# -- y is number of subjects,
y = xrange( dt.subject_id.nunique() )
# -- x is days int
mmin = dt.realtime.min()
mmax = dt.realtime.max()
mlen = mmax - mmin;
totdys = int(mlen.days)
# [mmin .. (min .. x1/2 .. max) .. mmax]
subrange = subj_min - mmin
subrdays = subrange.map(lambda x: int(x.days) )
#print('##! ', len(subrdays), subrdays[:10])
x5 = subrdays + intdy/2
print( '## ', totdys, len(y), len(x5) )
# plot
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.errorbar( x5, y, xerr=(intdy*10), fmt='ok', ecolor='grey',elinewidth=50, alpha=0.9)
由于某种原因,错误栏也是垂直的(猜测这只是一个缩放问题..) 我试图让我的情节看起来更像下面的情节。