Sub FoldernamesToListbox(lookin As String)
directory = Dir$(lookin & "*.*", vbDirectory)
Do While Len(directory)
If directory <> "." And directory <> ".." And GetAttr(lookin & directory) And vbDirectory Then
MyBox.AddItem directory
End If
directory = Dir$()
End Sub
为了创建一个将其读入数组的函数,我创建了一个额外的函数来计算子文件夹的数量,与上面的子文件非常相似,以便为数组提供一个大小,从而避免缓慢的# 34; ReDim Preserve&#34;调用
Function CountFolders(lookinPath As String) As Integer
j = 0
directory = Dir$(lookinPath & "*.*", vbDirectory)
Do While Len(directory)
If directory <> "." And directory <> ".." And GetAttr(lookinPath & directory) And vbDirectory Then
j = j + 1
End If
directory = Dir$()
CountFolders = j
End Function
但是,当我在新函数中使用计数函数将文件夹名称添加到数组时,函数中的Dir $()命令似乎有错误:
Sub FoldernamesToArray(lookin As String)
Dim MyArray() As Variant
ReDim MyArray(CountFolders(lookin))
directory = Dir$(lookin & "*.*", vbDirectory)
j = 0
Do While Len(directory)
If directory <> "." And directory <> ".." And GetAttr(lookin & directory) And vbDirectory Then
j = j + 1
MyArray(j) = directory
End If
directory = Dir$() 'ERROR OCCURS HERE
End Sub
由于存在对CountFolders的函数调用,这似乎正在发生。如果我对函数中的数字进行硬编码,它似乎运行正常。 Dir $()函数或GetAttr导致此问题的属性是什么?
答案 0 :(得分:0)
我不确定你是通过这个分别计算fsub文件夹的appraoch得到任何东西:使用Redim Preserve
可能较少开销,而不是在文件夹结构上循环两次。< / p>
Function CountFolders(lookinPath As String) As Integer
j = 0
directory = Dir$(lookinPath & "*.*", vbDirectory)
Do While Len(directory)
If directory <> "." And directory <> ".." Then
If GetAttr(lookinPath & directory) And vbDirectory Then
j = j + 1
End If
End If
directory = Dir$()
Debug.Print lookinPath, j
CountFolders = j
End Function
Sub FoldernamesToArray(lookin As String)
Dim MyArray() As Variant
If Not lookin Like "*\" Then lookin = lookin & "\" '<<added
ReDim MyArray(1 To CountFolders(lookin))
directory = Dir$(lookin & "*.*", vbDirectory)
j = 0
Do While Len(directory)
If directory <> "." And directory <> ".." And _
GetAttr(lookin & directory) And vbDirectory Then
j = j + 1
MyArray(j) = directory
End If
directory = Dir$() 'ERROR OCCURS HERE
Debug.Print Join(MyArray, ", ")
End Sub
Sub tester()
FoldernamesToArray "C:\_Stuff\test\"
FoldernamesToArray "C:\_Stuff\test"
End Sub